Are you suited for the chat room?
I’m not much of a chatter. I hate small talk. I would rather talk with someone in person and look at their facial expressions. I am not a phone person either.
If I’m talking to someone via the internet I like to have time to respond, and not have to look at useless banter/flirting that you would get with chat rooms to get answers to my questions.
Why do you (or don’t you) like chat rooms? Do you find them helpful or are they just entertainment for you?
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42 Answers
they can be very revealing places.
I don’t like chat rooms in general, but I’m very fond of the Fluther chat room. Just last night, those of us who were in there were swapping baby pictures. It was a lot of fun. :)
I’m usually in my birthday suit when I’m in the chatroom, so yeah. I perfectly suited for it.
They can be cool but for some reason I feel like it’s going from a big living room into a cramped back room here on Fluther. Maybe it’s psychological because I’m a big guy so I need space. I don’t know. I feel stifled in small spaces and I hate people on top of me.
I’ve never even been to the chat room here…
In general, no, I’m not big on chat rooms. I like talking to people one on one through instant messaging, but chat rooms aren’t really my thing.
I miss the chatroom as well, mostly because you were always logged into it. You didn’t have to leave the site to go to it; it wasn’t a separate window that you had to dedicate yourself to. Also, there was no way of knowing who was on. That could be bad for some, but I liked it that way.
For some reason, chat format doesn’t work for me, but a message board does. I have a hard time putting my two cents into a conversation unless I’ve been specifically sought out or invited, in chat or in real life. I always feel like, why would all these people want to hear what I have to say? So I have trouble speaking up. For some reason, I can say whatever the hell I’m thinking in a forum, though. In real life, it’s something I struggle with all the time, so I force myself to initiate conversations or bring up topics to get more used to it. The only time I really feel comfortable talking is if I’m with people I know well or if I’ve been asked a question, my knowledge has been sought out, etc.
Any other chat rooms I’ve been involved in are almost closed to newbies. The one time I tried ‘our’ chatroom it was pleasant.
I love you guys! I don’t feel so alone anymore!
….sigh…. :)
Did you not get the new guideline requirements? Umm….your application was…um rejected…. awkward
No. The back and forth is too quick and I never know who is being addressed. I try, sometimes. It’s so stressful.
I’m glad you’re taking this well. :)
@tinyfaery That’s how I feel. Who wants stress?! not me, I’ve got enough!
I like it, but only when it’s filled with the right people.
@chelseababyy that sounds so cliquish. That is exactly what I hate about chat. :/
@ringaroundtherosie Uh, that’s about as clique-ish as me only hanging out with my friends and not the assholes down the street that I hate.
I like the chatroom. It feels like I’m talking directly to people. It might be crowded but it’s cozy in there.
we’re having a naked party. ~
@gggritso Assholes can get booted from chat, cliques can’t. Cliques can be an asshole as much as the asshole down the street. if not more
just sayin
My feelings in a Chat room. As well as the best Cure song ever.
Only when I’m in a good mood/ under the influence of some type of drug. I might pop an Ambien and head over there now lol
And what @chelseababyy said
Chat rooms take a while to get used to. The format is a lot different than something like Fluther, where you can take your time writing out answers. It’s less about discussion and more about small talk and general chaotic naked fun.
I kind of do agree with @chelseababyy, in that a chat room isn’t fun until you you are familiar with the people who frequent it. It takes time to get to know everyone, and to get acclimated to the culture. I don’t think the Fluther chat room is cliquish, but it could easily seem that way to someone who isn’t used to it, will all those messages flying all over in rapid succession, people jumping in and out and people calling each other by both their user-names and their real names and making references to something that was talked about several days before.
I love hanging out in the chat room when there are a few other people in there, but once there gets to be six or seven people there at once it gets overwhelming. Information overload. There are 13 people in there now and I can barely keep up. I’m going back and forth, and by the time I write six words here there are 9 new messages in the chat room.
@faye we loved you in the chat room. Come by more often.
I love our chat room. I get to have a group convo with my fluther friends.The interction is different and adds to the fluther experience. It gives you perspective into the personalities of the people who respond on the threads you visit and gives you insight which helps further understand how and why they answer the way they do.
@Dr_C much thanks, I’ll be back then! Mind you tell seventhsense I’m allowed!
Good song too but Lullaby to me is the marrow of the Cure. But you’ve got to crank it up loud to get the full effect. It’s awesome.
Ok fine but the entrance fee is mandatory. Just leave it in the basket
@ringaroundtherosie It’s not cliquish at all. I’m not saying that I only like a select few people, what I’m more or less saying is I like it with lots of people and without the ones I don’t like. Even if there’s one person I don’t really like much in there, it kind of kills the mood for me.
@chelseababyy You just described a clique. “I like it with lots of people and without the ones I don’t like”
It just makes it harder for outsiders to fit in. Insides jokes and all. just sayin, not attacking you. You seem like a nice person. :)
@loser hide under the covers with me :)
@ringaroundtherosie There are very few people I don’t like. Outsiders are more than welcome. I love making new friends. I just don’t like a few people and would rather them not be around me. Do I still talk with them? Sure. I’ll be civil. But if I feel like you’re an ass, why would I want you around. Ya know?
Thank you! You’re too sweet!
Wow… @SeventhSense before I even clicked on your link, that song started playing in my head…
What every modern emo band wishes they could be.
That depends on the chat room.many of the ones i have been in were merely pickup rooms.
I’ve been in it a few times, but I’m not sure if I fit it. The inside stories/jokes are overwhelming to me. Just tonight I made a few remarks and was ignored. My feelings aren’t hurt, but it does lead one to stray, like a dog who isn’t fed. It has to be give and take. Some people make the extra effort to welcome newbies; some shy away from them. I don’t think it’s malicious, mostly, but it is just a part of getting acclimated with new people.
@seeing_red Were you in the AB chat or the regular chat? I don’t think any quips in the regular chat get ignored. The AB chat is just too busy right now.
@gggritso The AB chat. I agree it’s been too busy in there. Like I said, no hurt feelings…it’s ok that you ignored me.~ ;)
@seeing_red Try again in a week or so in the regular chat :)
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