Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If you had sex with a person of the opposite gender that, apart from the X/Y chromosome is genetically identical to you, would the resulting offspring be a clone of either of you two?

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11 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

No. There are X-linked chromosomal anomalies.

MissAnthrope's avatar

No.. there is so much genetic variation possible. Recessive genes, for instance, would cause traits to surface that might have been dormant because one of your parents had a dominant gene. Then, you’re looking at potential negative things happening, really bad recessive traits coming out (disease, etc.). This is why it’s a cultural taboo most places to sleep with a sibling.

AstroChuck's avatar

Is anyone else here getting as turned on as I am reading this question?

dpworkin's avatar

@MissAnthrope There could be no hidden recessive genes if both parties had the same genome. The difference is only in the X/Y. Your answer is correct for siblings, but not for identical genomes.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Maybe I’m not understanding, but I don’t get what you’re saying.

If A has Bb on a gene and B has Bb on a gene (exact genome), the two put together, provided the recombination doesn’t mutate the gene, you have the potential for BB, Bb, or bb.

nikipedia's avatar

1. Too many traits are carried on the X chromosome, so a change there (replacing one X with a Y or a Y with an X) would cause lots of changes in the resulting offspring.
2. Even in the case of a clone with a 100% identical genome, both organisms are still subject to epigenetic modifications that generate slight differences in gene expression.

shilolo's avatar

@nikipedia Woot for epigenetics. There are also ongoing mutations that occur so that no two individuals can be precisely identical at millions of DNA bases.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

No and that’s another reason I wouldn’t feel all that weird to have sex with and marry my opposite sex kinda-self. hee!

Fernspider's avatar

I feel so dirty, all this talk about X and Y, violated…

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