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6rant6's avatar

What's your excuse for not eating better?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) December 7th, 2009

Mostly, people know how to eat better. For most of us it means less sugar, less animal fat, more vegetables. What is it that keeps you from eating what you the way you should?

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45 Answers

sevenfourteen's avatar

finals next week, but I bought apples :)

rangerr's avatar

I’m in college.

flameboi's avatar

bad things taste sooo good….

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’m in college, live on my own, and have a tiny kitchen.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Lack of time mostly. I often eat on the run and just grab what I can get quickly and what is easy to eat while I am running around. That is not a good excuse but it is my excuse and I’m sticking to it :P

Jude's avatar

Lack of self-discipline.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Lack of weight gain. My unhealthy eating habits have yet to show on my body. When I start to look like an unhealthy eater, I’ll consider changing my ways.

BraveWarrior's avatar

I would eat much better if the healthier food choices weren’t so much more expensive. Like whole wheat pasta being more expensive then regular pasta. Like organic food being lots more expensive then their counterparts. Even buying fresh food is usually more expensive than buying already made frozen food. This is sooooo frustrating to me!

sliceswiththings's avatar

As other have said, I’m in college. No more parents to cook veggies, and why would I choose to eat them? Ew!

MissAnthrope's avatar

Lack of self-discipline, being kind of a hedonist at heart, and pure laziness.

Edit: Also what @BraveWarrior said.. bad food is cheap and I’m always broke.

Gokey's avatar

College student who can’t cook – only knows how to stick things in microwaves. I’ve even tried baking cookies before and they turned into chocolate-chip pancakes.

stratman37's avatar

For me, it comes down to a QUALITY(vs quantity) of life issue. I eat all the red meat I can get my hands on, because I don’t want to live to be 101 if it means I don’t enjoy what I eat.
If I stay active, I feel like I can get away with it for a lot longer than if I became a vegan and only added a few more years to my life.

rangerr's avatar

I’m in college, but I’m vegetarian and I can cook. It’s the time to do it that I’m lacking.

CMaz's avatar

Not eating better.

sliceswiththings's avatar

@rangerr Exactly. Haven’t had much more than pasta brought places in tupperwares the past few weeks:(

rangerr's avatar

@sliceswiththings For the past week, i’ve had coffee, Amp, water, Poptarts and toaster strudels. Oh, and leftovers from Thanksgiving. Finals are killing me.

coffeenut's avatar

I don’t care what’s good or bad for me, I only care about what I like eating. I couldn’t care less if I don’t reach 65+
I also smoke and drink a lot of coffee

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I have a full time job and 2 kids under 4

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Lazy logic. If I wait too long to eat a meal then I’ll usually just wait for the next one to come up instead of eating late or interrupting my schedule. This isn’t good because I get short tempered and sleepy. This happens a lot with my dinner meal but I tell myself skipping dinner is less harmful than skipping breakfast or lunch. Lazy, told ya.

Sabotage82's avatar

I’d say you guys that make excuses are the ones that will most likely die first. Oh, and my excuse is that i train like a mad man and actually use what my body takes in.

Medlang's avatar

I’m having too much fun eating poorly =p

nebule's avatar

Has to be the emotional trauma card for me – I’m lonely and need food…it’s my friend and doesn’t judge me…
Yes. yes, it does make me feel warm and gooey and cuddly inside, when nothing else does.
But I think it is tearing my body and mind apart so I really might have to think about stopping, even though I have actually lost weight… something doesn’t add up…

mass_pike4's avatar

I trying to eat unhealthy while i can because I’m young. I know pigging out later in life will not be an option and healthy eating habits will be something I will have to follow for a lifetime. I do not want expensive health care coverage

tyrantxseries's avatar

@coffeenut lol
answers wile having a cigarette, eating large fries, about to eat a Burger King triple stacker w/ extra cheese and bacon, and drinking a 2L coke
I don’t think about “healthy eating habits”, I think about “What do I want to eat”, I’m not a “health nut” just a nut other than that ..oh well

and if I live to see 50, I’m good

Pazza's avatar

Macdonalds hasn’t gone bust yet….......
But we can always hope!

evegrimm's avatar

A mix of the above…time, money, tastiness or lack therof…

Although I am doing okay, I need to eat more fruits and veggies. Hell, I need to eat more, period. :P

Also, since it is Finals time (f*** you, college), I am eating lots of sugary, salty and carb-y items. It’s the stress.

Justnice's avatar

I’m skinny so I think I can eat whatever I want! I’m pretty healthy though

sevenfourteen's avatar

@Justnice lucky

college finals basically mean 8 tests and 8 lbs in one week…

chelseababyy's avatar

I honestly just don’t get hungry some days.

Justnice's avatar

I’m in college too! And I have finals soon. I just try not to stress. So just keep in control and you won’t gain weight

sevenfourteen's avatar

@Justnice well you see I don’t stress a whole lot either but I have no money left to eat and this is when the school starts doing free food from different clubs almost every night. Take for example tonight:
I have a spanish exam and an anatomy lab practical tomorrow so after studying for a bit I decided to go to the gym and work it off. As I was leaving the gym I missed the first shuttle home and thought it’d be a good idea to warm up in the cafe. Too bad the student government associate ordered tons of food and all my friends were there- I wasn’t going to pass up pizza, pasta, and wings!! (hense 8 lbs cause now adays I’ll eat when they offer)

Garebo's avatar

Being lazy and in a hurry, but once you learn to eat right, then it comes naturally and is simple and enjoyable.

le_inferno's avatar

I don’t gain weight.

deni's avatar

i haven’t gained enough weight to do anything about it yet. i’m not SKINNY but i’m just not fat…i just talked to my boyfriend tonight about how much he likes my “food baby” (gut, to the late person), now nicknamed Guillermo for conversational purposes. He said “Do you know how disappointed I would be if I touched your stomach and it was flat as a board?” I had to laugh.

nebule's avatar

@Garebo loving the new avatar

MissAnthrope's avatar

@le_inferno – You suck. Not really, I’m just jealous. :) All I have to do is look at a piece of cake and I put on five pounds. I have the slowest metabolism on the planet and I hate it!!

Pazza's avatar

Just wait untill you have your first child, an then tell me you don’t put on weight!
you havent got any kids yet have you!?!.....

le_inferno's avatar

No I haven’t had kids. Well, being pregnant forces you to gain weight, so of course I will gain weight when I have a child. But I don’t plan on keeping the weight. Some people have to work harder at it than others. I’m just fortunate enough to naturally have a fast metabolism, I’ve always been thin.
Studies have been done in support of a “set point”: the weight you stay at when you’re not trying to gain or lose. It can vary 10 percent in either direction. Like…a woman with a set point of 150 lbs could weigh anywhere from 135–165. If her weight goes under or over this range, she’ll either get an insatiable urge to eat or a loss of appetite to bring fat levels back into line.
Heavy people kinda get screwed because when they diet, the body’s metabolism slows down to conserve energy and fat reserves. But when slender people overeat, their metabolisms just speed up, burning energy. There was a study where thin people took in an extra 1,000 calories didn’t gain weight, only became way more energized. In another study, heavy people dieted and thin people gorged themselves. It was equally difficult for both groups to change their weight. And when the study ended, the slender people lost weight as fast as dieters gained it back.

In a nutshell, body weight is strongly affected by genetic factors. There’s an interaction of metabolism, fat cells, and hormones that keep people at the weight their bodies are designed to be. So even if I have kids, that doesn’t mean I will permanently gain weight. FIN.

Pazza's avatar

WOW…. no I won’t would have done haha.

Alls I can say is though I’m not female myself, since I hit 30 I’ve been gaining weight ever so slightly each year, tho not much its still gaining. I used to be stick thin right up until my wife had three kids, now I think I’m gaining sympathy pounds.

Maybe I should eat like I used to an I’l loose weight?

DominicX's avatar

My reason is pretty much what @le_inferno said. Now, mind you, I don’t eat that badly compared to many people I know, so I’m not overly concerned, but I really don’t gain any weight. I’ve been skinny as a wire forever and there’s no motivation for me to make drastic changes. Just for my own health, I don’t like to eat particularly badly, but I’m sure people could find 741 things wrong with the way I eat. But whatevs. I’m doing well so far…

Berserker's avatar

I’m poor.

mellow_girl's avatar

there is no excuse, i just dont do it…

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