What is the most dishonorable thing you've ever done?
I once got someone fired because I simply didn’t want the extra work required on my part to supervise him. He didn’t do anything wrong, he was not doing anything differently than he had been doing before I became his supervisor – I was only reacting to the situation I was put in by the head of the company (I was next in command, it was a small outfit) because the owner was too incompetent to train me – I had to stumble along on my own figuring out how to get stuff done, and I didn’t have enough time in the day to deal with this guy – so I actively campaigned for his termination. I turned his life upside down, on purpose. The shitty part was I was friendly with him, he was a guy I had come to know and like on a certain level (I had been with the company for a year at the time of the promotion that made me his boss) – so it was a little more cutthroat than if he was simply employee_09. What have you done on purpose tha was dishonorable (if anything)?
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27 Answers
Accepted an award for killing a man.
Lie. Lying to someone who trusts you with all her heart was one of the most shameful things I’ve done. Lying to myself about it comes right after that.
Probably more than I can count, in a million different ways.
I try to live by a certain moral and ethical code, so I can’t think of many right now.. I’m sure as people tell their tales, I’ll be reminded of them because I’m by no means perfect and I know I’ve done shitty things to people in the past. The only people I got fired really deserved it, through gross incompetence or stealing or something.
Lying is one. Cheating on schoolwork another. Plagiarizing (but changing wording/syntax) because I’m lazy and think a lot of my assignments are pointless and total B.S.
side note: This is the hardest question to answer I’ve seen on Fluther in a while. We’re always supposed to be so perfect in Western thought. It’s so hard to admit when we did something terrible
@gemiwing I’ve wanted to ask this for awhile.
For clarification, what I meant to ask is “What is the most dishonorable thing you’ve done to another person, on purpose”
I made some serious mistakes in the course of ending my marriage. Some of these mistakes were incredibly dishonorable to my ex husband. I am very, very sorry for what I did. I wish I could go back and change them, but I can’t and I will have to live with it.
When I was old enough to know better, I refused to tell a girl that the can of soda another child offered her on our school bus was filled with urine, and only because I thought she was ugly and I hated hearing her voice, which I considered nasal, whiny and annoying.
There was no good reason for us to pick on this child and we all did so that year, mercilessly. She got off at school and at her home stop every day in tears. I think once I even hit her. Unfortunately, she had the same first name as a dog that we’d all seen on a cartoon in Banana Splits reruns and just went out of our way to call her names based on it.
It’s the first that came to mind. I’m sure I’ve done other shitty things, as well.
Wow. This is a mirror of my third question on fluther, “What is the worst thing you have ever done?” Y’all were a buncha tightmouthed joiks about it back then; most of the answers I got were “It’s none of your business.”
I told my best friend’s mom he was bulimic, and it ruined our friendship. Pretty effin dishonorable.
If he really was bulimic, I’d disagree with that. It could possibly have saved his life.
But if he really wasn’t, then yeah.
I said that my best friend’s sister was a slut back when we were in high school. See, I was in love with my best friend (and was very closeted). My best friend did something to upset me and I was hurt deeply because I cared about her so much. Calling her sister a slut was out of anger/hurt. Anyhow, I ended up getting a punch in the mouth in the middle our high school cafeteria because of it.
Oh, and I lied and cheated on a quiz or two back when I was in school. Also, I broke a lamp and blamed it on my cousin. I went to confession and cleared that up with the Big Guy. We’re cool now.
@Buttonstc My bad; I should have clarified. He had been bulimic in the past, and has had body image issues his whole life. He had lipo at 17 (didn’t need it – I saw the before-pics), and was terrified of putting the weight back on. The first round of trouble, freshman year in college, my friends and I just tried to help him out without going to anybody about it – but then when our mutual best friend told me he was back at it again our sophomore year, I didn’t talk to him about it but instead went to his mom. I thought I was doing the right thing; his mom thought this other girl was lying to me – and because my friend has never spoken to me again, I will never know the facts of the matter. Maybe he really wasn’t bulimic at the time, but I and someone I trust saw the signs of it happening again… I regret not doing more personal investigation. But regardless, I feel that I should have just kept my damn trap shut because what people do with their own bodies is their own business. Can you tell this episode shaped my thoughts on addiction and intervention?
@wildpotato – I had a friend in high school that was bulimic. I don’t think you should feel bad at all about telling his mom. You did the right thing, whether he was actively practicing it or not. He probably got pissed because you blew the cover off of what he was doing, but you probably really helped him when all is said and done.
There is nothing dishonorable about what you did. Sometimes people don’t appreciate this sort of help and don’t realize it means someone loves them. They just get upset because they can’t do the thing they rely on to feel better. The fault here lies in your friend not being able to realize you were being an excellent friend, not in you. <3
Erp. Brain lapse. Yes, I meant you. :)
When I was 8 on the farm of my uncle, I loaded my squirt gun with semi-liquid manure, then enjoyed firing away at my cousin. My aunt was not amused.
Not enough confidentiality here to share.
But understand it will always haunt me.
And, I have learned from it.
I dated my ex-boyfriend’s father without him knowing (this was after I had broken up with the son). The father did have a girlfriend of like 8 years and they had a child together. I guess you could call me a homewrecker. Of course, this is a horrible thing but I don’t necessarily regret it because this man turned out to be the love of my life
When I was a little kid, we all ordered what kind of bagels we wanted weeks in advance.
When the time came, I changed my mind. I wanted a different bagel, so I took it.
This girl was all depressed and started crying because she didn’t get her bagel. I still feel guilty. I didn’t come forward at the time because I didn’t want to admit to the crime… but I have always felt guilty.
Also, anytime I distrust someone I feel incredibly guilty.
Why am I getting great answers for a dishonorable thing?! This isn’t a good thing people!
Honesty, @mowens. It’s for the honesty.
I feel kinda bad now for asking this.
“Hey guys, search your memory for some messed up shit you did, and share it with us!”
Good question.
But you will get honesty. Not a cheep thrill.
I slept with my sister’s boyfriend. It was the most awful thing I have ever done.
I don’t want to talk about it.
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