hey @trapped person. i’ve got a friend who i’m worried about turning into you. she doesn’t believe me that spending more time socially would be worth more to her than killing herself over her education.. and her dream is even to be a teacher. Anyway, @trapped, my two cents has been given away a few times now on this site. take it or leave it, it goes like this: Life is what you remember.
You call yours a “miserable” life. What I’m hearing when you say that is this: “everything I can remember and ponder about my existence happens to create the emotion of misery in me.” Now, consider what someone with a “great” life would be saying: “everything I can remember and ponder about my existence happens to create the emotion of happiness in me.”
If you want to believe that you’re eating an ice cream cone, what do you have to do?
You have to be eating an ice cream cone. You can’t just believe it by choice alone. You have to have evidence. It’s the same thing with your life. If you want to be able to believe that your life is something other than what it is, you have to actually be living it differently than you have been. If you continue to live the exact way that you have been living, you are only creating more and more memories of the sort that do not benefit your emotional state. It’s simply cause and effect.
A lot of depressed people think to themselves: “But I don’t want to go out!” foolishly thinking that they are doing themselves a favor, often they say: “oh, it’s not really “me” to be going out. i’m suppose to do what i “want”!” However, these people are wrong. They are wrong about what they ultimately “want” for themselves. They do want to go out, because going out will give them different memories than the ones they have been creating so far. The ones that have resulted in their depression. They need to create different memories. Ones that produce a different result. Changing your memories = Changing your life.
I don’t know exactly. I do know that you can’t just quit them because they affect all kinds of chemicals. However, my major malfunction when it comes to prescribed drugs is that the doctors tend to be trying to merely make you Content with the shitty decisions you are used to making, such as: “I’m staying home!” When in actuality, the problem is your decisions themselves. Those decisions are what have been leading you towards depression, not you.
You aren’t depressed. Your memories just suck. Depression is your body’s way of telling you that your memories are really really shitty so far and that change is needed. New, better, and a more happifing set of memories are needed. Once you have those happyifying memories, you won’t be able to believe that your memories suck. Once you no longer believe that your memories suck, you won’t be able to claim that you are depressed.
This is how I see things. All you need is new memories. You need a lot though to compensate for 37 years of shitty memories. But you can use those past 37 years as a guide for yourself of what not to do. Imagine if you had that guide 15 years ago! You’re better off now than you were. You have way more knowledge about what kinds of memories you need to be creating for yourself than you did when you were a teen. Don’t regret the past, that’s a waste of time. Instead, just learn from it. Apply your knowledge.
You need to develop new habits and that takes time and patience. When you feel yourself getting lazy, you have to recognize that as a signal. A trigger that tells you: “This good thing I don’t feel like doing is EXACTLY what I am going to do.” Write this on a piece of paper and keep it in your back pocket. When you feel sluggish, pull it out and read it out loud with enthusiasm. Several times until you believe it and until you do it. Yes, really.
And when you fail to do everything perfectly, understand that there is a learning curve to change. Change is abrasive. That resistance is itself a signal telling you that you are living IN a period of change. You are literally warping from one person to another. That resistance is merely the vibrations of the process of time travel between the old you and the new you. You will resist yourself a lot at first. And it will keep getting better and easier the closer you get to your goal. Eventually you will have a habit of being the new you. It takes time and it’s worth it. Start now.
(sorry for the long post)