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Dr_C's avatar

Gravity boots (inversion system)... do they work?

Asked by Dr_C (14344points) December 11th, 2009

I was considering getting an inversion system… you know the kind where you strap somtehing to your ankles and hang upside down to d crunches and reverse situps and squats. The point is to complement my use of a balance ball… has anyone ever tried this? is it work it? does it work? How’s the ab workout from this?

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18 Answers

rooeytoo's avatar

I had a friend who used an inversion system to combat the ravages of aging and wrinkling. She did look good, but she was a tennis pro so her occupation kept her fit and trim, don’t know how much of it could be attributed to the inversion and how much to lifestyle.

Based on your question and your purpose, I don’t see how it could not increase the efficiency of your workout. Sit ups are much more demanding on an incline board, I can’t imagine them while hanging upside down, it would be a killer! Same for squats, I don’t think I could do it.

Interesting question.

filmfann's avatar

I occasionally have bad lower back pain, and I use my inversion board to stretch and reposition my back. I don’t use it whenever I hurt, but when I feel it might work, it often does.
I hang for about 2 minutes, twisting in either direction. If I hang too long, I get dizzy, though.

DrBill's avatar

yes, they do work

SeventhSense's avatar

Sure it isolates the rectus abdominus and stretches the vertebrae.

nebule's avatar

wow…this sounds like torture :-/

Tomfafa's avatar

I use them three times a week. I do 4 sets of 15 ‘sit-ups’... feel the burn! Oh you will get six packs!

rooeytoo's avatar

@Tomfafa – is there a video of this exercise anywhere? I am having trouble picturing it. It sounds like a killer!

SeventhSense's avatar

Here’s some inversion boots. The hooks go over a bar and they don’t have to go against the wall. In fact they are better on an open bar because there is no leverage from the wall and one has to use their ab muscles entirely to raise up to touch feet. It really isolates the abdominal muscles because no other muscles can be used.

rooeytoo's avatar

@SeventhSense – thanks, I knew what they looked like, a friend had them, but I just can’t imagine the strength to pull yourself up that way to touch toes. I was always pretty fit, but I don’t think I ever could have done that.

That guy’s face is some kind of red!

SeventhSense's avatar

He used them back in the day. Remember an American Gigolo

rooeytoo's avatar

Of course I loved that movie, we were required to, (actually I still am a sucker for a Richard Gere movie, but his last one absolutely stunk, the Rodanthe one and now he is acting in the akita movie, he must need money) but I don’t remember the inversion boots. Did he do sit ups with them on?

Tomfafa's avatar

Actually, the reason I got the boots was at the recommendation of my gymnastics club to strengthen my back muscles and to keep my spine aligned… so far they seem to work, I am 35 y.o. and don’t suffer the back ailments older gymnasts trend.Somehow they became part of my routine. There must be something online about them.
PS…. ok… I am a narcissistic bastard and I love my six packs.

Dr_C's avatar

@Tomfafa sold… I want to get my six pack back… so I might be right there with you on the narcissism. But hey… If I don’t take care of my body who will?

rooeytoo's avatar

I am no spring chicken but I feel better inside and out when I am lean and sculpted. I don’t think it is narcissistic to want to be in good shape.

It is harder to maintain as I age though, my skin just doesn’t fit as well anymore!

(I am downloading Amercan Gigolo so I can see the action happening – you guys must be good!)

nebule's avatar

rocky balboa springs to mind…I love him

rooeytoo's avatar

@SeventhSense – you are wrong, Richard Gere does not come anywhere near to touching his toes while wearing the boots. He does about 3 not very impressive crunches with some 3 or 5 pound weights in his hands. He is a pretty young thing but not very ripped, no obvious 6 pack on him. Actually except for his total nudity in the one scene, the whole movie pretty much sucked!

@Dr_C – If you can touch your toes when hanging upside down, not against a wall, you are amazing.

Dr_C's avatar

@rooeytoo coming from you that’s quite a compliment ;)

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