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CMaz's avatar

Is it true. Nothing changes except the date?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) December 8th, 2009

I recently watched The Great Dictator.

It is a Charlie Chaplin movie. Released in 1940.

Here is a clip from the movie that really touched me:

It seems that the same concerns are still in question.
I have always felt this… But…
Is it true? Nothing changes except the date?

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11 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

you said it bro

ninjacolin's avatar

i don’t know. i believe the only thing that causes evil is ignorance. war itself is no more than a major ad baculum fallacy in the absence of knowing what else to do. while it’s probably true that there will always be some who through their ignorance resort to violent measures, it doesn’t seem impossible that one day we could at least have a dominate majority who all know the value and ways of peace.

YARNLADY's avatar

Until there is a major paradigm shift in human thinking and behavior, it will always be.

filmfann's avatar

Chaplin was a genius.

tinyfaery's avatar

Does the date change? I hadn’t noticed.

Darwin's avatar

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana (1863–1952) and since so many of us refuse to study history unless forced to in school, many are doomed to repeat it. Thus, for them only the date changes.

CMaz's avatar

Good point.

ninjacolin's avatar

^^ hence, “ignorance”.. in this case, of the past. just so you understand why i say ignorance is the only problem. “what you don’t know could kill you” and all that.

mattbrowne's avatar

Some things change and some don’t. Human beings will always have conflicts, but I do see a trend toward resolving issues without having to resort to war. No world war since 1945.

We have also become more efficient helping each when there are natural disasters. Just take the 2004 tsunami. Amazing.

We’re having an economic recession, but not a depression like in 1929.

There is hope. Every year the world gets a little better.

Berserker's avatar

History tends to repeat itself…some may think that we need to evolve when it comes to morality or concern for our fellow man, some think that we have, but I think we’ve always been the same.
All that changes are the means to perpetuate our nature, not much else. And the date, too.

I find it funny when people go; the good old days. What good old days? Where women were inferior and diseases were the curse of God? Bah. But it’s still the same in many countries.

The blueprint for weaponry changes, and again, yes, the date, but our nature and the intent which it prioritizes remain the same.

SABOTEUR's avatar

is the only moment
there is.

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