If you had the ability to, what would you add to Fluther?
What are some things you think could make Fluther even more amazing as it already is?
Maybe more awards? Maybe a tab that could show you all the @ replies to you? Maybe the ability to control more things?
What do you wish you could add?
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69 Answers
Every time a question like this is asked I suggest the same thing. Rework our profile pages so there are tabs for our ‘Comments’, ‘Questions”, and ‘Replies’. Instead of one long page.
Proper chatroom that ties into our user accounts. And more pictures of Ben’s amazingly muscular legs.
If she ain’t broke, leave her be. Honestly, I love it just the way that it is.
A “Follow this question” link at the bottom, so when I decide after I’ve read all the answers to follow, I don’t have to scroll all the way to the top.
A link to the top of the page somewhere at the bottom.
Wait! Ben has incredibly muscular legs?
I second the integrated chat.
And I’ve said this 100 times, too…make it that we can see the post we’re replying to in the PMs. Every other site I’m on has that feature. It’s irritating to answer blind & try to remember all that was said.
Oh no! This question is a duplicate!
Quick everyone! Go post your suggestions on this question!
Great heads-up @rangerr!
@chelseababy It was still a good question:)
I added one for the bottom too.
I would make bigger friggin text boxes when you edit a question!
I want questions that are sent to me put in my ‘comments for you’ section. I delete all the ‘questions for you’ and browse through the main pages, so I never see them. But if they were sent to me as a comment as something along the lines of “so-and-so suggested this question for you” and then a link, I’d definitely notice it.
Ahem.. Tim Trueman, Ben “Great Legs” Finkel, Andrea McClain.. I’ve officially suggested it.
Wouldn’t the home key work just as easily?
@Allie I totally agree. I always delete them too. I’d really like to have that and @ replies directed to me somehow. I sometimes unfollow questions for whatever reason however I’d like to see replies (if there are any).
@rangerr @holden But the home link takes you.. home, not to the top of the Q.
@rangerr :: Yeah.. But it seems like people try to use the keyboard as little as possible. My other hand is usually busy.
< < blows beer out his nose. Thanks, @jp!
@chelseababyy I pay more attention when I see I have a comment, sometimes I don’t check activity. And like @Allie said, I delete my “questions for you”. However if someone actually suggested it (which would be cool) I’d probably pay more attention.
@robmandu That’s because I’m here, of course.
the busy hand thing, that is.
Oh, whew! Thought it was because I’m here.
No, that’s why I only use one hand.
dammit, now I’ve drenched a 2nd shirt with nasal beer! ツ
Yes, but this time you’re really happy about it.
Damn I love Fluther...
Too freaking funny!
Wow, I @ myself. ROFL. I meant to @J0E
@chelseababyy I’ve been doing that a lot lately, but caught myself most of the times. heh
@J0E As it is now, if someone send you a question there’s a green ! next to the question. Seeing as how I delete ‘questions for you’ and just browse the front pages, I never see this. If the question sent to me by someone else went to my ‘comments for you’ section then I would see it when I checked.
Does anyone mind if I get back on topic here?
Date and time stamp for comments.
I would love it if there was a way to reduce the thread down like the old fashioned threads used to be .. back in the day… so that replies to a specific person (which have nothing to do with the subject) can be ignored.. and only pertinent posts perused.
PapLeo, scroll over the little paragraph symbol that appears when you hoverover the username or GA or flag as, and then scroll over that. You’ll see how long ago that comment was posted.
better facebook integration – where you fluther friends are added to your facebook – if they accept of course.
@delirium I think he meant comments as in PMs. Maybe?
If so, I agree, that would be nice. If he meant thread posts, then I disagree. The permalink time is enough for me.
@Allie Questions that are sent to you go on top of all the other ones, so if you don’t have any, you can delete to your black heart’s content.
I think the permalink time is perfect. It’s the best way of showing the time without ruining the elegance of the site. Kudos to the guys for doing it, actually.
@andrew OOOOHHHHH!! Cool. My black heart thanks you for that golden nugget of knowledge.
@delirium – Wait, what? I don’t get it. When I hover my mouse over your name or great answer it doesn’t provide me with the time/date that you posted your answer…
I would like there to be a way to print out my answers (and questions) without having to cut and past everything.
A feature that notifies me when someone’s responded to a comment of mine so I don’t have miles of questions to follow just to see if any conversation is still going on.
See the little paragraph symbol when you hover over GA? It’s to the right of the flag for flag as.
Go hover over that after hovering over the GA.
Hmmm, maybe my Fluther doesn’t work properly. There is no paragraph symbol.
@Rachienz, move your mouse to the blank spot just to the right of the little flag next to “Flag as…” The little paragraph icon will appear outta nowhere.
Once you earn an award, you should be able to know how you got it. I woke up one morning and I had the Cake in the Frizzer
Why is attention deficit disorder a topic for this question?
@breedmitch I don’t know. I did NOT put that there.. Weird. Accidental tag?
@chelseababyy I think you probably meant “add” not “ADD,” but when you hit enter it changed it.
This is not Fluther specific, but I really wish it were possible to send food through the internet. I love sharing and it always makes me a little sad when I have something really good but there’s nobody for me to share it with. I would share so many pancakes and cookies on Fluther.
@rangerr The home key on my desktop’s keyboard doesn’t work. But even if it did, I tend to stick to the mouse. I use mouse gestures to get around having to scroll to the tops of pages, but I still think a link to the top of the page would be useful. I think it would be cool if those little fish at the bottom of the page were links to the top of the page, or to the front page.
Less pictures of Ben’s muscular legs!
Also, the ability to send a comment with a question you are sending to someone so that they know why you are sending it.
@janbb What do you mean less? I have yet to see any!
@delirium Huh? Really? . . . Wow, no shit! Hey, look at that. Thanks!!!
I just thought of a good one. What if a new user was prevented from asking questions for a set period of time (24+ hours), to allow them to get acquainted with how Fluther works. This would help cut down on the clutter of questions already asked, questions about whatever site they came from, incomprehensible questions, etc.
I still think email registration is a good idea to help prevent the occasional obnoxious troll who won’t leave when asked.
@MissAnthrope It’s a potentially good idea, but I think new people just need to wade in and muck about and get their feet wet. I read for a long time before I joined, but Ithink many join because they want to ask something and that’s fine.
As an extension to @MissAnthrope‘s idea, I’ve suggested in the past that new users could be kept on a probation system.
Like today, we’re all pretty much limited to asking only three questions in a 24 hour period (or whatever the mods have it set at today). I think that’s great for neophytes who need to learn what makes a good question or not.
But for @gailcalled or @johnpowell or @sndfreQ or @cwilbur or @whatthefluther or really anyone with over 5,000 lurve, I think it’s just artificial and unnecessary.
@robmandu I agree with the three question limit thing. Perhaps as you reach a certain amount of lurve you are able to ask more questions per day. Great idea.
I’d love it if there was a way that we could be notified of comments said to us via the @ symbol, instead of always getting notifications whenever someone posts something new. Or at least separate both.
Not that I’m not interested in other people’s answers and all, but I drink too much coffee so I’m always hyper…also maybe an actual comment feature, instead of bringing the symbol up and then circling the comment with double -‘s.
But eh I’m just totally lazy, so feel free to disregard. :D
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