Social Question

Jude's avatar

That first sip of a good hot cup of coffee early in the a.m., climbing in your comfy bed and snuggling under the covers after a long day (you know that feeling). What are some other "feel good" moments?

Asked by Jude (32207points) December 9th, 2009

Ladies, undoing your brassiere and releasing the girls after a long day at work or when you’re getting ready for bed. Great feeling. :)

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72 Answers

robmandu's avatar

I second releasing the girls, even if all I’m doing is providing an assist.

cinddmel's avatar

I would have to say that my feel good moment is getting a kiss and hug from my husband when he gets home.
Also getting in the tub for a nice warm bubble bath.

Harp's avatar

A good sneeze, a morning stretch, peeing when you really need to go. And they’re all free!

Jude's avatar

Handing off your written final exam to the prof (assuming that you studied). Aaah, all done.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Spontaneous snuggle from loved ones.
A nuzzle and purr from your bestest kitteh pal.
Getting a seat on a crowded train.

Snarp's avatar

Taking the willingly offered hand of your three year old to cross the street. A big tight arms and legs hug from the same three year old when you lift him up.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Lying down in the grass in the sun.

Waking up and not getting out of bed for a little while.

Taking off your shoes and sitting down after being on your feet all day.

Getting into a hot shower when it’s cold out.

stratman37's avatar

Having my hair washed before getting it cut. I’m half tempted to slip the girl a twenty to keep that nozzle blasting on my noggin for 20 more minutes!

Buttonstc's avatar

As you begin to snuggle under the covers, your kitty hops up, circles around and settles in beside you purring madly.

Snarp's avatar

Getting out of this chair and out from in front of this computer and taking a long walk in the crisp air.

CMaz's avatar

A warm body next to me.
Feeling and knowing you are loved.
Loving another.

Jude's avatar

Holding the door for someone whilst out shopping and seeing them smile. Sitting down and striking up a conversation with an elderly person at a coffee shop when they’re all by themselves.

Brushing your teeth if you haven’t been able to for day or two (over nighter and you forgot your toothbrush).

75movies's avatar

When you slide yourself under a really nice quilt and your feet are greeted by a hot water bottle.

fireinthepriory's avatar

@Snarp If it weren’t 24ºF out and hailing here I would very much agree with you!! Usually walks outside are my favorite thing. I’d do it now if it were just snowing – but precipitation that can injure you is one step too far for me.

75movies's avatar

The moment when your SO realizes that you farted in bed. priceless.

jca's avatar

being stuck in the house on a saturday, with my favorite dinner cooking (and dessert waiting for after that), having some great magazines available and having all saturday day and night to stay in and relax.

a good sneeze, like Harp said.

weekend mornings -not having to jump out of bed as soon as i wake up.

a nice hot shower.

75movies's avatar

The moment the second foot leaves the ground on the first bicycle ride of the day. Woohoo!!!

stratman37's avatar

@75movies – DUTCH OVEN!!

Harp's avatar

Walking into an air-conditioned building on a Houston summer day.
Scratching a mosquito bite (until you stop).

Snarp's avatar

@fireinthepriory Yes, hail puts a damper on things

Jude's avatar

Seeing that the exit that you need to take is less than a 1 mile away, when you’re out on the highway and you’ve traveled so far to get home.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You’re on the road with your friends in the car and you spy, just over the trees, your favourite roller coaster! You’re almost at Six Flags! Yay!

tedibear's avatar

A hug from someone who cares about me. And that peeing thing that @Harp mentioned.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, you already named some of what would be in my top ten, getting into bed at night and taking off my bra. I also love:

- when my husband rubs my brow
– changing into my cotton loungewear or pjs when I get home from a long day
– drinking a coke (which I rarely indulge in since I quit caffiene over 10 years ago)
– Long make-out like teenage kisses with my husband (which don’t happen as much as I would like)
– I love walking onto my college campus on a sunny day. I go back every few years for a football game and have a great time every time. It is not just the overall good feelings I had while attending, but also my campus is especially beautiful with lots of foliage and manicured lawns.
– The ride Soarin’ at Disney is fantastic, feels like you are gliding and the locations are beautiful
– Looking out onto a majestic scene, can be mountains, or ocean, deep forest, natural beauty seems to bring a comfort and peace that I have only recognized in the last 10 years.
– Finally warming up after being cold and uncomfortable, I hate being cold.

75movies's avatar

Right when the lights dim in a movie theater.

JLeslie's avatar

I just remembered two more. When my husband laughs out loud while watching a sit-com. Makes me happy that he is enjoying himself. And, when my husband asks me to come with him, no matter were it is.

Gokey's avatar

smiles from strangers.
gloomy overcast weather.
laying ink on a fresh piece of bristol paper.
photography – trying to capture the beauty in everything.
developing film and the smell of fixer in the morning.
the hum of vacuum cleaners – they make me drowsy.
finishing my homework.
playing video games with my dad!
falling asleep with with my cat.
nice people who let me merge into traffic

CMaz's avatar

Let’s not forget what happens after that first cup of coffee in the morning.

I do luv that opportunity to catch up on some reading.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

* Definitely taking off my bra after work
* Washing and lotioning my feet after work
* Someone lightly rubbing my back while I settle down
* A nap during a storm

faye's avatar

Boxing Day!!

Sarcasm's avatar

Getting out of bed in the winter and taking a nice hot shower.
Getting out of bed in the summer and taking a nice an ice cold shower.

Changing out of these uncomfortable jeans.

Taking off other peoples’ bras after work.

Brushing my teeth.

Val123's avatar

Snow, fireplace!
Also, getting off of work on a Friday, heading into a three-day weekend!

CMaz's avatar

“Taking off other peoples’ bras after work.”

Amen brother!

Toooo funny!!

Jude's avatar

@faye ah, a fellow Canuck! That’s usually when I’m out shopping for myself. =)

faye's avatar

@jmah I am happily munching on leftovers and putting my feet up!!

Jude's avatar

@faye did you guys get hit with a ton of snow? So far, we’ve been lucky. Just a light dusting.

faye's avatar

Yes, highways closed, 6” for sure to shovel off my driveway, my daughter got stuck at a stop sign on a side street!

Haleth's avatar

@Gokey I love gloomy overcast weather, but I have a love/ hate relationship with bristol board. It was the required paper for almost every class when I was in art school. It’s a great drawing surface, but we all became so sick of it. Cracking open some new art supplies and starting a drawing is a feel good moment for sure. I love using a fresh stick of charcoal or graphite on a sheet of BFK Rives.

gemiwing's avatar

Rolling over in the night to put an arm around my husband.
Standing on the beach and closing your eyes to the wind.
The first bite of homemeade lasagna.
Taking your boots off after a ten mile hike.
A kitty burrowing their head in your arms.
A running-hug from a child who loves you.
A baby laying their head on your shoulder when they’re zonked out.
The feel of a new pillow.
Wrapping your arms around someone you love at the arrivals gate (can’t do that one anymore).

75movies's avatar

Realizing that the last bottle of wine is not in fact the last bottle of wine. Yes!

row4food's avatar

Shoving off from the dock for a morning row, just as the sun peeks over the tops of the trees.

flameboi's avatar

wine + everything but the girl + living room window
new socks :P
cooking for your loved ones
hugs at the airport
calls from unexpected ones
@astrochuck responding questions with his classic touch
a hug from the back
playing cd’s you have not heard in a while
catching that special song in the radio
sitting in your favorite table at you favorite spot just watching people passing by
the classic “do you remember…” conversation
driving with no rush to nowhere
passing by that someone that did bad things in your life and pretend you didn’t see her…
money in your jacket/jeans
when you see an old friend and he/she tells you, “oh my you look so good!”
old pictures in that shoebox
that shoebox…
a stolen kiss
a memorable moment in a movie that stays with you forever..
with a song attached to it…
that trip to the beach that was originated between a conversation and a cup of coffee after a night out
the smell of new (specially cds, even more cool when the cd’s keep that smell…)
the smell of old (specially of books, and when you read the notes you wrote on those books…)

Val123's avatar

Cuddling with your baby after they’ve had their warm bathy and they’re all wrapped up in cozy blankets, sleeping peacefully. It was a feeling of utter peace and well being for me…..

75movies's avatar

Falling asleep at the symphony. Best dreams ever.

Val123's avatar

@75movies I can only imagine!!

75movies's avatar

@Val123 it really is fantastic. And the Chicago Symphony Orchestra is really great.

Val123's avatar

@75movies So great that they put you to sleep! LOL! What kinds of dreams did you have? Chock full of color, I’ll bet!

Cupcake's avatar

taking off my bra
putting on pajamas after work
baking cookies
rubbing my teeth with my tongue after getting them polished at the dentist office
laying on a hot heating pad when my back hurts
eating Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark
taking a long hot shower
accomplishing some home owner task (hanging/planting/fixing something)
opening some new thing from the store that I’ve been thinking about buying forever
when my husband cradles my face in his hands and kisses me
when my 13 year old spontaneously hugs me and tells me he loves me
when I realize I haven’t yet watched something I’ve DVR’d
sleeping in and waking up refreshed

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

- Waking up in the morning and the sun coming through the blinds and landing on your bed… a sure sign of a perfect summer day to come.

- Stepping onto a baseball field as a player and smelling the fresh cut grass.. smelling the concessions.. seeing the fans all gathered around.. hearing the umpire yell “play ball!”

- Getting off of the plane from a foreign country to see your family again after over a year of separation

- That last ciggarette before bed when everyone is asleep and you have time to just relax.. enjoy the peace and quiet.. (I’m going to be giving this one up soon.. I’ll need a substitute… still trying to find one)

- The last little bit of ice cream in the cone that goes perfect with the criss cross bottom of the cone

- That look your child gives you that says “Daddy, I love you and I trust you unconditionally” (a look which gradually fades over time as they grow older.. hopefully it turns into “Dad, I love you, respect you, and trust you. You’re the greatest grandpa ever”

- The light up in the eyes of the giftee at the perfect gift

- That first snowman of the winter.. the snow couch you made for him to sit on.. and the “wow” look from the kids that you were able to create something so singularly marvelous and spectacular. Us adults could learn a lot from kids.

- That perfect night time scene.. lights glowing just so.. so that the image is burned into your memory.. this has happened only a few times in my life.. but when it does… it’s hard to explain.. it’s just awesome

- The pure joy of realizing that God does exist.. that He is love.. and that you have something to live for beyond just respiration and procreation

- Running across an old friend in a random place that you haven’t seen for years

- That one perfect movie that stays with you for a week or more afterwards.. the one that changes your life or your perspective on it

- That song

- That dance

- Gahd.. I’m such a dreamer.. I could go on forever with this stuff… but I gotta go back to work.. reality check… boooooo

75movies's avatar

@Val123 that great indeed and uber relaxing. probably doesn’t help matters that I have a few drinks before hand. A live loud symphony is a great backdrop for a dream.

I never remember that actual structure of a dream just the feeling that they leave in their wake. And the wake after the CSO is lovely.

kruger_d's avatar

Warm sun on bare skin on a cool day.

Val123's avatar

O! The feel of the setting sun on your skin, as the day is cooling off after a really HOT day! And the color is all cozy and warm…

jlm11f's avatar

I didn’t read all the other answers so I don’t know if this one has been said yet: That feeling you have after working hard for so long and knowing you can finally relax because you have a Christmas break etc. Such as after finals!! Oh I cannot wait for that feeling a week from this Friday

Also, waking up one morning and just spending the whole day with your family! The older you get, the harder it is to be able to spend time with family since everyone has their own busy schedule. And in my family, not everyone is always in the country at the same time!! We like to travel too much.

75movies's avatar

Finding out that she isn’t pregnant. Again.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Sitting down to watch the entire Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon!

A pot of coffee. A crisp day. The newspaper. And then climbing into the hot tub with all of them.

janbb's avatar

Changing into “play clothes” and clogs after work.

Settling down to read a new book in my reading chair.

deni's avatar

Oh man, when I worked midnight shift at UPS there was NOTHING like when I would come home, soo tired and sore and it was so late and I was dirty, and I’d get out of the shower and be so cold, and I’d climb into bed and a minute later I would be wrapped up in blankets like a cacoon and soo warm and just in HEAVEN. it was lovely.

otherwise…taking off my work shoes when i get home. they are so uncomfortable.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Waking up to an abnormally bright room, racing to the window and seeing the blanket of winter’s first snow.

faye's avatar

@aprilsimnel No, no, no, that’s the bad moment!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, @faye. It can’t be helped, for, you see, I was born in Buffalo and grew in Wisconsin. It’s in the blood for me to get that AHHHHH! feeling after the first snow.

faye's avatar

I must be way older than you! I only think of all the trouble snow causes. And I was born and raised in Alberta so need to go south

deni's avatar

@aprilsimnel AHHHH and it is undisturbed and perfect and sparkly. oh joy.

wildpotato's avatar

Jose Gonzalez.

Creating a thought with someone else. I mean things like finishing each other’s sentence and saying a word at the same time out loud after both pausing for a moment to try to come up with it. Marvelous feeling, that.

Stroking rose petals with my fingertips. Also, that first heady inhale of scent from sticking your nose into a rose.

Harmonizing. It gives me the shivers to play a duet with another clarinetist. I can barely believe that sounds of such beauty exist – there’s something about the two instruments sounding together that’s just…delicious.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Changing out of uncomfortable clothes or shoes.
Sitting down after walking for a really long time.
Standing up after being in the car for too long.

robmandu's avatar

Fingernails lightly up & down the back.

Val123's avatar

Peeing, anyone, when you’ve had to hold it for about an hour longer than you should?

robmandu's avatar

@Val123, I drink so much damn water all day that the last thing I can stand is having to go for a piss again. But that’s probably just me.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

Catching a really bad perp that has been running from the law and hiding for weeks for a really phucked up charge like child rape, robbing and beating an old lady, etc. I love it when they resist arrest…good times.
Telling a family that they will get justice and seeing it through. That’s the best.

Pazza's avatar

It may be ilegal, but its not against the law!

wildpotato's avatar

Whiskey curling warm through my insides a few moments after a shot.

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