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Any podiatrists/foot experts in the house who can lend a hand with this toe problem I'm having?
Ok I think I might have an ingrown toenail and that worries me. I had one when I was little and I remember it being painful all the time til I got it fixed. This one doesn’t hurt all the time and it doesn’t look ingrown but every once in a while it will hurt really bad, and kind of throb. I figure it could be something else but I don’t know what?
Other info that may be helpful: When I worked at UPS loading trucks I dropped a lot of heavy things on my toes and this is when the problem started. The nail isn’t bruised or anything and at the same time I was wearing shitty uncomfortable boots all the time that left my feet sore so maybe that could contribute?
My toenail is short and nothing looks to be wrong with it. My nails grow really slow and like I said they’re already short so I can’t cut much off or I would try to cut into the side a little bit. Plus it hurts. I don’t know, does anyone know anything about what this pain could be?
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