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serenityNOW's avatar

High quality flash tutorial site?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) February 22nd, 2008

I love the new PSD Tuts ( for my photoshop tutorial needs. Anyone know of a site on par with them for flash tutorials?

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3 Answers

paulc's avatar

The only place that comes to mind is – its been a while since I’ve checked it out but they do have a tutorials section. To my knowledge there’s nothing of the same calibre as for flash.

PupnTaco's avatar

fuzein's avatar

A great place where I learned a lot about Flash was . They have lots of tutuorials (although not as pretty as PSD Tuts). Another great way to find a tutorial you want is by doing a google search and just sifting through the options that way, sometimes you can find the tutorial you want through Adobe directly.

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