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Val123's avatar

Do you have any bizarre experiences from childhood that, to this day you'd swear were real, although intellectually, as an adult, you know that they couldn't have been?

Asked by Val123 (12739points) December 9th, 2009

When I was about three, my bedroom was connected to my parent’s room by a closet. I woke up one night, in the middle of the night, to see this family of four standing in my doorway, just looking at me. There was a Mom, a Dad and two kids, one short, one kind of tall, like an 8 year old. I could see right through them. They weren’t acting mean or anything, in fact, they were smiling at me. It scared the ever loving carp out of me anyway! I did NOT want to make friends with them, Sam I am! In a panic I tried to go through the closet to get to my parents room, but got all tangled up instead. Went back to bed and cried for my Mom. She stood in front of the door, and told me to just walk on through “them.” I did, and when I looked back I could still see them from behind. Absolutely freaking insane, and totally real, to this day.

Sometimes I wonder if little kids don’t just have vivid imaginations, but are perhaps more in tune with….the unseen parts of our world than jaded adults are….

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