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nebule's avatar

What game should I buy myself for the Wii?

Asked by nebule (16472points) December 10th, 2009

I’m getting a Wii and would like some suggestions for games that I might like. I really like adventure games, platformy type games, not fighting ones or really really hard ones… I’m not into horror or gore… and I like cute things. I want to be kept interested entertained (obviously!) nothing too hard and nothing too easy. Any suggestions?

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22 Answers

Haroot's avatar

Animal Crossing City Folk. It will take over your life.

gemiwing's avatar

Endless Ocean! It’s the only game that I could play for hours. You swim in the ocean, take pictures of fish and you never die. Perfecto! You have to work to find certain fish (humpback whale) and you can train certain animals to be your helpers.

sniff. I miss that game so much

MissAusten's avatar

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (I think that’s the whole name). It’s cute, but not impossible to play without guidelines. There are areas where you have to figure out what to do to get to the next spot, but since my kids can usually figure it out I’m sure you could too! It’s a lot of fun to play, even for me and I don’t really like video games!

Once you beat a level, you can go back and play it again using different characters. There are items to collect, and once you’ve collected them you unlock “extras” like better powers or invincibility. There are five or six levels for each of the six Star Wars movies, so it isn’t the kind of game you’ll “beat” in one or two days. Then, there are bonus level areas.

Lego Indiana Jones is also a lot of fun. We have Lego Batman too, which the kids like, but doesn’t seem as clever as Star Wars or Indiana Jones. If you like those, they also have Lego Indiana Jones 2 available now (we’re giving it to the kids for Christmas) and sometime soon Lego Harry Potter Years 1–4 will be coming out!

I also like “Cooking Mama.” It’s silly and, for some reason, often harder than cooking in real life. If you mess up, Mama yells at you.

My daughter likes the Legend of Zelda games, which are really cool but very hard. You really can’t do much without looking up directions online or buying a guide. It drives me crazy!

nebule's avatar

@gemiwing that sounds ideal…and idyllic!! Don’t know if you’re aware but here it says that there is an Endless Ocean 2 out at the end of March!

@MissAusten I’m not really a Star Wars fan but thank you for your suggestions… I’ll check out the cooking thing!

@Haroot is it a bit like Sims?

MrItty's avatar

If you like Platform games, like the old days of Nintendo and Super Nintendo, you have to get New Super Mario Bros. Wii. And Super Mario Galaxy, for the same concept translated into three dimensions.

flameboi's avatar

the lego series :)

Haroot's avatar

@lynneblundell You could say that. It plays heavy on home decoration and has an actual clock. One day in real life is one day in game. Unlike Sims though you don’t have needs nor wants to worry about and don’t really get a job. You fish, catch bugs, do errands for neighbors, and other task to get money.

gemiwing's avatar

Ooooh! Endless Ocean 2 you say?

ubersiren's avatar

The New Super Mario Bros is awesome!

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Mario Kart Wii. It’s a lot of fun, especially with friends.

@Haroot Ohhh yes. I’ve recently gotten back into Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS, and I have played it every single day since then. I make a point of it… because the animals won’t like me if I don’t visit them daily. D: Okay, I make myself sound crazy by saying that, but it’s true. And the game is really fun. Moreso than it probably should be.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess isn’t exactly cutesy, but it’s an awesome game.

What’s nice about the Wii is you can buy older Nintendo console games through their store, so you can go back and play all the cutesy games of times gone past. Like Pokemon Snap. I just like to revel in its terrible graphics and cheesy voice acting.

Les's avatar

Super Mario Galaxy. Too much fun to be had in that game. Although, it is a real time sink, so beware.

erichw1504's avatar

Super Mario Galaxy and the second one will be released early 2010.

Les's avatar

@erichw1504 – Great minds think alike, I guess. I’m way too excited about the new Galaxy.

MrItty's avatar

@erichw1504 really? there’s a sequal on the horizon to SMG? That’s just about the best news I’ve had this week!

drClaw's avatar

Rock Band. Beatles edition is really cool, but any of them will be great fun with or without friends playing.

the100thmonkey's avatar

Wii fit is good fun.

nebule's avatar

Thanks Guys and Girlies, My sister’s boys have Super Mario Galaxy so they might lend it me and my dad has Mario Kart which is my sons favourite so he’s already promised us permanent share of that one. I’ve ordered the Endless Ocean as that sounds like amazing! And I’d love to get New Super Mario Bros… but I don’t think I would get much studying done then once my course starts at the end of January so,...(and of course…there is the small issue of money!!) ho hum… SOOOOOOO excited I can’t wait!!!!! Thank you for all your responses and do keep them coming as I will of course still be on the look out for more (birthday) ideas!!

master_mind413's avatar

the legend of zelda for wii is by far the best one there is for the wii it has a story line it has its intense moments but it isnt so sci fi’d out that it is star wars and it has an objective that is achievable but you have to work for by the way the graphics are awesome in it

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