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fireside's avatar

What do you think caused the blue spiral that appeared in the skies of Norway yesterday morning?

Asked by fireside (12368points) December 10th, 2009

Yesterday morning, December 9, 2009, around 8:00 local time a blue spiral was seen in the skies over Norway. There doesn’t seem to be any dispute that this was actually witnessed, but nobody seems to know what it was.

Here’s a video link to Brian Williams discussing the blue spiral on Nightly News

Article in the Daily Mail about the blue spiral with images and video.

What are your thoughts on this phenomenon?

Russian missile test?
Aliens on their way to Oslo?
Worm Hole caused by LHC?

What does the collective think about this, if anything?

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49 Answers

SundayKittens's avatar

That was insane! I saw it online. Jet fuel or missle tests are my guess. Scary that they’re denying it if so.
I wish it were a secret portal into a world full of kittens with wings and Nutella-filled swimming pools.

CMaz's avatar

That freaks me out! And, not much does.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Another big fuss over nothing.

erichw1504's avatar

It’s Quinn Mallory finally coming home!

fireside's avatar

@kikibirdjones – really? I would think that the Nutella swimming pools would get all full of cat hair and not be so appealing.

SundayKittens's avatar

oooh, good point. maybe cats in large plastic hamster balls.

Cupcake's avatar


Perhaps it’s God leaving earth as a result of our sins. ~

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol wtf… That is by far the weirdest thing Ive ever seen. Maybe the Mayans were a couple years off and thats the beginning of the end for all of us.
But I hope its something cool like aliens! they better bring back elvis

CMaz's avatar

I think a stargate opened in a bad place.

Just picturing SG1 falling from the sky…


anon's avatar

@ChazMaz Heh, made me chuckle that did.

Aren’t they saying it was definitely a failed missile now?

If not then it’s definitely Santa Claus on a practice run. I guess you shouldn’t drink and sleigh-ride too, huh?

Snarp's avatar

Russian missile test. For a pretty good explanation, followed by lots of wild speculation, look here.

CMaz's avatar

Russia says no. I mean ya never know. But…

Living in Florida, not far from the Space Center, I have see what failed rockets look like. Also what boosters look like falling away from the Space shuttle.

That went on a bit too long and was way too spectacular for it to be that.
Unless it was carrying some unusual payload.

ragingloli's avatar

Failed russian missile test.
I’d love it to be a genuine UFO sighting, but it so isn’t.

ubersiren's avatar

But Russia is denying it, right? I mean, I know absolutely nothing about weapons of any kind, but I don’t know how that could look like a missile test. Do they normally test missiles over populated towns? I wouldn’t say it’s a UFO, but more like some anomaly.

wundayatta's avatar

Looks like a kind of tornado, to me. Perhaps it was stirring up some dust or something that interacted with whatever light was available to create that blue glow.

Although I’m curious as to how the bright light in the center could be generated. Could there be some cloud generated electrical phenomenon? An unusual form of lightning?

Strauss's avatar

Crop circles in the Sky!

CMaz's avatar

That’s Ribbons in the Sky.

Strauss's avatar

@daloon maybe the dust particles were interacting with the ionization that seems to occur in the polar regions of the atmosphere.

fireside's avatar

@delirium – yeah, that article was linked in the one I referenced. There’s a video simulation here The one thing I wonder about that explanation is why the blue spiral didn’t fade when the white one did. I guess it was a different type of fuel that stayed in the atmosphere longer?

But Russian missile test is so boring of an explanation.

I happen to think it was a giant cosmic lollipop being offered to us.
Or maybe a cosmic toilet that got flushed?

delirium's avatar

The atmosphere sneezed!

ragingloli's avatar

Well, according to what i read, a lot of the missiles they tested failed, so such a failure of another test would be quite embarassing for their national pride. Of course they would try to hide it.

ubersiren's avatar

Well folks, it appears that Russia has confirmed it was a missile rocket shot from a submarine. Link

stratman37's avatar


charliebrown's avatar

oh come on people. a missile launch? puh-leeease. it’s definately a searchlight kind of thing.

ratboy's avatar

North Koreans take out Santa Claus.

CMaz's avatar

Darn it!
I want to see it again.

stratman37's avatar

Looks like Commissioner Gordon’s been hittin’ the juice before he turns on the Bat Signal!

Barcybarce's avatar

It’s actually all your bass are belong to us, and it’s clearly a portal, that all of us failed to travel through

delirium's avatar

So long and thanks for all the bass? I don’t think that’s right… I’m sure they like anchovies better.

Allie's avatar

Ok, so now that Russia has admitted it was a failed missile (which I read somewhere on one of those links above that it’s designed to carry nuclear weapons) I’m more curious about how this will affect relations between Russia and other nations, especially since they denied it at first.

proXXi's avatar

Number one reason Russia is fail? Reluctance to admit their mistakes.

Oppressed citizens don’t make good rockets…

erichw1504's avatar

@delirium Or maybe they like to “pump up the jams”?

proXXi's avatar

I knew Loli would have something to say about this…

ragingloli's avatar

The people were much more oppressed during the Cold War and their space programme was very far ahead of the American one until they lost interest in the moon (first satellite, first man in space, first spacewalk, first space station) and until the US had to bring in German POWs (can’t get much more oppressed than that) to design their missiles.
The SU in general made great military hardware (ak47, t34, mig29) until the collapse, after that and after becoming less oppressed, it went downhill.

forestGeek's avatar

I figured that it was R2D2 and C3PO entering our orbit in an escape pod while running from the evil Empire.

However, upon further reading, I am now certain it was an environment disaster in the making.

proXXi's avatar

Okay ; )

Darwin's avatar

Yes, the Russians admitted to it being a failed missile test. However, if that is the case, then what did Van Gogh see when he painted Starry Night? There were no Russian missiles back then.

ragingloli's avatar

assuming that he actually drew what he saw and did not draw anything that sprang out of his imagination

Snarp's avatar

@Darwin Yes, because Van Gogh was a realist. Oh, and he wasn’t mentally ill or anything. ~

anon's avatar

@Darwin He was obviously painting a secret portal into a world full of kittens with wings cats in large plastic hamster balls and Nutella-filled swimming pools.

hiphiphopflipflapflop's avatar

Oh boy, is this going to set the tinfoil hat crowd off.

Darwin's avatar

So, do we now have to link this thread to the conspiracy thread?

YARNLADY's avatar

It looks very much like the same thing that was reported over the skys of Moscow a couple of months ago.

Christian95's avatar

for me looks very much as a projection.Maybe some freak scientist were playing with their “toys”

Strauss's avatar

I still think it’s crop circles in the sky. The Russians just wanted to take credit for it!

MrsDufresne's avatar

I know what I hope caused it. Sheer awesomeness!!!

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