General Question

ragingloli's avatar

When you breathe in, does your belly expand, or your chest?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) December 10th, 2009

Also, post your gender. I want to confirm whether my Bio teacher was right.

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54 Answers

eeveegurl's avatar

belly! female.

out of curiosity – what did your bio teacher say?

erichw1504's avatar

Chest. Male.

Likeradar's avatar

Chest. Female.

sliceswiththings's avatar

Chest. Female. But I just had a big breakfast so my belly isn’t going anywhere.

Les's avatar

Belly, but that is because that is how you are taught to breathe when you sing (“breathing from your diaphragm”), and it has just carried over in my life. I’m female.

Cupcake's avatar

Both. Female.

Jude's avatar

Chest – F

anon's avatar

Chest King King stylee (male).

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Never really thought about it. I guess my belly. (I don’t think I need to say what my gender is since my username implies that I’m a girl – I mean ChocolateReigns, people!

Harp's avatar

Belly but, like @Les, I think it’s more a result of training Male.

sndfreQ's avatar

Diaphragmatic breathing is healthier and deeper, and I learned this as a youth when I wad in boys choir, then opera, chorale, etc. (aka “belly”) as a result, air fills the lungs on bottom and top-so both.

gemiwing's avatar

Belly and I’m a woman.

tedibear's avatar

Both – Female. But also some vocal training here.

JLeslie's avatar

Chest, female, unless I purposely take a deep breath in my belly.

gailcalled's avatar

I can breathe both ways; one when I am wearing the jeans that are just a tad too snug at the waist; and the belly or diaphragmatic breathing for trips to doctor, exercising, finding myself feeling annoyed and being with my mother.


EmpressPixie's avatar

It depends entirely on what I’m doing. I didn’t really pay attention to this until I took some dance lessons, but being able to control my stomach and chest were important parts of the dance courses I took, so I pay attention now. And it depends.

Les's avatar

I’m waiting for the rationale that one sex breathes one way, while the other breathes the other way. I have never heard of that before.

pjanaway's avatar

Belly / Male

BhacSsylan's avatar

Belly and male, but like a few people here, I have vocal training, which skews one towards diaphragm breathing.

Sarcasm's avatar

Chest, male.
I’ve heard of breathing with your diaphragm, but have no clue what that actually means.

wundayatta's avatar

Both. Trumpet player and vocalist.

gailcalled's avatar

@Sarcasm: Lie on your back; put a hand on your belly; breathe in and feel the belly rise as tho it were a balloon. It doesn’t happen reflexively; you need to concentrate, but it is hardly difficult.

When you exhale, the belly collapses.

Once you have mastered that, you can do it standing, sitting, fuming in a traffic jam or at an immoveable line at the bank.

JLeslie's avatar

As a side note, since we are talking about breathing. If you ever get the hiccups take a deep breath into your chest only so it is way out. Keep your chest out and you can continue to breath shallowly (sp?). I guess it creates the same position as holding your breath, but you can keep it that way much longer because you are continuing to breath. Works every time.

StephK's avatar

Belly, female, musician.

buckyboy28's avatar

belly, male

rangerr's avatar

Chest, Female.

Facade's avatar

Depends on if I’m trying to look good or if I am breathing correctly. Most times, I opt for the former, so my chest moves. With correct breathing, your stomach goes in and out.

Actually, I breathe with my ribs.

Harp's avatar

An entire literary genre would disappear if it weren’t for heaving female bosoms

Phobia's avatar

Belly, Male.

JLeslie's avatar

I think they say that breathing with your belly, or chest and belly is better, that it keeps you calmer. When people are excited or nervous they breath up in their chests rapidly. Maybe it has more to do with what type person you are? Like Type A? Not the gender. Just a thought.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

lol i totally just pulled my shirt up and looked. I guess its both if i breath in deeply, other wise its just my chest. Male

mowens's avatar

it depends on what kind of shape you are in. When I was more fit, my belly didnt move. Now… it does. I am starting to get in good shape again though, so it is less and less.

warka1's avatar

good meditation question. quick breaths like normal breathing you breath in your chest, however lond deep breaths you breath your belly.

Supacase's avatar

Belly unless I am anxious about something. Female.

shilolo's avatar

My ass expands when I breath. Is that normal?

Harp's avatar

That’s because you inhale Twinkies

shilolo's avatar

Not just twinkies….deep fried twinkies.

rangerr's avatar

I’m about 99% sure that my chest expands when I breathe because I tighten my stomach muscles when I ride horses.. maybe?

Allie's avatar

Belly, female.

Harp's avatar

@shilolo I suggest you see a doctor. You may have an assinoma.

DominicX's avatar

It can be either one depending on what I want to do.

When I just did it now, it seemed to kind of be both at the same time.

I’m male. I’m also very skinny. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Darwin's avatar

Both, female, It depends to some degree what I am doing. Typically I breathe from the belly as I am a singer and a runner. Sometimes, especially when I want to be super silent, it is chest.

drdoombot's avatar

When I was working on relieving my anxiety, I learned a breathing technique which taught belly-breathing. These days, I would say I do both.

Janka's avatar

Both, or either, depending. F.

I suspect it has more to do with how you are trained to breath, or used to breathing, than gender/sex.

faye's avatar

Belly, female

SeventhSense's avatar

Belly, male…That’s from practice. There’s an old Asian saying. The baby breathes from his belly, the middle aged man from his chest and the old man from his throat. Practice breathing from your root. That is where all your power originates.

Fyrius's avatar

Male, and whichever I like. I can control it. Muhahaha. >:D
I think that whenever I’m not breathing “manually”, I’m probably doing the chest breathing thing.
I learned midriff breathing back when I practised Tai Chi. It was said to involve less tension than chest breathing.

sevenfourteen's avatar

um, tech your ribs do “lift” when you breathe in so your chest expands, but my stomach also expands (i’m a female)

fireinthepriory's avatar

Belly, female. I also think it’s from years of singing.

evegrimm's avatar

I’m a gal, and I breathe mostly from my belly; I also have musical training (although it’s musical instruments, as opposed to singing).

I like belly-breathing also because it “massages” my belly when I breathe deeply…feels good if you’re full or have cramps.

I agree with @Darwin, though—if I’m trying to be quiet or am doing something that doesn’t take lots of calorie-expenditure (Fluthering, for example), I breath from my chest and take shallow breaths.

LeopardGecko's avatar

Your rib cage moves up as you breath in to make your lungs as big as possible.

Chainciller's avatar

Stomache male but I think it’s from Canoeing (life vest makes it hard to breath using your chest)

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