Meta Question

phoenyx's avatar

What advice do you have for our answerbag refugees?

Asked by phoenyx (7419points) December 11th, 2009

It looks like we have another influx. Hey fluther veterans, what advice do you have for them that will help them understand the culture better, make the transition easier, etc.? Mine would be that jellies (a.k.a. flutherites, flutherers) prefer bold or italics over ALL CAPS to emphasize something.

Also, I should add, it’s cool to see all of these new people.

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197 Answers

Sampson's avatar

Lurk and learn how to accept the modding.

Confuscious's avatar

Thank you for the welcome and for posting this question to help us learn the ropes a bit quicker. Very kind of you all to accept us into your midst.

absalom's avatar

Put effort into your questions and the answers you get will be much better. :]

Seek's avatar

I second that, Confuscious.
It’s heartwarming to find such an inviting place after being chucked into the cold water by a site we loved so much.

zephyr826's avatar

We’re very excited to have you here. Accept the fact that it won’t be the same, but prepared to find that you may like it better.
Please stick around long enough to give it a real shot. We’ve seen so many people appear,and only stay for a few days.
Search for your question before you post it. Some people become very frustrated when you ask a question that we’ve already answered.
If you’re asking a question for an assignment, be prepared to catch some flack for it.
Don’t hoard your lurve.

gradyjones's avatar

@zephyr826 What does it mean “Don’t hoard your lurve”? and thank you.

NUNYA's avatar

I say THANK YOU too all of the members who have welcomed us from our former home! I thank you for the “heads up” on the advise! Very nice of all of you! Thanks!!!

NUNYA's avatar

@grady Share your love! Don’t keep your love to yourself!!! THEY are welcoming us with OPEN ARMS AND THAT “FEELS” GREAT!

TWIST's avatar

Hello, and I hope to find myself since I have been displaced.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Study the Fluther Guidelines

Don’t get all mad when you get modded.

I second that no yelling advice. Use bold, italics, just no caps!

And if you decided you hate Fluther, go back to your old site. We don’t need the hate here.

gradyjones's avatar

@NUNYA lurve=love! Got it! Thanks!

gemiwing's avatar

Welcome new Jellies! I hope you guys find this site a happy home for your questioning minds.

Use the tools Fluther provides for formatting responses.
Give some lurve!
Fluther is a respectful community and the mods are great- it might take some getting used to. (I’m not sure what mods were like on answerbag)
When using the ’@’ symbol a box will pop up below your reply- choose the name from there to make it red.

thecaretaker's avatar

Hey this is much cozier than the Overlook.

J0E's avatar

Don’t say anything about Answerbag or Fluther.

AstroChuck's avatar

Never play naked leapfrog with a unicorn.

TWIST's avatar

Am I there, yet?

Seek's avatar

@AstroChuck – That’s just good, sound advice, and I thank you. ^_^

absalom's avatar

@AstroChuck: Or an antlered six-year-old.

phoenyx's avatar

Lurve is your score/rank/whatever. For example, when somebody likes an answer you’ve given, they’ll click the “Great Answer” link below it (a.k.a “give you lurve”). You’ll be notified that you received ”+5” lurve and you’ll see the number that appears under your avatar increase by 5. Generally, it’s how you distinguish the newbies from the veterans.

75movies's avatar

nope. new myself. i’ve made the unicorn mistake.

AstroChuck's avatar

@absalom- Good “point.”

casheroo's avatar

Don’t be annoying.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Also, these few first days will be hard. Many people aren’t going to be very open or excepting. But hang in there! You may want to do more lurking than actual activity to see what Fluther is like exactly. That’s probably what most people will prefer.

gradyjones's avatar

@phoenyx Thank you, it’s all starting to make sense!

Sebulba's avatar

i can’t quite understand! are there engineering categories here? are there category experts?

jrpowell's avatar

I added a new page to the wiki. I’m kinda busy this morning. But others are free to add/edit if you want.

eponymoushipster's avatar

you are not special snowflakes. you are the singing, dancing crap of the world.

gemiwing's avatar

@Sebulba No. A question is asked to the group and the group answers. There may be specific people who happen to be engineers but there is not a category. There is a search box in the top right however.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Enjoy yourselves. This is an intelligent and fun community with people from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences. You can find advice/discussions for almost any topic you can think of. The more you give here, the more you get.

Welcome to Fluther, new jellies!

Harp's avatar

just a word or two about the moderation

Part of Fluther’s appeal for some (and a source of irritation for others) is that the site tries to maintain a certain standard of quality for questions. The guidelines give some good advice on how to craft a good Fluther question, but a newcomer shouldn’t be surprised if their questions occasionally get sent back for modifications to meet the standards. It isn’t in the least bit personal, and the editing requests will give suggestions on how to bring the question into line with the guidelines. The mods are more than happy to work with you to make the question postable. Please just be patient and cooperative while working through the process and learning the Fluther culture.

Nice to see you all here!

MissAnthrope's avatar

First of all, welcome to the new users!

This question has been asked (in various forms) about eleventy-billion times. To save everyone from typing the same things that often, here is one of the threads.

babyblue's avatar

I am giving this a try, I am an ab refugee. Hi Nunya!!!! Hi arisztid!!!

jonsblond's avatar

You must never, ever feed the mogwai after midnight.

flameboi's avatar

Oh… do you remeber the askville refugees????
some never left :D

Arisztid's avatar

Thankyou to most of you, you have been quite welcoming and helpful but, please, do not assume that any of us are going to be rude.

“And if you decided you hate Fluther, go back to your old site. We don’t need the hate here.” toomuchcoffee911

Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Be nice everyone.

We realize you all are very new. We’ll do our best to work with you and help you figure out how things work on Fluther. Please realize that although this in a Q and A site, this is not your old site. We have our own rules and expectations and like the way things run here.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@Arisztid I meant no harm. I didn’t think it was such a “bold assumption”. But back when there was another flood of new users (from wisd.m, I think), there were a few new users who would always complain about how bad Fluther was. Hopefully, that won’t happen again!

J0E's avatar

Remember those bastards from I’m glad they all left…wait…

You’ll fit in eventually, it just takes time.

babyblue's avatar

I must say, the people I know from ab that I have seen on here, are brilliant people, and they were amazing on ab, you will enjoy their company very much.

janbb's avatar

Welcome to Fluther! It’s good to see some new blood in the ‘hood.

Stick around, get a feel for the culture, read the guidelines – you’ll all do fine.

QueenR's avatar

Hi all!
Glad to see some of my friends here, hope to make some new ones too!
Thanks for the welcome…I am sure that in a few years I wont have to leave THIS site! :)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Nice to see that people like it so far.

MissAnthrope's avatar


Please. <3

Stop the madness!

Seek's avatar

I can certainly understand the veteran Jellies’ concerns. They don’t know us, how dedicated we were to AB, how tirelessly we moderated each other, how hard we tried to guide others into a proper respect for sentence syntax and basic grammar…

All I can say to possibly quell some of your worries is this: The ABers that are drifting over are the cream of the AB crop. These are folks who put serious thought into their answers – like Arisztid, who singlehandedly taught thousands of people about a race and culture none of us were aware truly existed, much less being oppressed worldwide.

We are not the 12 year olds asking you to do our math homework for us, or the idiots wondering what the round, red pill with the “m” stamped on it is. I assure you. ^_^

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr – lol4rl on the pill thing. Hi-larious.

tinyfaery's avatar

Hello people.

Don’t assume the worst if a post comes off as being rude or negative.

Don’t think that you won’t be called out on shennanigans. So don’t get angry if it happens.

Search before you ask a question.

Uhh…lurve me.

janbb's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Sounds like you’ve all found your new home and will fit in well with Fluther. Welcome again!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@MissAnthrope and it’s still early…

@Seek_Kolinahr Glad that you understand. I think you’re in the right place!

jrpowell's avatar

I set up a temporary chatroom for people from Answer Bag. It would be nice to keep all the Answer Bag related talk there.

edit :: Allie and I are in the room if you need help or advice.

75movies's avatar

Advice: use this question to get your Exhibitionist Award. I did.

anon's avatar

Oh yeah…

…Or not. >.<

Wonder's avatar


King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Well I am glad to be here and based on the attitude I got from the Admins. at AB I plan on not ever going back. It’s gonna take a lot for you guys here to get rid of me now!!! evil laugh

eponymoushipster's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown a lot less than you’d think…behave yourself.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I saw a question (it’s been pulled) about navigating this site. Just take your time & hang in here. It is a little daunting at first. It was for me, too. But stay with it. You’ll get the hang of it & you’ll be glad you stuck around.

Welcome to you all. :-}

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@eponymoushipster be nice, monkey. LOLLL

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@jbfletcherfan The monkey man is just marking his territory. Give him some time to fling his feces around, and he’ll settle down.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities LOLLLL…you think that’s going to happen? I mean…really??

Catlover's avatar

I must say that having mods respond immediately to a question or comment is really refreshing. Sure beats being ignored. Thank you for the warm welcome. I intend to enjoy myself here and maybe educate a whole new group of people on how to look after their cats :) well…......... other things too.

Harp's avatar

@Catlover The mods are mostly volunteers and don’t work on specific schedules, so the responses may not always be so quick.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

It’s nice to see a refreshing bunch of new users. Welcome aboard.
Yeah, just make sure to read the guidelines and if there’s a problem, just contact the mods.
I am sure you’ll like this guy named “DominicX”. Seriously, one of the best users around here. If you don’t get along with him, then there is a problem with you

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Maybe a stupid question but how do you do the whole bit with small, italicized, etc. text?? And when you say @whoever how do you get it red?? Mine never seems to do it…..

icy's avatar

i am hurt but very hopeful my icy jelly has as much fun here as i had on answerbag. thank you everyone for helping with the transition.

janbb's avatar

When you type an answer in the answer box, the formatting tools are shown on the bottom of the box.

If you want to @ someone, type the @ sign and a drop-down box of posters will appear. Highlight the person you want and it will appear in red.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

I just read them. Didn’t answer my question about the @ bit though.

AstroChuck's avatar

quod erat demonstrandum

janbb's avatar

En Anglais, thus it is demonstrated.

Shatzee's avatar

Hello AbBers, former AB’ers? Shatzee has come to join ya’ll too :) Wow, so many familiar faces here :)

QueenR's avatar

hey shatzee, in my short time here I have found many features I always wanted to see on Ab.
I am sure we will all enjoy our stay here!

Catlover's avatar

Hi Shatzee. Glad you are here

icy's avatar

smiles, and thanks fluther again. hi, everyone i missed you guys today ! our ab family are gathering and we will learn the rules and be just fine, we are strong.

GingerMinx's avatar

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I will certainly take the time to read through the guidelines posted and check out things a little before jumping in with my size 9 shoes and stepping on toes.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Use the chatrooms to ask you questions about site navigation, the mods are really helpful and you’ll get a feel for fluther culture there and feel more confident out here in the threads.

Harp's avatar

If you’re looking for a specific user, say someone you knew from AB, you can enter a username (or even a portion of the name) in the search window (up at the top right corner of the page). When the results page comes up, click the “users” tab and it will show users with that name. Clicking on their avatar will take you to their account page, where you can leave a message or add them to your fluther. Adding them to your fluther will make sure that any question they ask will get sent to you in your “questions for you” queue.

csimme01's avatar

We are new as well, Think we will just hang back and “Get a Feel” for the place” If Cooper likes it we will stick around!

cookieman's avatar

Welcome to the lagoon AnswerBaggers.

I have no amazing advice that hasn’t already been offered, except to say, “Welcome”.

and send me cookies if you want to live.

Dr_C's avatar

Welcome to the site guys. Hope you like it and decide to stick around and become part of our community. Just a quick tip… you’ve already seen and heard from a lot of the “veteran” jellies on the site… Just be aware that this is not the first time we see an influx of new users from other sites, so if you ever see any snarky remarks or any preemptive complaints or anything like that please don’t take it to heart. We’ve had good and bad experiences in the past of people coming in… most being awesome and really contributing… others being disruptive and taking it upon themselves to not only complain ludly and frequently.. but to try and make this place a less enjoyable experience. You’ll find most jellies to be very open and inviting… but also very protective of this site and the way things are done here. Change is possible and probable but takes some time to get used to. My suggestion is to just sit back.. enjoy… learn the ropes and become as active as possible within the community.. don’t rock the boat too much at first… let’s all get settled and then we can really make a go of it.

Again… welcome everyone and I really do hope you stick around.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Thanks for the welcome. This site feels more inviting ALREADY… and I’ve only been here for a couple of minutes.

GingerMinx's avatar

@Dr_C Thanks for the heads up. I understand how protective you can get about a community. We felt that way about AB and it is sad to see it go the way it did. I am sure we will do our best to fit in here and follow the rules and I look forward to getting to know you all :)

Dr_C's avatar

@GingerMinx a great way of getting to know your fellow jellies is to participate in the chat-room. you get a better feel for everyone’s personalities and their sense of humor which (especially on this site) tends to be quite varied. It helps to learn how to read specific users in order to not misunderstand their tone or meaning.

Plus I’m there so you already know it’s going to be awesome~

GingerMinx's avatar

@Dr_C Laughs, I will make sure to do that.

wundayatta's avatar

Welcome one and all. The people here are all bluster! Don’t worry. The sorting out process won’t hurt…. much. ;-)

Seriously, I, for one, welcome revisitations of old questions and challenges to moderation. It’s the only way to learn why we have developed the culture we have. Hell, I’m not even scared of trolls.

We try to encourage civil conversation devoid of ad hominem attacks. Those usually get flagged, and the moderators usually remove them. We like questions that are understandable. Usually a bit of detail really helps others understand what you are after. If you are talking about a personal situation, the more background you provide, the better your answers will be. But don’t worry. People will ask for clarification.

There are people here who are real sticklers about spelling and grammar and the use of txt speak. There are people here who really hate it when questions are asked for the umpteenth time (although their voices seem quiet lately). There are people here who make a lot of funnies, and others who seem rather prickly. The general rule is that the prickly ones fit the cliche of being softies inside.

Oh. And don’t be afraid to flirt! We like flirting! ;-)

Some of us do, anyway.

janbb's avatar

@daloon Oh yes, we do like flirting, don’t we? (Bats eyelashes)

Arisztid's avatar

@toomuchcoffee911… thankyou for the explanation.

I would have replied earlier but I was busy and then in the chatroom.

To the established denizens of this website (I do tend to learn new terminology slowly I fear), I do understand the hesitation of long term members when you get a large influx from one site. “Will they abide by OUR sites’ rules?” “Are they going to be cliquish and stay only to their own?” “Are they going to try to take over the site?”

I can assure you that I shall not do that and, from the looks of the group of ABers you have here, it shall not be a problem. This is a group that tends to be more outgoing.

I am rather a quiet one, not posting that often, but it is not out of cliquishness…. it is just my way wherever I go. I post in spurts then vanish for a time.

wundayatta's avatar

@janbb Oh dear. The old batting eyelashes trick. That one was always a stumper for me. Wordplay is one thing. Physical flirting—quite another. [looks bashful and shy]

janbb's avatar

@daloon Unfortunately, I can do it better “verbally” than physically. That’s why Fluther works so well for me. :-)

Harp's avatar

Oh yes, and please take a moment to fill out your profile if you haven’t already. It will help us get some sense of who you are.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have been here for a while now (am I considered a veteran yet?) and no one ever told me that using capital letters to emphasize something was a no-no! I feel like a fool now.

Welcome everyone. My advice would be this: do not be afraid to talk to the moderaters if a question of yours is pulled for editing. I used to get quite annoyed when one of my questions was pulled for, what I thought was, a petty reason. However, once I realised that they are happy to talk to you about the question and give advice on how you could improve it my experience here was improved. I don’t know what I’d do without Fluther now!

kewlguy_exABuser's avatar

isn’t it just pure madness how ex Answerbaggers have come and invaded your site??? LOL

janbb's avatar

@kewlguy_exABuser Ah, we’ve been down this road before. We’re strong – we can take it. :-)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

You newbies are very generous with your lurve! Thanks! :)

jonsblond's avatar

@kewlguy_exABuser I texted my husband today to tell him about the invasion. We love madness! :D

chyna's avatar

Welcome all. And I agree with @daloon, please feel free to flirt.
Madness is always welcome.

kewlguy_exABuser's avatar

thanks for making all of us feel so welcome

GingerMinx's avatar

(Flirts with everyone because, well, who can resist the kitty?)

janbb's avatar

@kewlguy_exABuser Well, you seem like “kewl” guys.

kewlguy_exABuser's avatar

we were a very tight knit group – kinda sad that they broke us up like that, but looks as if we are slowly getting back together here!

mellow_girl's avatar

wow, everyone here seems so nice, i already like fluther a lot. i found a home, thanks everyone, your awesome…

YARNLADY's avatar

Hello to all my friends from Answerbag. Yes, I have been double-dipping for quite some time now. Welcome to the collective. You will find a lot of tips and ideas in the links at the bottom of every page.

There are no “categories” as some may have been used to, all questions are lumped into the tabs at the top of the main page.

Qwertymuffin411's avatar

Hi guys, thanks for the welcome and the advice, it’s much appreciated!
(And hi to all my AB friends!)

aprilsimnel's avatar

One of the important things everyone should know (or be reminded of, as the case may be) about gving answers here is:

If you think of something that might be funny as a response to someone’s honest question, please wait until at least one legitimate answer has been given before writing down your audition joke for “Two Drink Minimum”.

We like a good laugh here, well, except maybe The General, but if someone has a serious question, a bunch of jokes right off the bat for answers doesn’t help the asker. :D

Shatzee's avatar

Thank you to all on fluther for the warm welcome to all of us former baggers. As you can see, we are very close with each other. We were like family over there with each other. Should we call those who use this site Jellies? What is the correct title?

Berserker's avatar

I’d say we should be happy that this site has welcomed us the way they did, going as far as to establish a FAQ and chatroom for the AB folks. So we should probbaly stop asking about how much Answerbag sucks.
I admit I came here because of that issue, but it’s because I didn’t know about Fluther before. Even if AB didn’t mess up and I knew of this place, I think I would have just attended both, since it’s very similar, and what I personally enjoy in an online community. So we should prolly enjoy this place for what it is, or at least, explore it, instead of using it as a place to just rant about AB.
Not many have done it, not blaming anyone in particular, but with the number of questions about AB, which I guess may be natural, I feel kinda bad haha.

Anyways. I guess this question wasn’t meant for me, since I AM a new person…but I’m wondering how a lot of stuff works, so I’ll keep a lookout on this question.

filmfann's avatar

Good advice for new jellies? Be aware of the computer virus some users get when they give Great Answer lurve to AstroChuck.

@AstroChuck Never play leapfrog with a Unicorn… Banacek, right?

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@Shatzee I think they’re called Flutherites. :)

AstroChuck's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown- Correction: We’re called Flutherites.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@AstroChuck Sorry!! You’re right!!!

AstroChuck's avatar

As is AstroGroupies.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

All I read on the guidelines was “Flutherites”. Thanks for telling me.

wundayatta's avatar

Astronuts? What is that? Cashews covered in avocado essence?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, and when you want to indicate sarcasm, the tilde at the end of a sentence is your friend.~

See what I did there? ;)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@aprilsimnel No, can you show me again? I didn’t see a damn thing.~

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Here’s my advice, gleaned after two days of using this site:

1. Quit asking about AnswerBag. It’s now TrashBag, GarbageBag or CompostHeap. (Bitching about AB on this site is like going on a first date and spending the night complaining about your ex. Some of you know exactly how interesting that sounds.)

2. Don’t just form up into cliquey fluthers (and don’t try saying that three times fast) even though that’s pretty much exactly what I’ve done so far, too.

3. Enjoy the fluther.

cookieman's avatar

What you guys need is a cleansing ritual to free you of your AnswerBagness.

Step One: Obtain a piece of cake, a plate of cookies, and a stack of pancakes and arrange them in a large triangle on the floor pointing west.

Step Two: Rent, borrow or steal a black cat and rub it all over your naked body.

Step Three: Sit cross legged in the center of the triangle. Calm your breathing and begin to slowly repeat, “I – AM – A – JELLY”. Continue this until the clock strikes midnight.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Which way is west????

GingerMinx's avatar

I would like to thank everyone here for making me feel so welcome when I joined. I have not done much here as I have mild aspergers and find it difficult keeping up with many sites at one time. I am trying to get the feel of the new AB and am hoping that some of the things people want changed will happen in time. I really see no reason why people can not enjoy both sites for what they have to offer and do not see them as rivals. I just find it sad that someone from fluther has joined AB to abuse the people there for the AB people who joined here. It seems rather petty to me. Surely it would be better to explain, as CyanoticWasp has done to tone down the AB discussion here. I have added this under the AB question so as not to clutter your site with further AB talk.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@GingerMinx Did someone do that??? They’ll just have to get used to us I guess. They’ll be a handful for Lex though!!! LAWL

GingerMinx's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown Unfortunately, they have.

cookieman's avatar

@GingerMinx: Im gonna go out on a limb here and say that behavior is not indicative of most jellies.

I’d personally smack them if I knew who it was.

Violet's avatar

I noticed a bunch of people are being rude about us former ABers being here. What’s up with that?

YARNLADY's avatar

@Violet There are several jellies whose greatest delight is to be contrary to the common rules of decency. They think it is clever and funny to be rude.

Violet's avatar

@YARNLADY do you think they are rude to everyone, or just us?

Berserker's avatar

You guys serious? :/

Violet's avatar

@Symbeline – unfortunately, yes

YARNLADY's avatar

@Violet A little of both. A couple seem to be equal opportunity insulters, and some it just comes and goes, depending on their mood, I presume. It doesn’t really mean anything, it’s just their way of playing the “Fluther” game. I was amused to find out that there are actually dozens of insult books on Amazon, and of course sites to go to and find a “good” insult for every occasion.

Violet's avatar

@YARNLADY – it’s like being kicked when I’m down

Harp's avatar

Not to attempt to justify any rudeness you’re seeing (it makes me absolutely cringe), but there have been several other mass migrations in Fluther’s past which were very disruptive of the normal flow of things. I think some of those traumas are still fresh in the minds of some Flutherers, and they’ve already got their defenses up. They’ll eventually calm down once they stop seeing constant references to AB in the threads.

This migration knock wood has gone incredibly smoothly. ABers seem to be blending right in and are making great contributions.

wundayatta's avatar

@Violet Please don’t take it to heart. We’re not perfect. We have our share of jerks. I haven’t seen the unpleasantness, so I don’t know who did it, nor what they said. However, when such things happen, I suggest you flag them. If they are actual attacks, then they shouldn’t be allowed to stay up. If they are impolitenesses, then I find it often helps just to point out what these people are doing, and how they are doing it, and that it is often the last strategy of a person who doesn’t have an intellectual leg to stand on. This usually quiets them down.

Response moderated
GingerMinx's avatar

@cprevite Thank you. I just did not understand why, if they had a problem, they didn’t just bring it up here where the people actually are, instead of abusing people at AB. You all seem like a most friendly bunch over here and I am sure this person is not a good ambassador.

SuperMouse's avatar

@YARNLADY I find your comments puzzling. I have been an active participant on Fluther for quite a while and I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement. Like any group of people there are those here who can be challenging, but there are not several such people on this site. Frankly, the challenging jellies are some of my very favorites; I can always count on them for interesting and honest input. Why would you sell your fellow jellies down the river like that to an entire group of new members? That is wrong and just plain disrespectful.

@Violet there can be some spirited debate on this site and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Please be patient during the initial adjustment. I think many veterans find it disconcerting when so many newcomers arrive en mass.

@GingerMinx I have to say I agree with those who are telling you the kind of behavior you mention is not indicative of Fluther as a whole. This is a great community that I am proud to be a part of.

YARNLADY's avatar

@SuperMouse That just plain silly, per the removed statement just above you. Several of our members play the insult game because they love it. You can usually tell by the type of screen name they use. Why pretend there aren’t some here that throw insults like they thought they were in a food fight?

janbb's avatar

It’s been my (humble) perception that most of us Jellies have been very welcoming to ABers and are enjoying the influx of new minds. We can be an argumentative bunch at times but I don’t think there is any harm meant. I don’t know why someone whould join AB to create discord, hope they are roundly dismissed. As @Harp says, we have had difficulties dealing with mass influxes (influxi?) at times, but I think this one is going incredibly smoothly. Sorry if anyone has experienced difficulties.

SuperMouse's avatar

@YARNLADY I have no idea what the statement just above mine said, it was removed before I saw this thread for the first time.

All I know is that you have complained about the Collective before and if you believe there are so many people here simply to “throw insults” I must wonder why you are hanging around. I’m also wondering, did you call my post “just plain silly” because you enjoy hurling insults?

I am not pretending anything, I am saying that this board – being a microcosm of the world – has contributors of all stripes, and like living in the world, it is up to us to take them as they are and appreciate them for what they have to offer. Your judgmental attitude towards some on this board seems in direct contradiction to the tone you take in this thread.

YARNLADY's avatar

@SuperMouse Where did “some” turn into “so many”? Your “judgmental” is my “honest”, and I did see the removed portion. Again, what is the point of trying to pretend that some (a few) jellies delight in throwing insults around like monkey turd? It’s a known fact, and denying it doesn’t make any sense to me. I would actually like it better if the mods had nothing to do at all, but they do a good job, and I’m glad.

If you find any of my comments that are insults, simply flag them, and the mods will take care of it. I think you would have search hard and long, since I try to avoid it as much as possible.

cookieman's avatar

@GingerMinx: Its a good day when I’m being thanked for a quip that involves my smacking someone. :^)

@eponymoushipster: Dude…c’mon. You’re a better monkey than that.

breedmitch's avatar

Welcome new jellyfish. (btw in my mind “jelly” is the correct term for a fluther member- not “flutherite”. You wouldn’t call one crow a ” murderite”)

I second supermouse.

Seek's avatar

…can’t we all just get along?

YARNLADY's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Of course we all get along. There is room for every kind here, and when it gets out of hand, the mods keep us all in line. (I wish I could string a few other similies together here).

SuperMouse's avatar

@YARNLADY, if they are so few, why did you refer to them as several and why have you brought this issue up more than once before? Also, I found your reference to my post as “just plain silly” insulting.

dpworkin's avatar

Watch your step, ladies, or I will show you all what arbitrary crabbiness and general unpleasantness can really look like. (You know I can.)

YARNLADY's avatar

@pdworkin Ohhhhh yeah!!!
@SuperMouse They ask, I answer. Silly is not meant as an insult, but simply my way of saying that your answer is something we can laugh over.

Catlover's avatar

If any of you are interested in who is attempting to cause dissention between AB members and Fluther, I am not sure this will come through but here is the profile of that person calling him/herself “flutherite”. Boy does this person have a problem. I guess they have appointed themself spokesperson for Fluther.

If you go further into this profile and look at his questions and especially comments you will see the colorful language they use to describe AB members and how outraged they are that any of us joined fluther and ruined it for them.

dpworkin's avatar

There are assholes everywhere. I don’t think you’ll find that the general sentiment here is anything but welcoming.

Catlover's avatar

Thanks you pdworkin. I must say I have only found the nicest people so far. I think questions like this help immensly to bring the two groups together and eventually have one which can live in harmony and before long forget there ever were two distinct groups.

Arisztid's avatar

I think that this question and this question:

… should be good to get us integrated into Fluther and get AB out of our systems. I think the “what happened” question is great for giving us a place to talk, not rant, and this question is, well, just plain helpful.

Hopefully the transition stage shall be brief with these two questions going.

When it comes to Jellies who have a problem with the mass influx, I ask my fellow ABers to remember the Superduders influx and how disruptive that was. Oy were we up in arms. However, they settled in and the ones that stayed became great Baggers. The Superdudes influx was MUCH smaller than the AB influx here. They are being very tolerant and welcoming.

dpworkin's avatar

I just went and read that crap that moron has been posting on AB. I have no idea who that is, but it’s not anyone we’d mind losing. Please don’t take any of it seriously.

Catlover's avatar

I will take into consideration where it came from :) Thanks again for your support.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@Arisztid Was there an influx at AB??? When did this happen?? Must have been before I got there. There hadn’t been one during the time I was there as far as I knew. How was it disruptive?? I wouldn’t have minded having them.

YARNLADY's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown don’t you remember when the “superdude“ers came on? They came very angry because Demand Media had cancelled or changed their site, and they held all Answerbagers responsible for their problems, the same thing happened with an Airplane hobby site owned by Demand Media that went kaput.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@YARNLADY Nope. I have no recollection of that at all Was this recent??? Like anytime in 2009??

YARNLADY's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown Probably not, I think more like near the end of 2008, but I’m not really sure. It was really an interesting time, but not all that memorable.

Arisztid's avatar

I have a question:

I tend to do things like link to old answers of mine rather than write out bloody long ones rehashing things I have said a million times. All of these old answers are, at this time, on Answerbag.

Is it ok to link to them like I did here:

… or should I put them on a blog that I can make for that purpose?

jonsblond's avatar

I asked a question a few months ago about Fluther regrets. Many people answered with mistakes that they have made here at Fluther. I found it very interesting and thought that it could be helpful to newbs/noobs however it is spelled.

Catlover's avatar

johsblond thank you for that link. The question and responses are indeed valuable bits of information

YARNLADY's avatar

@Arisztid I wouldn’t see anything wrong with using the parenthsis, word, parenthsis, colon, followed by the URL. Start an answer box and look directly under the box for the correct configuration.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@jonsblond How did you do that??? With the link?? Like how did you make it a link that said “Fluther regrets”????

YARNLADY's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown Start an answer, and look directly under the box. See the link

That means use a parenthsis, any word, parenthsis, colon and the URL.

Arisztid's avatar

@YARNLADY… I figured that out. :P My comment is edited appropriately.

But are, specifically, answerbag links ok or should I move the answer to a blog?

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t see that it would matter. Maybe just to avoid controversy, the blog.

Violet's avatar

@SuperMouse – oh I’m cool with heated debates. But someone snapping at having new people on “their” site wasn’t what I needed to read or hear about.

Catlover's avatar

Well I guess I need to apologize for posting that Violet. I thought, considering the conversation, someone here would appreciate knowing what at least one fluther member was saying while purporting to be on behalf of fluther

YARNLADY's avatar

@Catlover Maybe someone did but violet didn’t – I’m OK with it.

Violet's avatar

@Catlover – oh I’m ok with a nut case going over to AB, it’s the mean comments on fluther that bothered me

GingerMinx's avatar

@SuperMouse Thank you, from what I have seen here I have the up most respect for the majority of people at this site.
@cprevite I like spankings :P

I have decided that the person on AB obviously really needs to rant and rave and so I shall humour them, especially since they have started private messaging me.

TWIST's avatar

No lookin’ back.

Harp's avatar

It’s like trying to merge onto a crowded expressway—there’ll always be a few jerks who don’t want to let you in.

SuperMouse's avatar

@YARNLADY I did not and do not see my answer as something we can laugh over. It was a serious answer and I stand by what I wrote.

YARNLADY's avatar

@SuperMouse I guess you are one of those rare Jellies who has never seen an insult on Fluther. I suspect the mods would be glad to enlighten you if you wanted. Maybe it is understandable when you refuse to even acknowledge an example right here on this very exchange. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Violet's avatar

I’m going to “stop following” this activity/question. Comment me if you want to say something directly to me : )

Seek's avatar

Me too. I’m a Jelly now. No more AB talk. ^_^

SuperMouse's avatar

@YARNLADY I am pretty sure I never said I haven’t seen an insult on Fluther. What I said was people hurling insults is not the norm. I don’t care how many times you say it is or comment that I am silly for thinking that, you are not going to change my mind. Fluther by and large is a fabulous community of people who are respectful and well spoken.

dpworkin's avatar

Oh yeah, @SuperMouse? Well fuck you, then.

SuperMouse's avatar

@pdworkin consider my mind changed. : P

gemiwing's avatar

I do wish that the person complaining over at ab would post a mature, well-thought out and level-headed question here about it. If they claim to speak for a certain percentage then I’d like to see some numbers to back it up. then again I am a science geek

dpworkin's avatar

@gemiwing I seems to me that anyone who would misbehave in that fashion is a crank, and has no well-thought-out question, nor is such a person likely to have a level head. Conspiracy hysterics are usually unwell, and in this case that would be my guess.

csimme01's avatar

@SuperMouse & @YARNLADY OK you two enough. You are both spliting hairs and beating a dead horse. You are both right. There are jellys who are annoying and there are jellyes who take the high road. How about agreeing to disagree and putting the sharpened tongues back in their scabbards. Both of you are better than this. IMHO

gemiwing's avatar

@pdworkin A girl can dream, can’t she?

YARNLADY's avatar

@csimme01 thanks for the olive branch, I didn’t realize until later that it was only a matter of the interpretation of “several” and “so many” – we both agree they do exist.

csimme01's avatar

Thanks @YARNLADY One down One to go.

kewlguy_exABuser's avatar

will you all PLEASE stop – you are giving me a headache!

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] I just wanted to say that we’re aware of the supposed “flutherite” posting hateful things over on AB. Sadly, we have no way of knowing who this individual is. It could even be an AB member that stayed (or even an AB staffer) trying to stir up trouble between our new members and Fluther. However, if this person truly is a jelly, please know that they do not speak for our community.

Civic_Cat's avatar

Feb 3, 2010
There is strong evidence that the “mods” here are human, and can be dealt with as such.

I’ve found that in Answerbag, Lex might be human, but he is sub-ordinate to the entities above him; as for Yahoo! Answers equivalent, they might respond to you as human when you get 100 000 points (around level 7), though you can essentially freely berate them.

Still, I need a place for this:
Where do flutherites go to ask dumb, or at least silly, questions?

Pseudonym's avatar

I started very recently, but I had been observing the site for a while and couldn’t make an account long story but a big piece of advice would be not to ask questions that are too factual, or based on video games, or a math problem. Ask questions that are mature, possibly philosophical, and make you think.

and always listen to AstroChuck’s words of wisdom

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

@Pseudonym I totally agree… no video game questions!

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