What are your thoughts on "Xena Warrior Princess?"?
Asked by
Berserker (
December 11th, 2009
I used to watch this all the time when I was young, and now that I have satellite television, it has returned. I always enjoyed it because the show’s progression alters between dramatics and humour and it always includes cheesy violence and even philosophy. It’s great, if not slightly lame, plus you gotta love all the sexual innuendo thrown in everywhere.
So does that make any sense, and if not, if you’re familiar with it, what did you think of this series? I never watch TV, but this is a nice trip down memory lane, anyways.
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75 Answers
I love a girl who can fight and yodel!
Ask me again ten years ago.
Hah, yeah I loved watching Xena Warrior Princess all those years ago, as well as Hercules.
I can’t really get into either now.
she saved bart and lisa simpson once, I love her ever since!
She is the only woman that I know of walking the face of the earth who could turn me into a raving lesbian and make me happy that I turned! HA-CHA-CHA!
Sword welding screamy tart with an attitude, yea I liked her…
I loved the show, but every great show has to come to an end sometime…miss Hercules too.
@flameboi That wasn’t Xena, it was Lucy Lawless! XD Am I doing this whispering thing right or…
I don’t have a freaking CLUE, Sym! Oh, shit….you cahnged your ame again?? I tried to understand that whisper thing, but I din’t know if I’ve got it right. You’re supposed to put two dashes on either side of a word or phrase, like this
I didn’t change my name…it says that if you press ”@” a dropdown menu appears with all the usernames of the people in the thread, and you choose one to comment to…or…so I thought? Dude wtf lol.
Putting an @ symbol before a persons name shows that you are responding to a previous answer. If it’s off topic you should whisper it by encasing it in two hyphens (or dashes). If you want to privately respond to an answer you need to go to that persons profile and leave a comment.
Hope that helps!
Ohhhh…now I AM confused. your name seems to be…..oh, never mind. I see that you were talking to someone else! <face turns red>
@anon Like this? So I can comment to people off topic in this manner?
@phillis Aaa so cute when you turn all red. :D
@Symbeline Exactly. However we don’t like things getting too chatty on questions here, preferring everything to stay on topic as much as possible. If you find things branching out into an off-topic discussion it’s suggested that you post a relevant question or use the profile comment feature. :)
But I’m no mod and fairly new myself so feel free to disregard all I have said! ;D
@anon Nah it all sounds good to me. Thanks for the head’s up…we don’t have messaging features for nothing. :D
I love te show and gabrelle is perfect
be neet to see once, couldn’t stand when it was on the air.
@azlotto If you thought she was hot in Xena, you should see her in Battlestar Galactica. Wow.
I never knew she was on that show, JG! I gotta google some pics of that!
Holy CRAP! She’s blonde!!
She’s lovely even if she’s bald. The bitch is just plain HOT.
I think Gabrielle is way cuter, but yeah, Aries-major hunk, too. ^^
Sym, you know he’s dead, right?
@phillis No, thanks for the link. I feel like an idiot for not knowing this. Hell I didn’t even know Xena HAD a season six…he seemed like such an awesome person, too. :(
Crap, Sym! I haven’t had TV for the past 15 months! I’ve missed everything since before Obama became president! Don’t feel stupid around ME, darlin’.
Here…..have some lurve :D
I found it on Netflix (online viewing) and have been watching some. It’s fun and addictive, and reminds me of when I got into Buffy the very first time, oh, 6 years or so ago now.
I haven’t been watching it recently because Netflix has Doctor Who. :P
That’s so cool, isn’t it?? I got the whole BtVS, Angel, Firefly and whatever Firfly’s movie was, all on DVD, and have watched them over and over again! I LOVE IT!!!
Wow! I loved Xena (I didn’t care much for Hercules, though Xena actually started out as a bad guy on Hercules, then turned into a good guy when she got her own show). I though the show was so cool – Lucy Lawless was perfect for the part – and I always wondered if Xena and Gabrielle were more than just buddies :-)
@HungryGuy—My dad was convinced that they were indeed. However, one episode in season three shows Xena accidentally putting her hand over Gabrielle’s hand, and quickly took it away, and both girls exchanged a look of awkward embarrassment, and they were alone.
So I’m guessing they’re not, or at least, not right away. Seems to be a developing thing, but I theorize that the feelings they may very well share for one another are new to both of them.—
@Symbeline – Thinking back, I think one of my favorite episodes was where Lucy Lawless played a modern day archeologist, and found Xena’s shakram and other artifacts, and then discovered that she’s descended from Xena, then iteresting events ensued…
I love it when shows do “experimental” episodes like that!
Look what you did! I may have to buy the show on DVD now :-)
@HungryGuy Me too, I’m contemplating driving over to blockbuster today to see if they have it. :)
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities – There’s at least six seasons of Xena that I know of. So I couldn’t buy it all at once. It took me about a year to buy all seven seasons of ST:TNG.
They probbaly sell DVD sets…I’d love to get them myself.
And yeah the modern day Xena was hilarious. Wasn’t Xena’s descendant wearing glasses at that point?
I love it
Especially when I’m in the episodes.
Yeah, I think she was wearing horned-rim glasses and a dressed like a scientist going on “safari” just like on National Geographic. Looked like a total geek, haha!
And I’m sure they sell DVDs of just about any show ever made. But complete seasons ain’t cheap! ST:TNG was $60 per boxed season (7 seasons in all). So over the year, I spent a bundle to buy every episode…
Not every show…Duckman, Mission Hill or Downtown…these are adult cartoons of some few years back, and I still can’t find any damn sets. :(
@Symbeline – I feel your pain. I’m waiting for them to release Max Headroom on DVD. Some shows with very limited appeal probably won’t be done :-(
@HungryGuy I wonder if that petition to have Daria DVD sets ever worked…:/
@Symbeline – I don’t know. Look on Amazon and see it it’s available. But those petitions rarely work. It’s a cold business decision. Are there enough people willing to buy enough copies that it’s worth making a production run? Plus all the things you have to do to make a DVD collection, like the animated menus, and the graphics for the packaging.
@phillis Oh, it helps. I plan on starting a Xena marathon very soon.
I too agree that Firefly = win. :)
@phillis – I also have the Firefly series and the Serenity movie. I was disappointed in the movie. Why do they always have to kill off characters in the movie versions of TV shows? I hate that! When we buy the movie version of our favorite cancelled shows, we want a happy family reunion (with some hair-raising thrills and wild adventure somewhere in the middle), not some dark sad tragedy…
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Good! I’m glad I could help. I had no idea you could see an entire series anywhere online for free until I did that search.
@HungryGuy I liked Mal much better in the series. He was a lot more altruistic, and a lot less cynical. Washburn dying was a plot twist I didn’t expect, but damn….that was true Joss Whedon style, was it not? Oh! And that Mal and Inara never got together!! What the hell is up with THAT?!
That is classic Joss…..NOBODY gets to enjoy a relationship for long, if they even get together at all. Every relationship he ever crafted for his characters was obliterated. He killed me when he wouldn’t let Angel and Cordelia get together. That ripped my heart out :(
Update: Xena marathon has officially begun, in no small part due to this question. Tis a good day!
@phillis – Do you remember the very beginning of the first episode when Mal lost that war. That’s when he lost his altruism and became cynical.
Yes, I do! But he was SO much darker in Serenity! He wouldn’t let that one guy get on the hover craft when escaping the Reavers, which would never have allowed Summer Glau’s character to remain on Serenity in the first place, had he had the same mindset in the series. I did like the mercy killing he did for the guy, once the Reavers got hold of him, though. That was excellent.
@phillis – Well, I don’t think that hovercraft could have held any more people.
They’ve always flown on a wing and a prayer! Think about how many times they’ve flown that bucket of bolts when it was barely limping along. That premise was what created half of the drama on Firefly! Granted, it was THE run-in the crew had with the Reavers, but if Mal had held the same conviction in the series, the doctor and his sister would have been dropped off at the first planet they could reach. That was the argument Washburn’s wife (forget her character’s name) had when she confronted Mal on why he didn’t let the guy onto the hovercraft.
There was no clear-cut WRONG with either side, but the deviation in character was palpable with Mal in the movie. I would have appreciated consistency. Had the consistency existed, it is likely that he and Inara would have gotten together. I felt she over-played her hand too, but I can’t argue that Joss showed incredible consistency in misery-laced relationships, regardless of the series.
Actually, I think the whole point of the series was intended to be how Mal changed over time, but Joss never got to really explore his characters bexause Fox ran the episodes out of order and skipped some. Had Fox done it right, Firefly could have been another Star Trek!
Oh, and when Serenity had that explosion, I thought, “Don’t those idiots even carry spare parts? Scotty could have got that engine going again on spit and glue!”
HAHAHAHA!! I guess dilithium crystals held little appeal once you could fly a machine with sensual curves and an ass that lights up :)
And I agree! You are so right – the characters had to arc much too quickly to go into more detail. I’m surprised Joss got the financial backing for the movie at all. He pulled a rabbit out of his ASS with that one!
Yeah, and I heard the movie lost money. That sucks. Had it made a profit, it may have been the impetus to put the show back on the air.
I still think there is enough meat left on the bone to ingnite the series, but the timing isn’t here, yet. Everything has it’s time. It will return. Of that, I am sure. And I’ll bet ANYTHING that it will be either in memory of Joss Whedon, Gene Roddenberry-style, or with him as the aging creative consultant. He’s just so damn Orwellian in his imagination, you know? He’s a hard one to match because so few feel at home in such a vast imaginative landscape . That will slow the process considerably.
Well, if they wait too long, the actors will age out of their roles and the show won’t make sense. Or they’ll have to use all new actors, and that’ll throw the continuity off. And what are they going to do about Wash if they revive the show? Maybe the Reavers took him back to their Reaver ship and healed him because they “made peace with their inner zombies” and decided to turn good, ROFL?
Holy shit, what an imagination! Nah, they’ll have a clone of him by now. Due to the preservation process for burial, the brains of the dead are still intact even after say…...200 years. They’ll sneak in, grave rob him outta there, then barely escape, then sneak into a hospital (aka – summer-style) and download all his memories and flying abilities from his brain. Shit, it’s the FUTURE, for God’s sake. Anything is possible! Or his wife could have a vial with a tiny bit of his skin or hair hanging around her neck, and rebuild him from that. The possibilities are endless.
Yeah! You’re right! I’m sure Zoe has a vial of his hair or something that she keeps on her body at all times! Of course, they can sneak back into that same hospital again and make a clone of Wash. Then Summer can use her psychic powers to restore his memories. w00t!
Amazing…..I forgot to include those massive powers of hers. Shit, I couldn’t remember Zoe’s name! You really DO have a talent, HG. Have you ever considered branching out from your current fare?
I think we need to start a What are your thoughts on “Firefly and Serenity” question. :)
Hell, I’m done now, Jeff! I wouldn’t have taken off on this Firefly tangent if I didn’t know Sym so well. She doesn’t mind. Because jellies and I don’t know each other well enough yet, it wouldn’t have been possible to enjoy that freedom on someone else’s question, which is perfectly understandable.
@phillis Oh, no I’m not complaining at all, I loved the stuff you guys were posting!
You can go on all the tangents you want on my questions as well.
Oh! HA! I thought you were nicely reminding us to stay on subject. I was actually thinking what a nice job you did with it. DOH!
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities – all us ex-ABusers are pals and are used to going off on tangents like this :-) As long as nobody said anything blatantly pornographic or made specific threats against anyone, nothing was verboten to ask, answer, or comment.
Sweet! Can I be part of the club?
Oh I didn’t mean part of AB, just buddies with the ex-ABers who are enjoying Fluther.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities – Well, it’s kind of like we’re a big extended family that got dislocated by a natural disaster. But, sure, we like new friends!
“Well, it’s kind of like we’re a big extended family that got dislocated by a natural disaster”
Ha! Well, at least you all survived. :)
I haven’t watched the series in a long while, but I will admit to having seen each episode multiple times. It’s cheesy as hell, but it’s great fun and some of it is surprisingly good (and it’s a hell of a lot better than the series that spawned it). I remember realizing during the last season that Gabrielle was a much, much more interesting character to me than Xena. The entire series was the arc of her transformation from a simple peasant girl into a warrior who equalled Xena. I don’t think the producers ever planned it that way, it just happened – probably had to happen, because Xena was already “perfect” when the show began.
Anyway, it’s an old favourite of mine, and occasionally I have to keep myself from quoting it because I know no one else will get the joke. :)
Nice. Yeah, Gabrielle was a cool character because she evolved in a way that Xena didn’t. Xena was always good at learning different ways to fight, but the personality progression never really did…progress. Not a problem, because she’s cool, but I see your point.
The entire series was the arc of her transformation from a simple peasant girl into a warrior who equalled Xena.
Yeah, but to me this is a bit of what killed it, at least in the last seasons. Both girls are polar opposites, and what was interesting was to see their relationship develop with the contrast. But eventually you just had two really tough girls, lost a bit of charm. Still, I’m not criticizing, I love it anyways.
And yeah, Hercules; meh. Lol.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but I found early Gabrielle so annoying… and the Indian pacifism thing did not work for anybody. Her character was so inquisitive and so imaginative, it would have been crazy if she never learned any skills from Xena.
I started to really enjoy her in the stories around Ares and the birth of Christianity – when she wanted so badly to be the protector because Xena was pregnant. And damn, that short haircut.
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