General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

I was rear ended by a car yesterday and the guy doesn't have insurance. What are my options?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) December 8th, 2009

By the time I knew this (he gave me expired information at the scene) I had already reported the accident to my insurance company. Now he tells me he’ll pay for my damages, which I believe are simply cosmetic, and not very bad. He said to give him a mechanics quote and he’ll pay for it.

My insurance company has his information, and I am sure they have since figured out that this guy is not insured. Plus, I wasn’t just rear ended, but I hit the car in front of me. Both the front car and the my car were stopped.

What should I do? I’m not sure how I should/could handle this.

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12 Answers

Allie's avatar

Are there charges from the car in front of you that you hit?
Can you just give the guy the estimate from the repair company and let him pay for it like he told you to?
If it wasn’t your fault, I don’t think your insurance company will make you pay for it even if the other guy doesn’t. Right? I don’t know.

faye's avatar

Talk to your insurance agent. Won’t they help you? They are getting paid to.

hearkat's avatar

Was there any damage to the car in front of you? If you were pushed into him by the collision in your rear-end, then you are not at fault for those damages. But that person may not feel so casual about the damages. Did they also get the insurance information?

If you don’t report it, you may not get reimbursed – you have to take the dude at his word. You will be charged for the estimate, and they will deduct that from the cost of the repair, should you use that shop to fix it.

I’d discuss it with your insurance company/agent. It will probably wind up being reported to the police, and the guy who hit you may get in trouble depending on your state’s insurance laws.

JLeslie's avatar

I think the insurance company will pay for everything, minus whatever deductable you have, and then try to get some of it back from the guy who hit you I would guess? I think you probably have coverage for uninsured drivers.

Also, I once reported an accident to my insurance company, but then when I found out the fix was only a little more than my deductable I called the insurance back, explained, and they said they would take care of it, so I think it was not a claim on my insurance technically? Not sure if that helps you?

trailsillustrated's avatar

its a misdemeanor to not have insurance so file an accident report and you can sue in small claims good luck

Darwin's avatar

Talk to your insurance agent. That’s part of the reason you give him or her money each month.

filmfann's avatar

Give your insurance agent all the information.
Let them handle it. That’s what you pay them for.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would at least notify the police. That way you have something to fall back on if you have to go to court to collect damages. I agree with the others that your insurance agent should be your first call.

Judi's avatar

Did you have full coverage on your car? Do you have uninsured motorist coverage? I would let your insurance company handle it. They will probably cover your damage and negotiate reimbursement with the other party. That’s why you have insurance, so you don’t ever have to deal with these people again.

flameboi's avatar

What Tiger’s wife did!! (not hiding, get a golf club…)

jca's avatar

different states have different laws. the insurance company insures you so they can help you in situations like this. talk to your agent. i would think the guy might be in legal trouble for driving without insurance, as well. it’s good to have the police involved because the guy who hit you should not get away with driving without insurance. he is lucky nobody was injured or no major damage was done.

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

Try and make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage next time if you didn’t already.
It is very inexpensive. I’ll never take the chances of not having it just for this reason.
Good luck.

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