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nikipedia's avatar

Women: how many orgasms is normal?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) December 9th, 2009

I use the term “normal” in the statistical sense (I am not trying to determine if there is something wrong with me). I am curious about what most women experience and what would make one an outlier. In order to help me generate a useful data set, please answer the following questions:

1. Do you have orgasms from sex?
2. How often do you have orgasms from sex?
3. Have you ever had more than one orgasm during a single sex session?
4. How often do you have more than one orgasm during a single sex session?
5. What is the maximum number of orgasms you think you’ve had during a sex session?

If I am missing any important considerations, feel free to make suggestions.

Thank you!

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97 Answers

faye's avatar

Yes, every time, yes, every time, 4–5. I should add that this is a few months ago. I miss sex!

CMaz's avatar

Don’t forget to add:

Do you squirt when you orgasm?

RandomMrdan's avatar

@ChazMaz I squirt every time…

stratman37's avatar

60% of the time, I squirt all the time!

JLeslie's avatar

No, I never have orgasms during sexual intercourse (most women I know don’t) unless I am stimulating my clit at the same time. I orgasm very easily though. Typically during a sexual encounter I have one orgasm, which is fine with me, sometimes two. I enjoy the sex itself, so I am not obsessed with the orgasm. Not sure the max I have had?? Probably 3.

stratman37's avatar

In the late 80s, Olympus cameras had an ad slogan: “Never Miss Another O”!

seeing_red's avatar

1. Yes
2. Every time I have sex
3. Oh yes
4. Occasionally
5. Six

JLeslie's avatar

@nikipedia Some people define sex as all sorts of kinds of sexual acts, seems since Clinton people are upset that oral sex is not considered sex, but I assume from “sex” you mean the act that can make people pregnant.

proXXi's avatar

Defining sex is not in the President’s job description…

Axemusica's avatar

I’m no woman, but thought I’d answer these 5 questions for shits and giggles, :)

1. Usually.
2. Most of the time.
3. Yes.
4. ehh it all depends, but I’d have to say not that often, but it does happen often.
5. During a single session? 4–5 I don’t remember there was a time when my ex and I were practicing for the Olympics or something and it was like from sun up to sun down.

Now, for my own input. It’s funny when I first started my sexploration most of the women I met weren’t very orgasmic and it was kind of discouraging. On the other hand, now I keep meeting ones that seem to be highly orgasmic, which is quite fun and amusing to me, lol. Although, I have found that having sex is about pleasure and fun, not always about the orgasm. I too, many a times have had great sex without “completion.”

dpworkin's avatar

What are you going to do with data from a self-selected sample where N<20?

stratman37's avatar

Clinton people – I love it.

faye's avatar

I should say that I’m including foreplay and afterplay in here so perhaps my answers should be different. But I taught myself years ago to let loose and enjoy and I often orgasm with the penis in the vagina route.

JLeslie's avatar

I think I should have put a comma? Since Clinton, people are upset that oral sex…

@proXXi I don’t get your point?

My point is, if my 16 year old came home saying, “I had sex,” my mind jumps to insert penis in vagina, not she gave the guy a blow job. Sorry to be so graphic :). Yet, many of my friends are upset that oral sex is not sex in my book, especially gay friends. Oral sex is oral sex, not what I think of when someone says sex. Just sayin’.

faye's avatar

And I know some young girls that have given oral sex but consider themselves still virgins.

stratman37's avatar

I’ve heard of some girls who’ve taken “in the back” and still consider themselves virgins!

JLeslie's avatar

@faye that’s my point, I think they are still virgins. You don’t?

casheroo's avatar

Yes, it is possible. But it takes quite a bit of work from both partners.

It’s hard to judge currently, since I’m pregnant and’s painful to have orgasms from sex (not when I do it to myself though, I have more control) Normally, I do not have orgasms each time we have sex, sometimes I have to work at it, and sometimes it just happens and it’s awesome. I’d say if we had sex 4–5 times a week, I’d have an orgasm every other week. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but for orgasm is not easy to achieve so it’s amazing when it does happen.

Yes, I’ve had multiple orgasms. I don’t think I’ve ever had more than two or three in one session. Honestly, once I have an orgasm from sex, the next orgasm is not as good and it starts to get painful from the friction and over sensitivity.

Multiples are rare, but I blame that on lack of time..mainly from having a toddler, and both of us being too tired for marathon sessions. It would be quite possible if we had long sessions though.

I’d say three. I cannot remember though.

I have a theory, that women who think they have an orgasm each time are not really having orgasms. They may think it feels amazing, but it’s no orgasm. I remember before I actually had an orgasm from sex, that I thought I was orgasming..but it never felt the same as when I would masturbate, so that always confused me. Then when it actually happened, I was thrilled and surprised..and sad at what I had been missing out on. I also don’t believe women who have more than ohh, I’d say 4(maybe 5) orgasms in one session. I think they are exaggerating. With that said, when masturbating, I think the number is unlimited.

JLeslie's avatar

@stratman37 I think they are still virgins. I think of virginity related to penis in vagina.

sjmc1989's avatar

Apparently ZERO. No wonder I’ve been bitchy lately

1. No I have only have had orgasm during sex once, even oral yes I know it is sad
2.Read answer above
3.See above
4.See above
5.Now I’m officially depressed

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Do you have orgasms from sex?
Yes, I have orgasms from penetration (if that’s what you mean) as well as by oral and manual stimulation.

How often do you have orgasms from sex?
99% of the time I have orgasms (by penetration) with each encounter. It’s pretty rare I can’t and feeling self conscious or insecure in the relationship is usually the culprit.

Have you ever had more than one orgasm during a single sex session?
I usually have more than one orgasm per encounter, probably an average of three.

How often do you have more than one orgasm during a single sex session?
Just about every encounter I know I’ll have at least two.

What is the maximum number of orgasms you think you’ve had during a sex session?
I’ve counted up to eight but I don’t count much anymore, I get too caught up in the moments.

proXXi's avatar

@JLeslie, I get your point now. I would consider my child (if I had one) a virgin until he/ she had coitus.

That said, if he/ she told me they had oral sex I would say they had sex.

I thought you were saying that Clintions cowardly excuse as to why he hadn’t had sex had actually influenced public opinion.

I just found that sad, that would not be leading by example.

JLeslie's avatar

@proXXi Clinton just seemed to open the discussion of what sex IS, if you know what I mean. :).

faye's avatar

I certainly admit that phsically they are virgins, but I call most activity with a penis sexual, the exception being if I’m putting a catheter thru it.

JLeslie's avatar

@faye LOL! I was just pointing out to the OP that we might be answering based on what we each consider sex. Do you have orgasms from sex? Well I don’t from my definition of sex, but I do from other peoples it seems. It will affect her data, because the question is unclear.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

It’s interesting about the “what makes for sex”:
My personal opinion is sex is separate from the virginity thing. In my mind, virginity is no penetration of the vagina or anus by a penis. All else is still sex though.

proXXi's avatar

I would submit that Clinton’s definition of sex was malipulated to serve his purpose.

Axemusica's avatar

“I certainly admit that phsically they are virgins, but I call most activity with a penis sexual, the exception being if I’m putting a catheter thru it.” ohhhh god I hate you, lol. I’m not going into details, but that hurts so bad. Not as bad as when I snapped my collar bone in 2 places, but it’s more of a burning pain. Like if you poured alcohol down there. ~cringes at the the thought~

tinyfaery's avatar

So, apparently what the wife and I do isn’t considered sex to some people. But…

I have an orgasm 99.9% of the time. When I dated men I’d say 80% of the time.

Yes I have had multiple orgasms, but only with the wife. When we first got together we used to go at it for hours. My max might have been around 5. We have been together for over 8 years now, so typically we have one orgasm each sex. But there are times when…

JLeslie's avatar

@tinyfaery It’s not that I think what you and your wife do is not on the level of hetero sex or something crazy like that. Like it is less legitimate. Your “sex” counts just as much as mine. I am just talking how each person interprets the word can be different. My sister is bi, and she is very annoyed when people don’t count oral sex as sex, but it is not that I don’t count it. I am just explaining that when someone uses the term sex, and I think of my own sexuality I think penis in vagina. I don’t feel like my definition is the “right” one. Just explaining for the reasons of this question. I don’t mean to offend anyone if I did. When my gay friends use the term sex, I know they are using the term in a different way.

But here’s the thing…men seem to be under the impression that women orgasm, or should orgasm just from staright penetrations, and most studies show most women don’t. It would be nice to get rid of that falsehood so women don’t have to feel bad if they are not able to climax just from penetration, and men won’t do a trip on themselves if a woman cannot reach climax that way. That was my point in clarifying.

faye's avatar

I think that’s why foreplay is so important to me. If I orgasm from clitoral play, then I can fwith penetration. [if I am remembering correctly]

Axemusica's avatar

@JLeslie Oh I’m very aware of the most men think it should be “Straight penetration” misconception. That’s why I’ve befriended my bestist buddy the hooded bean. We talk and play and have beautiful experiences together.

proXXi's avatar

There’s no such thing as foreplay (it’s all sex) : q !

faye's avatar

Some men don’t know that!

proXXi's avatar

That’s too bad, this one does, nom nom whee giggle!

proXXi's avatar

Thats life in the Post Aids Era

People learned to avoid coitus yet still have a good time.

casheroo's avatar

@tinyfaery lol when I was reading what people put, I was thinking “wow, there’s a lot of virgin lesbians out there!”

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

1. I have orgasms from oral or manual stimulation, not from intercourse
2. Every time I have sex, I have at least one orgasm
3. Yes
4. Generally I have two orgasms per session
5. Maximum number would probably be 4

CMaz's avatar

There are enough orgasms here to wallpaper a three bedroom home!

JLeslie's avatar

@casheroo so when you say you don’t often have orgasm from sex, you mean all types of sex, oral, penile, and when your husband touches you, excluding masturbation? Or, did you mean from penetration only? That is my only point. Not that anyone has to agree on a specific definition, just that the definition might matter for the question.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess we need @nikipedia to let us know what she meant for sure, what she was really interested in knowing.

nikipedia's avatar

@JLeslie: I left it intentionally ambiguous since people have all different kinds of sex.

JLeslie's avatar

@nikipedia Oh, then I change the first part of my answer, I orgasm 90% of the time during a sexual session. But, I have to say it is so open to interpretation I don’t understand how the information really means anything? But it is your question, I expect you have a purpose. :)

Jude's avatar

1. Yes ( I haven’t always, though, as it’s hard to get me to cum, but, my present girlfriend is rather talented)

2.. Every time through clitoral stimulation and vaginal (penetration using fingers/dildo) – lately, a g-spot orgasm every time.

3.Yes, it started out as a fabulously strong orgasm and led into a full-out g-spot orgasm. Pretty intense.

4.Again, lately, every time. In the past, %70 of the time (depending on the lover). When I was with the fellas—never. I was a good actress.

5. four times

casheroo's avatar

@JLeslie I, personally, do not have orgasms often from sex and was referring to penetration. For me, as a hetero female, sex is vaginal penetration. (I didn’t feel the need to clarify, as I assumed for hetero’s, we refer to sex as the same thing..oral sex is a specific type of sex, same with anal…so sex is penetration into the vagina. That’s my definition anyways.)
I never have orgasms from oral (we’re working on that), and the orgasms I have during sex are most likely from the friction of him being close to me, with clitoral stimulation.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have orgasms from oral sex and have had them during intercourse. Although I have never had intercourse with the man I am currently dating so it has been a while since that has happened. I orgasm every time we have sexual relations. I have multiple orgasm pretty much every time we have sex and my max is probably five.

JLeslie's avatar

@casheroo so you make my point, I don’t understand your comment to @tinyfaery

annie_lorraine's avatar

how did orgasms turn into a discussion about clinton??

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

1. Do you have orgasms from sex? yes I do. Mostly oral, but I can get off tribbing.
2. How often do you have orgasms from sex? nearly 100% of the time. Once in a blue moon after a million Margaritas I have a hard time getting over the edge.
3. Have you ever had more than one orgasm during a single sex session? Oh lord yes.
4. How often do you have more than one orgasm during a single sex session? Probably 75% of the time. My partner Jenn knows just the right time to sneak her little finger into my butt and sends me to my multiples….
5. What is the maximum number of orgasms you think you’ve had during a sex session? A session being a length in time in bed which could be hours….I dunno…maybe 8 or 9. If you are talking about, for example, me getting head from Jenn and then extra sweet stimulation, and then a little more, probably 3.

casheroo's avatar

@JLeslie Because she has sex with a woman, just because no penis is involved doesn’t mean it’s not sex. I’m starting to get confused, my comment to her was because of her comment

stratman37's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous – I’ve never heard it called tribbing

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

@Strat: Do you know what tribbing is? caution…explicit link

JLeslie's avatar

@casheroo my mistake I thought the undertone of your response was referring to how I was questioning how we were defining sex. I think I was just being self absorbed, thinking everyone was talking to me LOL. Never mind.

stratman37's avatar

Oh, I see. I thought you were talking about “doing your nails”

stratman37's avatar

Man, I need to get out of this thread before I need a file folder to hold in front of me just to walk down the hall here at work!

Jude's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous Woah. So, I guess that I missed the “caution…explicit link” part and went ahead and clicked on the link (laptop) while my sister was in the other room. Aaand, then the sound comes on. I couldn’t have clicked out of that window fast enough.

Tribbing – - – one of my favorites.

delirium's avatar

Woah, Susan, nice site.

delirium's avatar

Do you have orgasms from sex?
Not from penetrative sex alone. There has to be secondary stimulation. However most interactions don’t tend to have much to do with an orgasm for me. I enjoy it significantly even if I don’t come, and usually I’ll take care of it after.
I am also involved in a sub-dom sexual relationship with someone who is a trained dom and I have a bit of an oral fixation. I find myself more turned on by that and the rough play than anything else, and he likes making me come after, which is usually when I really want to anyways.

Have you ever had more than one orgasm during a single sex session?
I don’t know if I’ve ever had just one. On average it ends up being between four or five.

What is the maximum number of orgasms you think you’ve had during a sex session?
Probably ten or eleven, but that would be cycling through different kinds of orgasms and focusing on different things.

deni's avatar

I rarely orgasm from sex alone. Like @delirium said, there has to be secondary stimulation. Then it’s so easy. That being said, I don’t mind sex without an orgasm. I find the act of it and the closeness with my partner enjoyable enough to not be so concerned. And if I don’t orgasm during it, I usually do afterwards. Either way is fine by me.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I almost always orgasm during intercourse (unless I’m not trying). But I have to stimulate my clitoris or it just won’t happen. On average I have only one orgasm during sex.

evegrimm's avatar

I have yet to experience sex with another person, but speaking from, um, other experience, I usually only orgasm once. It’s also the most pleasant during “that time”, and during the other times, I can take it or leave it. Could be my somewhat religious upbringing marring the experience…damn.

Also, this may be TMI, but I know that I am not particularly sensitive “down there”. So I can’t imagine penetration bringing me to orgasm.

delirium's avatar

@evegrimm I don’t think you could call that TMI after the rest of the comments in this thread. Ideally, it’ll just make it harder for @stratman37 to walk down the hallway.

JLeslie's avatar

@evegrimm Although penetration alone does not cause me to orgasm, the most enjoyable orgasms are when I am penetrated so to speak. Doesn’t have to be with another person around, but for an orgasm without something inside of me it is almost frustrating and incomplete.

stratman37's avatar

just make it harder, right.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I agree with @JLeslie. Although I don’t orgasm from penetration alone, it does feel much better to orgasm when something is inside me.

JLeslie's avatar

@stratman37 I thought you were leaving this thread LOL!

stratman37's avatar

Yeah, I just didn’t hit the “stop following” button, and you girls were still talkin’, so…

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@stratman37 It’s addicting, isn’t it.

delirium's avatar

@stratman37 I’m happy you caught that. :D

delirium's avatar

@JLeslie @ItalianPrincess1217 I have to agree there too. Although I don’t mind not having something inside of me, feeling filled multiplies the sensation in general tenfold.

though if I go back and forth between the two, I can do it so many more times.

stratman37's avatar

@ItalianPrincess1217 – uh huh (blank stare, mouth agape)

delirium's avatar

I’m just surprised this thread isn’t growing in popularity.

stratman37's avatar

uh huh (blank stare, mouth agape)

delirium's avatar

Boys are fun. Particualrly playing with their… minds.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I’ve stuck around because A) I’m amazed and interested in hearing about the women who can actually experience multiple orgasms during sex and B) My sex life has sucked lately and this thread is turning me on!!

delirium's avatar

I think we broke him.

JLeslie's avatar

I would guess @ItalianPrincess1217 last line about being turned on will make his head spin, no pun intended.

proXXi's avatar

@stratman37 Grow up please ; )

delirium's avatar

I think that’s what he’s doing, although ‘up’ may be the wrong way of putting it… unless… hmm…

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

anybody leaving the thread to masturbate needs to give a full re-creation of that little recreation

JLeslie's avatar

This thread became crazy. LMAO.

proXXi's avatar

Jilling off.. Giggle!

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

It was great. No complaints!

stratman37's avatar

(flick), lighting a cigarette…

Cotton101's avatar

surprised the thread is going this far…if you mention the word sex, people become very interested!

DancinNymph's avatar

1. Do you have orgasms from sex? Always
2. How often do you have orgasms from sex? Never count
3. Have you ever had more than one orgasm during a single sex session? Always
4. How often do you have more than one orgasm during a single sex session? Always
5. What is the maximum number of orgasms you think you’ve had during a sex session? Have never counted, kinda busy..

Um..hope I did this right….we shall see

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