Have you just joined from Answer Bag?
Asked by
augustlan (
December 11th, 2009
Hi there, Answerbaggers! I’m the Community Manager here, and just wanted to take a moment to welcome you. Please post on this thread so your friends know you’re here. To have a chat or get your questions about the site answered, please check out our special AB Chatroom. We hope you enjoy the site!
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540 Answers
Response moderated
I joined today from AnswerBag. Thank you for the warm welcome! :)
and welcome answerbaggers…or whatever it is you used to call yourselves! you are flutherites now!
I have joined here, but will still be on Ab….................. Im a bit of a loyalist I guess. LOL
Same I just joined today, I’m from AB as well. Thank you for welcoming us augustlan :D
I am a mod here, and I would like to welcome you all to Fluther. Hope you enjoy your stay and don’t hesitate to PM any mod (after checking out FAQ and guidelines) if you have any questions about the site. We are here to help!! =)
Welcome, Answerbaggers! Have some cake.
I brought a cake to an earlier thread, but the thread got modded right away, and meanwhile I found a nicer cake.
i left the bag today.they killed it.this place seems cool.i found some familiar faces from the bag so i’m not alone in a new place.and thanks for your effort on welcoming us defectors.
Thanks for the welcome. I feel warm and fuzzy already. =P
Phillis is here! How I feel about what AB did can be found on my fluther profile page. I knew it would be censored by staff, so I pasted it HERE! I’d like to see them delete it now! BWAH-hahahahah!!!
I’m from AB and just started on Fluther today. I can’t believe how friendly and helpful everyone has been. I really like this site!
~Welcome to Fluther~ I love fresh faces!
@Jeruba thanks for the cake
@Jeruba Thanks so much for bringing the cake, it’s beautiful!
@Jeruba Mmm! Thank you for bringing cake!!
@Jeruba Thanks 4 the cake!! i just came from AB. It’s been butchered. i think everyone’s coming over here now. i just made an account here and i feel warm and fuzzy already. THANX!!!!!!
Just joined today…thanks for the warm welcome augustlan!
I migrated from AB. They ruined the damn site!
I am. Nothing beats the old answerbag, but compared to what it is now…this place is heaven! Thanks for accepting us! From what I have seen this is a very friendly place and I am sure I will enjoy my stay here!
Cake is a long and honorable tradition on fluther. So are pancakes. You’ll find some clues here.
I’m an AB refugee… loved Answerbag, but this new layout has me going crazy! Thanks Fluther for the warm welcomes and advice, much appreciated!
What a lovely warm welcome. I think I’m in luv.
ME ME ME ME!!! NUNYA jumps up and down and waves arms I’m new here! I just came from the “North End of a South Bound Mule” site called Answerbag! Glad to be here!!!
Yeah, I just made the Fluther transition from Answerbag.
Good to see some familiar names and faces.
I look forward to meeting our new Fluther friends.
I’ve seen a few influxes of users from other sites during my time on Fluther, and I can honestly say that the ex-Answerbaggers seem intelligent, friendly, and fun. They’ll fit right in here!
I am new here and from Answer Bag. Thanks for the warm and friendly welcome. I hope to get to know many of you here. Thanks Jeruba for bringing the cake!! Is it the white moist, wedding cake type??? mmmmm…. Love cake!
Also check out the Fluther memes for some laughter and also an insight to lot of the inside jokes that are made on this site.
aawww. ppl r so nice on this site. i luv it here already! this shud be like an epic internet event in history. “The Migration From Answer Bag To Fluther” YAY!! we’ll all soon be a part of a history book! sry. i just had 5 pixie sticks.
Yep, I just joined from Answerbag, and I’m really enjoying fluther so far. It’s like a cuter, less trolly version of the old AB I knew and loved. Thanks for the warm welcomes guys!
Bangin Baxter is going to try out the Fluther Yo!!!!”)..
I just got here from AB. Thanks for the warm welcome ! I especially appreciated the welcome banner on the home page. It let me and possible others know we were in the right place. Getting cake was the icing so to speak.
Cake? Yay! But what about tea and crumpets?
Well, I’m here too, everybody! I don’t know if I want to utterly abandon AB, for I have hundreds of questions and thousands of answers there. Nor do I have the time to devote to TWO addictive social sites :-) So I’ll see how things go…
@Jeruba The cake is a lie!
@everyone else – Hai! LadyAlathia of Vulcan here, under my new (also Vulcan-related) name. Live long and prosper, Jellies!
Thanks for the welcome, Jonsblond! Ah, there seems to be no way to comment on an answer here (and have a thread of comments under a particular answer) except by posting a new answer. Maybe we ABers can offer some friendly suggestions for some minor improvements.
Hey Lady Alathia! Good to see you here! I hope Fluther can handle the sudden en-masse immigration today :-)
@BanginBaxter hey there BanginBaxter – it’s kewlguy from AB – is this a trip or what???? I wonder what Lex and Rich are thinking about now?
@HungryGuy Great to see you too!
It seems to be acceptable practice to hold conversations within answer threads, provided you stay reasonably on topic. More “chatty” conversations are best kept to PMs and the chat rooms. ^_^
I’m running with the herd. Thank you for providing a place for us, a welcome, and a messaging site so we don’t lose our Friends. Looking forward to a new experience.
@kewlguy_exABuser…I wish I was a fly on the AB Boardroom Wall right about now”)”)LOL:P
Lady Alathia: “Chat Rooms?” Is that Fluther’s version of the “Answerblog?”
@HungryGuy if you look at the top of the home page – there is a link to the chat line – they even set up a specific chat room just for us AB’ers that are migrating today
Let’s break out the champagne for our newest contributers!
A toast!:
To our newest members- Answerbag loses as Fluther happily accepts their best!
That’s soooo Nice!!!! I am going to need a whole bottle of champagne tonight:):)
Thank you, Dog!
I’ll celebrate with my bottle of Powerade. Still fighting off a touch of the flu. ^_^
It’s so nice to have you all here!
Yes i have just made it a few min ago. It even says it on my profile.
I joined up early this morning…and I just love it here!
I joined just now. omg, I have never seen a website fall so hard so quickly..
I am here from AB! I was a 3 year member (Which is 1/5 of my entire life! ;), and I guess it was all a waste. I can’t log into my account (says invalid passowrd/e-mail address), and I’ve tried to contact the AB admin and have the password sent via e-mail, but not a thing. That’s alright, this place looks pretty cool.
@pouncey hey there girl…it’s kewl guy from AB – great to see ya here – AB is a ghost town now!
@global_nomad , Your other question got yanked by the mods while I was composing this answer to it :( So I’m answering it under this question… Answerbag is a Q&A social site. Years ago, except for cosmetic differences in styling, it functioned almost identically to the way Fluther does today. Over the years, they added new features, advertising, many bells and whistles, etc., etc. The biggest problem is that all the graphics and “googlead/blahthis” and “googlead/blahthat” made AB so darn s-l-o-w… Their programmers also never heard of the concept of “software testing before going live” and clicking through numerous Javascript errors every time a page loaded has been a normal part of Answerbag life for months now. But one of the nice features of Answerbag was that you could post a “Comment” to each answer and could have a discussion thread of “comments” directly under each answer. Your profile page would show a list of all new answers to your questions, and all new comments to your answers, with the most recent at the top. It was really a great way to foster rapid-fire discussion. But they took that whole functionality away today :(
Yes; I was a level “69” Mastro… when they totaly screwd up A/B…..
I “might” go there occassionally ; BUT I kind of doubt it…..
So GLAD to have found and now be a regular on FLUTHER !!!
@dani6119, I’m from Fluther…do I have a clone? How fun!
I keep coming back here, but I keep thinking of things that new Flutherites must check out. See our Fluther Blog to know the latest news from HQ. And also, we interview individual Flutherites to learn more about them, and you can check out those interviews here.
@PandoraBoxx – There is a Pandora on AB but I can’t remember what the rest of her id is. I wasn’t sure if that was her, but it’s not, it’s you. LOL!
Nice to meet you!
Just a note to welcome all the AB’ers. You guys all seem quite knowledgable and polite, and I am looking forward to the new blood here!
A word of caution: Giving Great Answers to AstroChuck seems to cause a computer virus that wipes out your hard drive. Other than that, it’s all good!
Oh, and by the way, it’s “Answerbag”. Not “Answer Bag”. LOL.
@dani6119 , LOL about the knowlegable and polite bit. Just wait ‘till all the religious fanatics from AB show up…bla, bla, blay, blay…
@filmfann .. forgive me, but what do you mean by giving great answers to astrochuck?
@HungryGuy Then we will have something in common!
(eyes HungryGuy suspiciously)
@stemnyjones it’s a bad attempt at humor, at the cost of one of Fluthers most prodigious contributors.
@stemnyjones , LOL. If you only knew me from AB, you’d know I’m the most suspicious character around ;-)
@HungryGuy, it’s @filmfann‘s equivalent of telling new students that the swimming pool is on the top floor of the building. @AstroChuck’s answers are usually hilarious. He’s a man in uniform—postal uniform.
Hey Pandora! You came over too? Woot!
@filmfann – LOL at giving AstroChuck great answers.
I’m wondering if he’ll give us the same warning about you? ;-)
Hmmmm… On AB, I have 24593 points and I’m a Sage! Here on Fluther, I have a whopping 73 points…
Here’s a useful tip—there’s Google custom search for just this site located at the top upper right hand corner of the page. You can search either user names, or question tags for the site.
@HungryGuy, I’m a different Pandora, but thanks for the warm greeting. :-D
Then good thing there’s no other Hungry Guy here. I was the “black sheep” of Answerbag :-p
@filmfann who the heck is AstroChuck – is this something we need to take seriously?? Please advise us newbies and validate this accusation for us please – this scares me!
Yep and I’m still crying after loosing my home. :-(
@Zacky I know how you feel – you had more to lose than I did, but change is good – and I think this will be a good one. I am just so thrilled that we are still all together – I don’t know what I would have done if i would have lost all of you guys!
Greets yo.
Also from AB. I like this place lots though, it’s all cute looking and warm and fuzzy.
Also, I like zombies.
So anyways what do we call ourselves on here? Flutherites or Jellies? I like Jellies, it sounds funny. ^^
@kewlguy_exABuser – AstroChuck is very nice. Don’t be scared.
@ zacky – don’t cry, we’re all still here!! (hugs)
Hey “Chainsaw!” You’re here too? How about “Flutherbaggers” as a sort of homage to our former home?
Sorry about misspelling Answerbag, guys! No disrespect intended. :)
@HungryGuy Aye aye capn. I think most of everyone is. XD
@augustlan – I’m from AB and I did it too. Don’t worry about it. I don’t think most people really care. We’re usually pretty easy to get along with. Thanks for the apology though, and the caring about our feelings. :)
@augustlan yes, you should see some of the crap questions we sometimes got on AB, incredibly misspelled and the moderaters would let it stand!
Yeah, AB was at the other extreme. Very little moderation. Q&A full of horrid spelling and txtng shrtcts, and totally nonsensical questions…I was famous for those :-p
I am now a Muther Fluther….
Yup, I just came over from AB too. Hi everyone!
@demorgans welcome demorgans: did I know you on AB?
Im Shatzee but all my baggers know that :) I came from AB too. Its so good to see everyone here :)
Welcome demorgans!! Are you going to stay away from Walmart guys and behave on this site??? No more unplanned pregnancies???
Welcome, AnswerBaggers!
If there is any cake left, could someone put a piece in the frizzer for me? I’ll get it next time I go swimming.
@Kewlguy Yes, you knew me on AB. LOL…wow…I’m so memorable! :^P
@Dani – NO!!! And I want to ask those two questions that I had just asked on AB about the manuals. Should I go ahead and ask them again here?
POLICE…IN HOT PURSUIT….got here code 3
Uh oh, what’s a code 3 Police??? Am I in trouble again? I wasn’t speeding this time! I swear! And the dead body in the trunk? Ummmm…..
@Darwin – Thanks for the welcome! I’ll save you a piece and if there isn’t enough, you can have my piece. I need to diet. :)
@demorgans code 3 is lights and sirens-emergency, and you will always be in trouble! :)
@POLICE – demorgans is guilty. Cuff her and read her her rights…
@demorgans – What manuals are you talking about now??? LOL I think the hormones are talking again. LOL!
I wish to apologize for my mis-spelling of both a users name and Answerbag earlier. I am rather pathetic typing on mobile and did not even catch my mistake till now.
@Dog – I always called it Answer Bag too and I’m one of them. LOL
Don’t worry about it. We’re all pretty easy to get along with.
Yes! And thanks for the warm welcome!
I’m from Answerbag. Thank you all for the warm welcome.
@dani6119 The manuals dani!!! The manuals! The instruction manuals on how to live with a woman! Remember? lol
YES! thanks for the welcome! all that are friends with “C-man” from AB feel free to add me!
Ohhhhh… Yeah, now I remember. Those manuals. LOL!!
Jeez, another lurve fest I missed.
Oh well, welcome to you all and enjoy your stay!
@rooeytoo Thanks…I think I’m planning a permanent move after what they did at ab.
@dani6119 Wow dani. Just….wow. :^P
I wandered over here from Answerbag last march, I felt right at home. I cut my AB participation way back, but couldn’t leave my friends. Now, many of them have joined me here. * * * Y A Y * * *
@YARNLADY We were never friends on AB..I think we missed each other since I only joined in June. But I’ve heard much about you…so it’s nice to finally meet you! :^)
i jumped the sinking AB ship .. thanx for the lifeline ;-)
Live, lurve, be happy and learn in Fluther!
Learn? What is this “learn” you speak of:)
@phillis it is a form of expanding your knowledge!
There is always something new and amazing to learn in Fluther. Not necessarily useful information, but always fun!
You can run, but you can’t hide!
<insert Bad Boys theme here>
@Clair guilty as charged. That’ll be one lurve please.
I dunno yet what lurve is, even though I’ve read about already. Hope you’ll settle for a “great answer” vote from yours truly!
What is lurve, baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no mo!
“Great answer” (GA) = lurve.
Or rather, the score = lurve, You get most of it from GAs, and some from GQs, and some when people add you to their fluthers. And a point for signing on two days in a row.
It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not good for anything. You can’t spend it or redeem it. It’s just a sign that you’re appreciated by other members of the community. When you reach 10,000, we throw a party.
Clair, I hit you, too…..on the off chance that JG would get too big for his britches, thinking he’s the only special one :)
@phillis I think lurve, translated as “love”, is the name for your points accumulation on this site. Clicking on “Great Answer” gives people “lurve”. or so I think this is how it works, anyway.
Oh, clever :/
More plays on wurdz :)
I’m gettin’ all jellied in my nethers!
@phillis That ‘Great Answer’ button you see under my name is actually a mouse tester button, you should hit that often to make sure your mouse is operating at optimal speed. Also, @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities is entirely too big for his britches. Yet you’ll learn to lurve him.
Really! So, there must be a “duped” button to match it nearby, and yet…..not seeing it!
@Clair, @phillis I’ll have you know, my britches are precisely the right size!
Oh, Shhhh!!! Be quiet everyone…..Jeff is “crafting” a response!
I dunno, Jeff….I might have to ask yer mom about that. SHe’s the one that dresses you funny, right? Ouch! that’s gotta hurt :
Psst.. @phillis, that ‘Edit your response button on the side of your comment will let you add or take away from your past entry if it’s within the time limit. It can be a life saver if someone whips in with a quick response and you have to comment on it..Just a tip ;)
@phillis just because i can only ask so many questions a day i will glare at you because i can… i love to craft! im a crafty person! though some call it being shifty… =/
Jeff, don’t cry, baby :)
Cman, glare all you want! I can adjust the brightness on the laptop :)
Good to C you, Cman!
@phillis, I should have known you’d fit in this quickly. And you have more lourvrvrer than me!
@phillis of course! im glad i can see some familiar faces. careful they frown apon txt speek here
Good thing I don’t have much txtur :)
Bastard, this is a GREAT PLACE!! I forgot all about er…..what was that place again?
Where’d my bud Jeff go? His mom and I were just getting reaady to discuss what he’s wearing tomorrow :)
Its nice to see fellow ABers on here. I am no one special disregard the avatar. I had to pick one or else I would be a jelly fish thing.
i tried uploading one and it didnt work… is there a size limit?
They give you the option of placing your own avatar, babe. Do you know how to do it? I can help if you need me.
right ive tried to upload a pic and it directs me away from the site…
Ewww! I can’t help with THAT. Have to spoken to a mod about it?
no… im sure its nothing big. it was just a pic to get rid of the jelly. i will try again when i have time to find something good.
Yeah, make it a great one! Wait…..what am I talking about? EVERYBODY has great ones on here! Some of these avatars that I’ve been staring at for forever are truly awe-inspiring, but I never knew it!
so true. its like wait… what is that? that is new! different! lol
Exactly! The detail in some of them has been nothing short of AMAZING.
Christ – it figures that would be a Diane Keaton line. Could we BE any more neurotic? Look at the director!
Thankyou for the welcome.
All of the good answerbag people came.
Luckily for me I was able to nip in in the rush along with the good answerbag people. ~looks shiftily~ ;)
No shiftiness allowed! Hehehe :)
I’m very glad you’re here, Aris. I haven’t heard back from ChrisDC at all. He’s busy setting up practice. He does know about fluther, so I hope we see him here. But it looks doubtful.
Hi! Looks like the jellies aren’t up yet, this morning!
asked 1 q now fuked up again ;-/ its ticking me off .
Duke has made the journey
lol ive been up all night chatin with icy mostly
Hi, Duke!!
AW, how is Icy doing? Any better?
she calmed down alot .. but got kinda silly i think it was the bourbon lol
i gotta hit the hay ... its 854am lol
Sleep tight, witchy dood :)
I’m from Answerbag too! It’s so nice to see so many of my friends from there and also to see how welcoming everyone has been here on Fluther! It was a real shame that our old “home” was changed so much .. but I guess that happens sometimes. I look forward to finding my way around here. Great question and opportunity for all of us “newbies” to find each other. Thanks.
I just joined today :) Think I will stay on Answerbag for a little while, and see how it goes, but it’s not looking good! Thankyou for the warm welcome :)
Barb, I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you’re here. As long s Barb is around, you can be assured of a quality experience. But as my friend, it just makes it so much warmer here, because you are around. I find great comfort in that.
Phillis .. thanks so much for your lovely comments. I am thrilled to see you here. I’m kind of floundering around here and knowing you’re close by makes it so much nicer!! What would I do without you!! Now we’re all assured to get straight forward, helpful and caring contributions!!
LGC, I do hope you’ll stick around a bit. The new AB is just as different to us as this site is because the changes were so drastic. At least here, they respect us. I am so grateful that I hardly have anything BUT gratitude for them. That I feel this way so strongly merely underscores how differently AB staff was towrds me and my friends. Kinda sad, but it’s ver now…..for me, at least.
I think I just got a big cyber bear hug! Please, Barb…..continue. How great am I again?
HAHAHAHAHA!! Pssst…thank heavens you know me so I can crack jokes like that
Hah! Kidding – I’m a total narcissist :)
@Dog I’m in for a mimosa. I’ll need one before I go to my mom’s and take her shopping for the day. sigh…
Ooh! Ooh! Me!! I want one! Are you from the southern US?
@chyna Oh- I did that. It yeilded nothing after 5 hours! Please- take a double mimosa!
Good morning @phillis! Have a mimosa! I am from Los Angeles area. :)
@Dog I’m going to need 3. She just called and wants me to put up the tree, too. Oh my….
@chyna- I feel your pain. Good luck dear!
@Dog – I’ll gladly take one. Thanks so much for offering!!
@phillis – you’re going to end up a lush yet…. Bless your heart! lol
@dukeG – glad to see you made it and figured out all the shiny new buttons and everything. ;-b
@ anyone else from AB – feel free to add me to your fluther – we can be a fluther family. Instead of birds of a fluther, it’s jellies of a fluther…. just doesn’t have the same ring to it. :)
@ Fluther users – thanks for the warm welcome!! I look forward to getting to know you. Many of you have been so helpful already and I love the humor I see here!!
Dear Existing Friends from the site that went in the toilet and hi to my soon-to-be new friends…This is Sherri..can’t remember if I was just Sherri or Sherri S on that ‘other’ site, but I’m SherriS here…just had made Maestro over there…I see many names I know..looking forward to a new beginning!
@SherriS and all the other new faces: Welcome to Fluther. Lurve.
I hope this site soon feels like home to you all.
Thank you, Filmfann. I’m just so disappointed in the other site changes; just couldn’t justify staying there when it’s more work than pleasure. Looking forward to making new friends here.
@SherriS Correction: You lurve the humor. ;-) We are glad you have you.
Guilty as charged. I hope that not all ABers will wind up here, but the type who like the new format there would be a bad fit here. I’m not sure where the points-competitors will go. It had become an obsession with me and now realize how silly it was. I was answering over 200 questions per day but only around ten that required any real thought. So far, after three days, I “lurve” my new home.
@Jeruba Now I get what you meant by pancakes! Thanks for letting us in on the joke! and is this supposed to be whispered?
@stranger_in_a_strange_land that is exactly how I feel too! I was soblinded by the points that I didn’t care about the quality of the answer – now in retrospect i see that it was really silly. This site brings the intellectual side out of me and I love it – AB’ers will see the better side of me here!
Hooray! I’m going to have to see if I can find all my old friends! :)
Thanks for the welcome!! Look forward to getting to know you… flutherers? fluthers? flutherites?
The worlds oldest rookie cop just joined Fluther. i know my friends have all swapped over and i honestly believe we made the right decision. this is john. lets carry on with our tradition of a good forum for information. i feel strange now, but i will learn to adapt, along with my AB friends. thanks for the welcome everyone. john
Hello everyone… AB’s kounoupi is here too.. I did my best to get the hang of the new AB but, well, I guess I ‘ve failed…
I might go there too from time to time, but I think that by now most Aber’s have left it for good…
Nice to see familiar faces around here:)
Stormy has found the way…
really though i don’t have time for this site or AB anymore…but I will come around time to time to see whats happening and to see all the great people from AB who migrated…Hello everyone :)
For those of you who haven’t figured it out already, I’m here too :D
@jerv yes Jerv…we know – (((sigh)))) LOL
Welcome John and everyone else who joined since yesterday! FYI, I don’t intend to abandon Answerbag. I’ll just be using both places now :-)
I have just joined from AB and so far im liking it here.
So many of my AB friends have moved over that I have reached my limit on adding more to my personal Fluther. I hope no one is offended that the Fluther Gods won’t let me have more.
@YARNLADY, there’s a limit? Wow girl you are popular.
There’s a limit? How many is the limit?
What?!?! They limit the number of friends you can have here?!?!
I’ve been wishing for the limit to get larger for a while now. Maybe it will happen now with so many new users?
::crosses fingers::
@YARNLADY Yeah- I had to remove inactive Flutherites from my fluther and then was forced to dump @andrew and @ben to make room for new friends. :)
@Dog I dumped Andrew and Ben too but I had to add Andrew back. He’s just too cute. ;)
Oh- in answer to the limit question I believe it is 100.
I gravitated here a few hours ago. Nice to see all my friends again! And thank you much for the warm welcome!
@Dog I have 130 in mine. I did have more but when someone in your fluther deletes their account and you go to add someone in their place you can’t (if you are at the limit). I’m pretty sure I had 150 at one point. five of those have been Zen :P
@jonsblond I just tested it, and the limit seems to be 130. That’s where it refused to let me add any more. I am in 144 other people’s, and I think the numbers should at least match, don’t you?
I am so stoked that I have over 130 friends here!
@YARNLADY I agree. Andrew, Ben and Tim are busy men. Hopefully they can work something out for us in the near future.
@Dog Me too! I would have more if I could. I’m really lurving the new jellies and just found out that one of them lives in the town next to mine!
So this question is how the AnswerBaggers are getting all their Great Answers.
<clears throat>
Boy oh boy am I glad I left AB when they made the site changes. Good to see all my old AB friends here. Wish I didn’t have to change my user name and pic in the switch over. Please press the great answer button under this message now. You guys are the best. But we knew that already, right. wink.
At AB, I had 429 friends. A lot of them were no longer active, but I kept them in case they came back. I didn’t want them to come back to no friends. I’d say that, out of those, perhaps 120 of them were no longer active in AB.
BTW, my response to AB’s blog that is on my profile says 854. I got that number from AB, actually! It was another fucking glitch.
429 friends?! Wow! I didn’t have that many, but then again, I deined a lot people who I didn’t know and suspected were just “collecting” friends. The people on my friends list really were my friends…
My goal was not to spread insincerity. My goal was to do what I could to make people feel a part of us, and a part of me. There were some on there whom I accepted their request simply to observe their sockpuppets. Sue me! It was a way of life that I gladly leave behind. AB doesn’t deserve my loyalty, so I won’t be computing back and forth. My point being, I am going to feel sad that I can’t accept everyone who comes from AB, which was my original plan. I wanted them to feel at home.
@75movies – I agree that the way AB used points leads to almost gratuitous use of the “Great answer” button, and many people online seem to wear their friend count as a badge of honor, especially on Myspace and Facebook.
Personally, I never understood that sort of popularity contest though. However, I can see how some of us may still have a little culture shock and require some time to adjust.
@phillis You always did a good job at that. :)
@75movies Not that you asked but I like your new pic. The old one must have really been something.
Welcome to Fluther!
@75movies Ah! You’re on to us :-) Yes, a lot of people on AB cultivated a lot of friends, because lots of friends meant rising up quicker in the leaderboards. And then, lots of people are just friendly and/or flirtatious and so are popular. Things are different here, I see.
Say, where are all the “Am I pregnant?” questions here on Fluther? Or don’t you get those here?
@75movies – I cultivated a fan base but not as many friends as you would think, especially given the number of requests I denied.
Then again, I never cared too much about the leaderboard
I don’t miss the “Doo U n0 nE G00d prOxy syTes?” questions :D
I think they mod those out pretty quickly here
And what’s going on with Reptar? He’s been “crafting a response” for the past hour or so…
Don’t forget, HungryGuy – their moderators actually do their job here. Thus, you won’t see 2098097602876928 versions of “A guy in my class LOOKED at me and I took a red pill with an ‘m’ on it am I pregnant?”
@Seek_Kolinahr – I suppose the AB admins did theirs too. More click-throughs plus bigger ads on the pages equals more ad revenue for Demand Media, and their real job is to enhance shareholder value :P
Did Reptar fall asleep at the keyboard?
@chyna Either that, or his cat is rolling around on his keyboard :-)
C’mon Rep!!! You can do it buddy!!
Just joined Fluther today. Hope to have as much fun here as I used to have on AB.
BTW, just so you y’all know. Some ABers have also joined blurtit.com. It’s not as slick and elaborate as Fluther, but they don’t have heavy-handed moderation there like they do here. It’s a lot like AB used to be before Demand Media took over.
Yep, Thank you for the nice welcome.
@HungryGuy wow! you’re right – it does look alot like AB!
but that all I need is “another” question and answer site to try to keep up! aaaahhhhhhhhhh!
Anybody want to start a betting pool on when Reptar is going to stop crafting a response?
@kewlguy_exABuser Yup! I just asked one of my infamous nonsense “Outside The Bag” questions there…no problem :-)
i think reptar is asleep at the wheel
rep , wake up…. it’s time for your nap
You all are cracking me up. Reptar has been on a few hours now.
he should be “rep“ramanded ! .. “rep“eatedly
I hope he didn’t die at his computer
I’m beginning to wonder….
I looked for the previous question that explains how “crafting a response” gets hung up like this, but I can’t find it. It’s some kind of glitch, if I remember correctly.
Yep and I’m already really enjoying this site, I’m glad I made the switch from AB to Fluther.
Hi, my name is Violet, and I am a recovering Answerbag addict.
Ah, yes, and ~what a relief its been~ to join here. (AND you have an ‘editing function,’ hah! Yup, I’m happy now…) Thanks for the Awesome Welcome, fluther!! ’:)
Hey Violet, ‘editing function’ as in I’ve edited my answer above oh, about 5 times now! lol!
The ‘new AB’ took out the editing function & it nearly drove me insane…
(That’s the curse I have to live with—- having taught ESL, home-schooling grammar, etc. etc. Ha!!) ’:)
@Trissinger – I couldn’t figure anything out. So I just went around cussing out people I don’t like, and people saying mean things about departing ABers
Yeah, we all have different ‘coping mechanisms’... :) Sure they knew you were just frustrated.
I’d been going through ‘stress’ and the bottom falling out of AB didn’t exactly help, The Stinkers!
@Trissinger – I enjoy cussing people out and telling them how I want them to suffer. I’m surprised I haven’t’ been nuked yet. I said some pretty messed up stuff.
Ah, sounds fairly brutal, Violet. :) ...Hope you all survived. (I try to be the ‘eternal optimist’ with a ‘realistic right hinge’...)
@Trissinger – lol “you all”? I am way to bitter to be nice to people I don’t like on AB
There’s a limit to the size of your ‘personal fluther’?
Hi, I’m a former Answerbag user as well. Thank you for your welcome :) And I see alot of other users from Answerbag here. Hi everyone you probably don’t remember me :)
I am not a fluther. Yes, I enjoy this website, but I am a true blue ABer
I am just so Happy we are all here together. Yes I was one of the very, very, sad peoples who were left out in the cold by AB. Now I’m doing better knowing I have a new home to come to. Thank you all for being here and Helloooo to all the new friends I really hope to make here.:)
I flew the coop! I still soar over to AB, but Fluther looks to be a much more promising nesting ground.
I would like to thank the staff here for providing some well needed shelter..thank you. If you staff members of fluther, could maybe find a way to say to thank all you’re old members(pre-AB) for having great understanding as well that would be cool!. I’m sure it’s not easy for them to deal with a few hundred know it alls coming in out of the rain. So maybe give them some tolerance points or something, I don’t know,I’m sure you can think of a way.
This site looks like its going to rock, so today I’m going to see how it all rolls.
Thanks again for letten us use the couch…You guys are awesome!!!
@Violet I think they are refusing to nuke or PB anyone now. After what I told them in the blogs I could still get in as of yesterday. I used the foulest language I know at them, all they seem to do is delete and ignore it. I go in once in a while on “silent recon”, not doing anything but seeing who is left. They seem to be encouraging new members to ridicule the oldsters who left,
@stranger_in_a_strange_land, I’ve been doing the same thing. I’ve noticed a mysterious influx of level one users who have started berating those who have left. I’ve even received many new sarcastic comments from these folks on my older Q&A. And Aristztid is right when he says the new questions are vapid. I’ve seen more than one “why r americns so dum” type questions pop up lately.
@YARNLADY What?!?! They have glitches here too?!?!?! I’m gonna DIE!!
@strange1 Answerbag? That’s a dead skunk in the road now. “stinking to high, high heaven”.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I just had a brainwave. We should stop looging in “over there”. They don’t care about use, all they want are “clicks” on there counter of how mant sined in, to show the advertisers. If we keep logging in and doing nothing we are playing right into their hands. I’m not a “computer person” but even I eventually figured that out. We must make a clean break.
Hey everyone! There’s a Flutherite over on AB complaing how we “took over” Fluther and are filling Fluther with nonsense questions (like we did on AB) – as if Fluther wasn’t heavily moderated :-/
@ Hungry guy. I commented to one earlier today. Funny stuff.
@Violet Hi Violet!
Okay, that would have been funnier if I posted it 6 hours ago.
I would like to apologize to any current or former AB’ers who were offended by the jelly who was so rude in the other site. We do have our share of dicks on this site, but you will find many of them tolerent, intelligent, and funny.
No link sunshine, no need to feed the fire, I’ll just let it burn on the AB side until it gone out.
@filmfann LOL! No need to apologize. There’s plenty of male sexual organs on both sites to share :-)
LOL!!! I was reading up on all the responses here, I did fall asleep at the key board so to speak, well I would have if I hadn’t staggered to the couch. It was a crazy Redneck party, and I was still on the fly when I checked out this site and opened my account. It’s nice to see I made a good drunken choice.
@Reptar…and gained a little bit of fame too. I wonder who has had that “Crafting…” notice up for the longest without it being an actual glitch on the Fluther end, but I get the sense that it may be you!
@jerv…and I wonder why we even have to be aware that someone is “crafting a reply”
@HungryGuy Actually, it makes sense to me. I mean, there were many times on AB where a comment thread would turn into a chat with lots of collisions since people would be on at the same time and you’d have no idea if they were typing or not.
On AB, ‘crafting a reply’ would be a synonym for ‘composing an insult’ :)
HB alright. Glad to see you here.
@HasntBeen I wish you were joking about that. * sigh *
HB is crafting the most complex way he can think of to tell the bigot he’s a bigot
@no_one_special: I’m planning to start dragging some of my old friends over, having finally figured out what a jellyfish is.
I am only logging in at AB to check which friends have come here and I’m curious about the points. I’ve already taken off some friends there and cleaned up my profile and put the Anony avatar on. Anyway how I can change my name over there to Anony too? By the first of the year, I will no longer be in AB at all.
I’m not even doing that. Last seen date ain’t gonna change.
@barbiedoll I am doing the same. But at first I was about to do what jerv did and just abandon ship.
@HasntBeen Never mind I just read your comment saying you planned on bringign some of your old buddies here.
Thats strange I don’t remember seeing that response after your whisper.
I’m still trying to get used to this site.
@no_one_special There is a lurning curve, but less than switching from Windows to KDE.
@no_one_special : I’m not “leaving” AB, but I don’t see spending a lot of effort there anymore, especially if I can get the rest of my favorite users to show up here. The conversation IQ is just so much higher, which was always my pet peeve about AB.
@HungryGuy, that embarrasses me in the same way that it would embarrass me if someone made an insulting remark about a guest in my house. I hope you and your AB friends know better than to let one such person’s behavior reflect on all of us.
My impression so far has been that the group coming from AB is friendlier and more open-minded than several past migrations. One group in particular seemed full of complainers who wanted to criticize everything about fluther and start proposing changes right away, posting questions like “If you could change something about fluther, what would it be?” on their second day. They did provoke quite a bit of hostility, and it took a while for everyone to settle down. I am sure our mods here have been busy behind the scenes helping folks adjust, but on the whole I see reciprocation of our welcome and a generally positive response to the way our site is structured. I think you’ll integrate nicely.
Every group has its crabs and sourpusses. We don’t let them define us.
@HungryGuy There may be a grain of truth in what that person was saying. I think that the moderators here may be cutting us too much slack as newcomers. I’m beginning to worry about that myself, seeing how some of the former high-ranking people from there are rising so quickly here, I really don’t want to offend any of the long-time Flutherites and am trying hard to change my behavior patterns. Some of the really good people will rise to the top in any system. We must be careful not to press the “points obsession” to the level it had gotten to towards the end in our former home. We must show gratitude for the warm welcome and not try to throw our weight around too much. I’m also concerned that so many of us piling in here at the same time might overload the physical capacity of Fluther’s system, I;m not a computer person so I don’t know if that will be a problem or how it could be solved.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land There are caps on Lurve. This means that I can lurve you forever but it will not raise your total lurve score after I have given you a certain amount. It will show as a lurve on the quip or question and in your “recent” lurve but your total will not increase. So do not worry- we do not think you are abusing anything.
Nearly all of us get moderated. I have even moderated myself :)
We have not needed to be overly lenient with AB users. Those who had issues and were asked to refrain have refrained. Those who who had questions sent back to edit have understood that it is not personal.
It seems to me that the majority of AB users who came here were seeking the same things we all were when we came. High standards and intelligent discussions with a dash of humor thrown in. (as opposed to “i c ukkw stuf can i ax 4 ur advize on sex cuz idk it lolz”)
@Dog Very good points. I think that all us refugees can relate to what you’re saying. I, for one, appreciate the welcome into your fold.
I lurve the caps on lurve: when Answerbag first introduced points for users, it was obvious from the design of the system that cliques would form whose main goal is to float all member boats to high levels, just on sheer volume of friendly mutual back-patting. It quickly became that way, and everyone with an IQ realized that the user levels meant nothing of significance, except that someone had learned to play the game.
I suppose levels here aren’t all that important either, but if you’re going to have them, it makes sense to recognize that once User X has praised User Y 99 times, adding more praise should not give them a Nobel Prize. Wide community praise does perhaps have some meaning.
@HasntBeen – Nowhere was that more apparent than in Politics or Religion.
Well, excpet maybe for the blatant, “I am 32 points away from Sage, could you help me out?”
I gave points to everyone all the time on AB. When some one gave me an intelligent answer though, I made sure to let them know..I thought that was impotent, not how many levels and point they had. I guess I’m use to judging people by their input rather then their status symbols in real life, and that reflected on to on line thinking as well.
As I understand the Lurve system, you give Lurve just by adding someone to your friends list (what’s called “My Fluther” here). So, since we’re all friends and have been adding each other like mad to our friends lists, we’re all accumulating Lurve at a furious rate. And as more ABers join here, all our Lurve increases exponentially. That’s the way Fluther works…not our fault for wanting to restore our friends lists…
There is nothing wrong with that @HungryGuy :)
You get lurve points for:
Coming more than one day in a row 1
Getting a good answer 5
Getting a good question 3
Being added to a fluther. 2
You may get a lot of lurve fast but you will level off- and there is no need to feel bad about it or not add to your fluther!
Is is all good!
I’m here, but I probably won’t be on here often. I decided to check it out and was convinced to join.
Yes I am and it is pretty cool. They were even expecting us. The Home page says “Well Hello Answerbaggers” Cool.
I tried to bring over our “Page 18, line 4” question. It was modded.
I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land – they didn’t even delete what I said! And I suggested form pretty graphic ways I wanted someone to die, after they don’t be to go die…
yes i just did , thank you to nice welcome.
please forgive me if I make any mistakes since I am new to this forum.
I will still be AB for awhile. just to give it a chance I guess.
@filmfann – oh it’s ok. I haven’t seen any mean/rude comments since I last posted my question about ABer’s feeling 100% welcome. Everyone seems to be relly cool about accepting us
@Violet – FYI, you can put multiple @-signs in a single post ;)
@Seek_Kolinahr – Whether you are happy or sad, I am amused by the irony.
I’ve been marking every comment I like regardless who says it. I got used to giving points VERY freely on AB, and I see no need to change it. Every comment on every question I am in on gets points from me unless they’re being a total ass. That includes ABers and jellies. It’s such an EASY thing to do, to show appreciation. So, why not? It’s damn near impossible not to get points from me. There’s a lot of negative in the world. I do what I can to balance the scales. I don’t care if it’s barely a drop in the bucket.
Except for Reptar’s cat. I feel he isn’t very invested.
@Reptar I made a remark that your cat must be sleeping on your keyboard last night when you were “composing a reply” for, like, 4 hours straight :-)
Lol…my bad. I had to crash out quite quickly
@Reptar – At least you made it to the couch though, right? Last time I had one of those sudden urges to take a nap, I woke up miles away wondering where my pants were.
@jery LOl!!! It was almost so. I had a crazy party on friday that went all the way to Saturday.
@reptar And you didn’t invite all of AB and Fluther? Just left us with a comment that was never answered? And then blamed your cat? Now we know.
@barbiedoll LOl, I did invite some acualy, who ever was on yahoo msngr got invited. How you doing Carl?
@phillis Left wondering if your insinuating something wiht the word “invested”
Guess you’ll just have to “flounder” amongst the jellies! A-HAHAHAH!!! Dang, I crack me up :)
HAH! Nah…...I know I’d just end up shipwrecked against that hard head of yours :)
<waves to Reptar, ignoring the cat>
FYI to those of you who’ve left AB and haven’t looked back, you might be interested in this! Rich started a new Answerblog today promising to restore the things they took away with the big change last week (Lex seems to be hiding behind the woodwork). IMO, the top two are the biggies why most people left. The following is quoted from Rich’s post:
-some equivalent for the new activity notification light
-a page where you can more easily review new activity since your last login
-a page where you can review your friends’ activity
-database tweaks to address occasional slowness
-adult questions off the main page
-a better solution for merging duplicate questions
-better admin tools to thwart spammers etc.
-a link at the bottom of the Happening Now feed, where you can chase down interesting questions and answers that get pushed off the page by new arrivals.
@HungryGuy Hmm… for me, I guess it’s a little late… I think Fluther is better than AB ever was, so it’s not really about patching the old tires and slapping them on the new car. But the political intrigue there is still mildly interesting.
That was helpful, indeed, HungryGuy! I know they took away the DR’s (surely because it only suited their agenda) but they also took away the ability to comment to our friends. Without that, the place is DEAD. And even if I’m wrong about that and misunderstood the list, the fact that they ignored our pleasds for YEARS has already taught me that it is only a matter of time until I’m burned again. It is very obvious to me that the users do NOT matter. Unless I’m sucking somebody’s dick, I will never matter, either.
@HasntBeen Fluther’s cool, but I’ve actually been spending a lot of my time today on BlurtIt.com. It’s almost IDENTICAL to the way AB was before Demand Media took over. Friend’s list. Questions, Answers, and Comment threads, even. And BlurtIt doesn’t have such heavy-handed moderators like Fluther does—though they do delete nonsense questions and anything even mildly risque-I’ve pushed the limits :-p Still, I’ve had a blast on BlurtIt asking dozens of questions, just like the “good ol’ days of Answerbag.” The only thing missing from BlurtIt is an Adult section.
I had people calling me last night, telling me about Blurtit. I just want a place to call home. As far as I am concerned, a tornado blew my home to bits. I will never return to AB.
Do you guys think they will restore Answerbag?
<——- Dog hangs head at the thought of Phillis and other new AB Friends leaving.
Once I’m done, I’m done….I’m here to stay, whether AB is restored or not….
And, with the loss of so many ABers, I can’t imagine they wont try to restore some of it…
Whether AB is gone forever, or if tomorrow it’s restored to exactly the same as it was last week, I’m a Jelly now.
Sorry, but I’ve had enough of the “I do what I want and you’ll like it or leave” attitude in my life already. If you don’t appreciate me, I don’t appreciate you, either. Have a nice life, AB.
i think trafficking back to ab if they change it back , would be a slap in the face of our new fluther hosts that welcomed us so well . i will not do to fluther , what AB did to us ... im a happy little jelly fish witch now ;-) .
@phillis We have lurve orgies here all the time. You are fitting in just fine! :)
@Dog I’m really liking our new family too!
ORGIES!!! Why did you guys only offer me a measly cake then? Where’s the orgy room in this joint? I am so there already!!
Dog, I am NOT leaving. I would stay, based on Fluther’s merit, alone. Nevermind where I came from.
Oh I’m so happy we have new loyal Jellies!
i want a jelly fish orgy ! .. me me me ! pick me !!! im in !!! ???
I hear you, @phillis. It’s like the owner of your local pub decided to convert it into a sports bar. They thought they were doing something nify and wonderful with the fancy new look. And I know that Lex said very rude things to departing ABers in the Answerblog—that was rotten of him! Burt y’know…he’s just one person, he doesn’t speak for everyone behind AB; and AB is just a web site. But if Rich is willing to restore the major funcationality that drove our friendships (the new activity indicators and the comment threads under the answers), I’m willing to give them their “New Coke” :)
So, like I said, I never abandoned AB, and I’m grateful for the warm welcome we got here on Fluther. So I’ll continue using all three sites now: AB, BlurtIt, and Fluther. Each one has something slightly different to offer.
That’s ROYAL jelly to you, Clair :D
Oh, and where’s the orgy? I’m so there :-p
And I am not petty. I dont hold it against you in the least that you chose to keep your foot in the AB door. But I’ve been round and round with these people on very BASIC issues that ought not ever have come up to begin with. Spicy Hot knows what I’m talking about. I’m not an unreasonable person. This is a relationship just like any other. In this relationship, I was soundly ignored and, in some cases, trampled over by a particular member of staff who was never called onto the floor for her shit. WHy in the world would I return to neglect and abuse? Espcecially after that final slap in the face. Those who run AB won’t ever change.
@Dog I only reported what Rich said in the Answerblog. Only time will tell if they’re serious, but I think Lex is in the dog house right now (pun intended). I doubt that they’re going to throw away the new version and restore the old version. That would be silly. But if they only put back the comment threads they way they used to work, that was what made Answerbag the great place thart it was.
Would someone please hurry and tell these guys where the orgy is held? Sheesh, they are a horny group.
Thanks @phillis :) I didn’t mean to imply anything (Great Answer! *) I just wanted to give ex-ABers here some news about how things stand back there at the moment, in case they’re interested…
I want it all! Gimmee a cake orgy!
HG, if you’ll look back on the comment thread, I told you I thought your were being very helpful. I meant it! I love it that they’re having to back track and change shit. I won’t be going back, but that doesn’t diminish YOUR efforts. It was very nice of you to keep us up with what’s going on. I certainly appreciate it :)
@chyna YARNLADY covers her eyes
@chyna yep . i wanna fluth like a muther fluther :D
Now see? I already have Clair’s place firmly established. I can’t leave that! She was very pig-headed!
Witchy dood! HAHAHAHA!! I just jellied all over myself :)
Keep those eyes covered, Yarnlady!! It’s getting pretty undignified :)
So where’s this bloody orgy??? :-)
@chyna, do you mean the one on the desert island? Or are we just having a pancake fest?
@Jeruba I was referring to the one on the desert island, but we can have a new one anytime, anywhere.
Yes, I’ve come in from AnswerBag. Used to be known as Wisdom Tooth (or Wiz to my friends over there). Had to change my user name here as someone else beat me to it.
Hope our joyful and meaningful interactions continue.
Hi to demorgans, and Phillis and Markymark and also to others whom I’ve never had the pleasure to know earlier. Looking for an old friend Millenium of AB. Wonder if she’s here under some other name. Mill, if you read this, please respond.
Guess it’ll take time to get accustomed to the new environment (and the new terminology that comes with it). Yet to make up an avatar and a profile. Will do it in due course.
Hi, Wiz! I haven’t seen her, but she IS here. Somebody else told me she was here. Jellies, does Fluther have a search box to look for members??
PSST!!!! @jonsblond!!! How about a Jelly orgy theme on Randomass?!!
Millennium is in my Fluther, @wiseone ^_^
…wait, strike that. It was Merriment. Man. I thought I had her.
I am here for AB I was marasa over there!!, good to c some familiar faces, Im still grieving a little over the change I was so addicted !but think I could get to like this site :). I hope all the veteran jellies enjoy our company :)
Re: The AB Blog—I saw that too but I have other reasons for leaving.
I have been e-mailing AB Rich about a couple of things (not all of which I will discuss here) but amongst the things I told him, were ”...it just happened such that the straw that broke the camel’s back weighed more than an oil tanker” and went on to recommend that if AB is to have any sort of future, they need to tell Lex to just STFU.
@HungryGuy – I tried Blurtit some time back and wasn’t really hooked. As for moderation, I’d rather have it be a bit heavier and have less junk to deal with. I’m all for freedom of speech, unless the speaker is an idiot :)
Thank you for the warm welcome, most of you seem friendly. However, we are being told by one of your members that only a small portion of you actually want anyone from AB here and that they will not stop causing chaos or abusing people on AB until we leave here. Unlike a lot of others, I am not leaving AB. I am waiting to see how many of the changes being suggested they actually implement. On the other hand this is, or seems to be a nice place and I see no reason why I can not belong to both. All in all, I find it very sad that what happens on one site leads to cross over abuse.
@GingerMinx We had the same thing when a bunch of users from a site that went out of business came in. There were some so disgruntled they lashed out everyone in sight. They didn’t hurt anyone but themselves. Trolls and spammer are everywhere, as well as mischief makers. When they get bored they leave.
In fact, I was on AB long enough to see two different sets of members from other sites who were so upset with the owner of the site, they tried some heavy duty disruption, but as usual, disappeared after a few days.
I just joined from answerbag. seems every one that I enjoyed on Answerbag has come here. so it was a must =]
I’m not going to hold the people on this site accountable because a few assholes from here are running there mouths over there. I’ve already made significant headway in developing friends here, so I know damn well that those jerks do not represent everyone here. I have not had a single person be nasty to me here, and that’s REALLY saying something. Even if they hate me now, they probably won’t in the future. As long as they play nicely, I play nicely.
@YARNLADY I hope your right. @phillis I do not hold the people on this site accountable.
i n a d is here from answerbag whoot whoot.
glad to see all the Abers again. i got scared for a moment then!
I didn’t think you were. You’re too smart for that silliness. I wanted to throw my thoughts on it out there, though.
INADXXX!! WoooooHoooooo!!!! Hi, darlin’!!
i must admit i am a tad confused. may take me a while to get used to this.. i may need to help haha! but so very glad to see that every one just didnt leave and go their seperate ways =]
The family that Q-n-As together, stays together. Right, @phillis?
I can help you. I am nowhere near knowing ALL of it, but I’m a few days ahead of you. If you have a Q, come get me! If I don’t know the answer, then I’ll help you find it!
You got THAT right, Seek!!! We are definitely FAMILY!!!
@GingerMinx, I don’t think anyone can speak for the majority of flutherfolk. I’m glad you and @phillis and others seem to know better than to let a few barbarians spoil the sincere welcome we are trying to give you over here. Stick around and you’ll see if we mean it or not.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land Regarding this site, and point obsession: several contributers have changed their names a few times for the sole purpose of NOT wanting to be point obsessed. Zen begat New Zen, begat Zen again. There are several others.
@filmfann Maybe, but remember, there is a lurve ‘giving’ limit as well, and changing your profile allows you to circumvent that limit.
Ewww! That’s a nasty way of cheating the system :(
@hungryguy Thank you for what you relayed from Rich, but doesn’t it sound too general to you? I didn’t hear ‘no DR but keep points and rank and comments’ or the ‘staff will act impartial and professional to everyone’ or ‘moderation will be fair’ or even that when ‘PBd that it will show the link’ and maybe even’ fire the staff that is not following policies’ and ‘to admit there is no appeal process’ as good as it sounds, etc. If Lex or any other staff made unprofessional online remarks, where would they be in the corporate world during these economic times? Gone.
We ex-Abers did put a lot into AB. I’ve never heard Phillis get so earthy, and every word she said is how they’ve betrayed us. Fluther is almost an opposite, relaxing and interesting. I’m in no hurry.
Yeah, they allow cursing here! I get pretty earthy in real life, too :D
@phillis I see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil “Earth away”.
That is very sweet, yarnlady :)
thanks Augustian – so far so good !! great question btw! :D
@phillis AB never nailed me for cursing in the whole time I was there, and I was known to occasionally get pretty colorful.
I don’t know how you feel about it, Jerv, but you were allowed some leeway for reasons that you can mention if you want, but it isn’t my place to do so. Plus, I already told you that you really WERE a prolific contributor. The content of your posts was top notch. That alone is enough to look the other way every once in awhile.
@phillis The old admin crew may have been a bit more tolerant, but it’s already been established that Lex has no sense of humour.
Simple trend analysis led me down a certain path and we’ll see where it ends up.
@Dog A Jelly Orgy Christmas at Randomassradio. Love it! I’ll pass it along to the boss. ;)
@jerv – I think I knew that. But I can only think about one comment at a time
Whoa!!!!! This is a long comment thread:):)LOL:P Someone has a sense of humor on the AB because my Sillyville category is still their on the ‘New and Improved AB”...whose bright idea was that!!!? (Rolls Eyes):)LOL:P Dumb Ass’s…Can I say Ass on Flutherbot?
@BanginBaxter You can say ass…just don’t call anyone an ass. unless it is Sarah Palin. That’s allowed.
@jonsblond Ohhhh, no! Don’t tell me you give her a hard time over HERE, too!!!! :)
LOL:):) Sarah Palin is smart intelligent women…can you call someone a butthole????
@BanginBaxter No! Stop that! wash your mouth out. Let’s don’t go through the whole list, avoid insulting people, avoid personal attacks, and avoid obscene language, and you should be OK.
Everyone knows Palin is an uneducated underqualified ditz, not just people on AB
@BanginBaxter – I think that the whole “Seven Words…” list is safe and that it depends more on context.
Just to see if I am correct…. shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits
If I am correct then two things will happen here.
1) A mod/admin-type will see this pretty quick (Unlike AB, they are responsive here)
2) Fluther being what it is, they will realize that those words are there for illustration and stay as-is.
If I am wrong and this post does get modded, then I would appreciate a quick explanation posted in it’s place as to exactly why and where the limits really are.
So what you are saying is I can’t say(and some times I do)...Those Stupid Fuckers…dame ass cocksucking ..tit loving bitches…Mother Fucker..Lick my cunt yo..I am all about that! But your little dick ass better know how to make this bitch happy..or off you go I will beat you with a hoe:)..Amen..did I include every word??
@jerv- I soooo wanted to mod that just to mess with you but Augustlan would put me on a time out. :)
We do allow swearing but gratuitous swearing (just to swear) is frowned upon. When appropriate to express yourself it is cool. (again so long as you are not aiming at another user)
@BanginBaxter ^^ Perfect example of gratuitous swearing that would likely get modded. :)
Has anyone, rejected by a lover, found solace in the arms of someone willing to accept you with open arms?
Hasn’t the Fluther community accepted all “rejected” ABers unconditionally, without batting an eye?
Why oh why would we accept such hospitality then turn around and openly discuss the possibility of returning to the place we fled from? Or anywhere else for that matter.
Bad form, my friends. These jellies have been more than gracious to our Bogart-ing their crib.
There are better ways of showing our appreciation.
(Gives Answerbag the middle finger.)
Feel free to modify my answer…that’s what the AB did all the time:)
@BanginBaxter Unless it is flagged as offensive it can stay as an example. Saves me the trouble of making one up. :)
@SABOTEUR I have never said I was leaving AB and in fact have said I will probably use both sites.
@GingerMinx: i don’t think I pointed anyone out. Nor did/do I intend to offend anyone. I just think we should think about showing our new hosts…home a bit more respect.
I am here, I am there, I am everywhere!! (”,)
I am here too. Still may decide to go back and fore but I am happy with the welcome here.
Learning my way around is easier than I expected.
Having some fun.Glad to see so many familiar faces but looking forward to being absorbed and Jellified too.
@ Saboteur – i agree – this site has been gracious to all us exiles, we should respect that
Thanks for welcoming me at new home and i am from Answerbag,
and i would like you to add me as your friend on this site.
After overcoming the fight not to leave AB….I’m here now.
@no_one_special most of the people who positively contributed to ab have now migrated over here so it seemed the obvious choice!
Welcome @Starson!
Everyone please bookmark the link to the AB chat room and FAQ. Things have slowed down a bit so the banner at the top (not the chat room or the FAQ- just the banner) will be removed. :)
Also I am copying this here because I am not sure if you all saw it:
Be sure and check out the injokes are all linked on the Unofficial Fluther Wiki.
It is fun reading and will bring new users up to speed on the random posts they might see with oddly placed words like “pancakes” and “frizzer” in them. The Wiki also has a lot more user-submitted Fluther info too that is really helpful.
@SABOTEUR Accepted. I have found the people here at fluther to be nothing but warm and friendly.
Amen to that, GingerMinx! I even got a message/note/comment (what do they call those things overe here, anyway?) from the Tim person who allowed us to have more jellies in our fluthers. Not only that, but Dog was immediately accepting of me and was warm and inviting. So was Clair, gemiwing, Chyna and a few others I can’t recall. I mean, please! Even Augustlan talked to me personally when my question was moderated. Can you say culture shock? These people actually mean it, too! Very sincere.
Wait! @phillis! Did you say that @timtrueman expanded Fluther sizes?! We have more room?! JOY!
<—-Doing the HAPPY DANCE!
I thought Darwin was more evolved than that:D:D:D Just kidding, Darwin! I’m glad it made you happy.
Dog, indeed I did! Read the blog, baby!
I have it all over here, even with site issues. Pffft! Who cares? I even have trolls for when I get peckish. Yep, life is good. GA!
@barbiedoll – Yeah, it souns a little suspicious. But I’m not going to hold Rich responsible for what Lex said and did. Lex is a mother f****r, no doubt about it; but Lex doesn’t own Answerbag or speak for all the Answerbag mods. And I never meant so suggest that anyone go back after the warm welcome we all recieved here at Fluther – I just thought some of you might like to hear some news from the “front lines” so to speak…
Anyway, you’re all right. Enough talk about that other place… How was that orgy last night?
@Dog – thanks for the info, i will be checking it out :)
Did someone mention pancakes?
HungryGuy, FYI. I didn’t mean to imply that you had anything in mind other than letting folks know what was up, which I think is a very nice thing to do. I appreciated it!
The orgy was AWESOME! There were pancakes flying all over the place (along with some questionable slurping noises) and people were violating cakes right out in the open! These people seriously love their cakes.
@phillis – LOL! Were they “death by chocolate” cakes?
Mums the word, dood. I’m not saying another word! But their unoffical motto seems to be “Push yer face in and suck!” ROFL!!!
Ohhh….I just caught that, HG! Why not something a little more suited to your tastes? I got beef jerky and a firearm for ya right here!
@Flutherite – I may have posted some observations about the differences between Answerbag, BlurtIt, and Fluther, and the strengths and weaknesses of each, but I agree with you that it would be rude to come into a new place and immediately suggest changes. Perhaps others have done what you have accused me of. And if I may say so, I think your message is a good example of rude behavior and reflects badly on the Fluther community. – HungryGuy
On Dec 13th, 2009 at 8:48 PM, flutherite wrote:
How fucking DARE you come into fluther and think you can tell us that our format needs changing? HOW FUCKING RUDE CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE?
@HungryGuy – who wrote that? Was that on AB or Fluther?
Hmmm…..looks like somebody has changed their name, HG. I looked for that name all over this thread and couldn’t find it, nor is it in the database.
its got to have been on fluther violet
yep ive searched too – cant find it
Well, I ain’t logging in there to find it. I don’t want my clicks to benefit them in any way. If you find them, please let me know.
Flutherite is the name of the person on AB who says they are from here and want the AB people here to leave and will not stop being a pest on AB until you do. They are just a sad sorry little person that needs to feel important. I certainly do not think they indicative of the people I have met here.
Ohhhh! I see now. Thanks! GA
It was a flame e-mail sent directly to me from an AB account. And sorry to make a public issue here, but I saw red and acted rashly when I received it.
In hindsight, I probably should have kept it private. But as my fellow ex-ABer’s know full well, I don’t take kindly to personal attacks, I’m very outspoken, and I don’t back away from a fight (remember the Blaylock wars, folks?)...
And BTW, fellow Flutherites, I don’t hold anything against you or Fluther for the actions of an individual acting on his own :-)
Thank you Community Manager for the warm welcome.
I would LOVE to see THAT email. Care to send it?
@phillis – The entirety of his email is in my post above, along with my reply to him.
@Violet – It came from an AB account.
Oh, gotcha. I thought you had ripped him a new one, but that was really mild compared to what you usually do. That’s what had me confused. Geeez….
Here’s a question for ya: Why do people need multiple accounts?
They need one for each face.
I crossed over a couple of days ago and I am really loving this sight so far.
@phillis – Nah. My first reply to something like that is always reasoned and polite. Now, if he writes to me again, I’ll rip him a new one in the Hungry Guy style :-D
In the last few days, I’ve read a lot of great questions/answers from the peeps from AB. And, I love seeing new faces around here. Pretty exciting.
Welcome, guys!
@HungryGuy I have had that person send me personal messages of abuse as well.
@GingerMinx – I was tempted to report him and ask Rich to put him in the PB, but I do believe in freedom of speech, as you all know too well… But if he keeps it up, he’ll end up there anyway without any snitching from me :-p
Thank you for the warm welcome. I’m amazed at how many came over from AB. The numbers say something…
@HungryGuy I think people have been putting them in their place. No one is really listening to them whine.
Um… I vaguely remember something called BagofAnswers or BagYourAnswers or AnswerBad. Something like that, yes. : )
Thanks imah – we are a friendly lot – as it seems, so are you :)
@HungryGuy Just a thought. Could that be from an AB person trying to look like a jelly to get you guys to think Fluther is a bad place to join? Not that there aren’t a few jerks here that could possibly do such a jerky thing.
@chyna I don’t think so as they seem to be well aware of the rules and goings on at fluther and AB people are still learning them. But its possible. Either way, no one is really takign them too seriously.
@HungryGuy: I received one of those AB routed emails from Flutherite too. He must have read a post where I expressed gratitude to Fluther members for their “unconditional acceptance”.
He wrote: Unconditional acceptance on fluther MY ASS!
I responded: I stand corrected. Perhaps I can one day call you “friend”.
@SABOTEUR He/she seemed to be more worried about the AB people getting lurve faster than he/she did.
Perhaps. The message did encourage me to be more mindful of the people already here.
@SABOTEUR yes, I think we all realise that one person does not speak for all and everyone here that I have seen or dealt with has been very welcoming.
Yes, I joined after the Answerbag fiasco.
Flutherite is complaining about the huge amount of questions AB people are posting about AB. I think I blinked and missed loads of them. I did comment that some were asked by flutherites,
@phillis I just read your profile and wish I could copy and paste it onto mine. You said it so well. I joined yesterday and already I am loving it here. With all my AB friends here I feel right at home. I am also looking foward to meeting new friends here. Thank you all for the warm and kind welcome.
Ya know, ABers are very generous people. We have PLENTY to flood the board with! All new questions, too! So, 250 people asking all new questions (we could import from AB) allows new frames of reference for everybody (vitally important to ANY community for facilitating growth). Plus, everyone has about a million more points to gain, because we are quite accustomed to pointing. So let ‘em bitch. There’s good in it, too. For a brainy community, some of them can be awfully short-sighted. Live and let live, baybeeee! YeeeeHaaaaww!
Hi, everyone. I’m really starting to feel at home here. I’ve seen this tendency among “social sites” to self-destruct before, having been on an older site called “TagWorld” which wasn’t satisfied with great numbers, but wanted something “new.” It’s where I met my wife-to-be, as a matter of fact. For some reason, lots of the techo-phreakes who run these social sites, don’t seem to understand that on this sort of site there’s a lot of “socalizing” going on… DUH!! At any rate, I’m sure I’ll come to love my flutherite friends just as much as I love my ex-AB friends. Thank you so much for making us feel so very welcome! : ))
I don’t seemed to be getting satisified here
Aww….:( I’m sorry, KG. Anything I can do to help?
No, Really… where’s the bar..? I brought my own bottle, I just need some ice and a glass.
It’s in the AB lounge! Go down that hall, take a right, and go all the way to the end. It’s the big double doors that say Chatroom.
I wouldn’t worry what one or two anonymous people claiming to be Flutherites have to say about new folks or new ideas. If they really had a point to make they would be open and aboveboard, and probably would be talking to Bendrew already.
As a refugee from another site who has since seen refugees from yet other sites come to Fluther, I must say that part of the process of migrating from another site to Fluther always seems to include some suggestions of changes to Fluther to make it feel more like “home” to the recently dispossessed. However, I also find that most folks adjust happily to Fluther and start to like the Fluther way of doing things, so little change actually ends up happening.
I also notice that typically one or two Flutherites object to the influx of new ideas, but generally they are not major users of Fluther. Eventually everything dies down and most don’t remember who used to be an Askvillian, a Wis.dmite, or an ABer. We all become Flutherites.
In any case, welcome new people from wherever, and ask all the questions you want. Just please read the FAQs.
@Darwin, Thank you! This is what I have loved about fluther since I got here. And everybody makes a point of helping us with important links, like you just did. I look forward to the day I can meet you as a seasoned jelly. I will seek ways to return the generosity :)
Yes, when one civilization experiences a massive immigration from another civilization, both civilizations are forced to change and compromise. Not always fair, especially for the receiving civilization, but that’s how things work, both in world history, and on the Internet :-)
@HungryGuy At least we aren’t slaughtering the natives like the Europeans used to..
Don’t give up hope! My children haven’t had Chicken Pox, yet. Oh – sorry. Varicella zoster virus. I’ll see what I can do :)
Does anyone remember me? I was a rolling bitch at AB…but I have changed. Thanks King Sexy for letting me know about this site and thanks to Flutherites for the welcome.
@corporate avenger I don’t remember you specifically but a few come to mind. :D
What made you change your ways?
@no_one_special I just realized that all the effort wasn’t worth it. I am here to expand my horizons a little. At AB I was looking to fit in and make friends, but I forgot what I learned a long time ago, there is no such thing as friends…only people you use and whom you allow to use you in return. I was hurt by the treatment I received from the members, staff, moderators, COATS, etc. at AB. I say “Fuck ‘em, they are all dead to me…but that doesn’t mean I have to be a bitch about it.
I remember Corporate Avenger very well. I always LOVED the answers this ABer gave. I was aware of the circumstances surrounding the banning of that account, and it was an UGLY situation which reflected (yet again) the sociopathic tendencies of certain staff members. This ABer did NOT deserve what happened. You know how staff had their favorites at the expense of other ABers? This was the exact same thing, only in reverse. Those responsible for the banning did it not because the ABer deserved it, but simply because they could.
Scoobys arrived!! :/ took me a while but hey!!! if it wasn’t for them peskie kids I’d have been here sooner!! :/ Hi all, hope I find you all well & happy!!
Whats the deal here with the line through?? :-/
Scooby, welcome to Fluther. Lurve
The line happens when you put a – on either side of a statement.
You will find a guide to such things at the link that says “Entire List” on the bottom of the page.
SCOOBY!! Hiya, honey!! I am so glad you’re here!!
Lets Go Sharks is here!!!
Welcome, welcome, Let’s Go Sharks!!!
This is your 2nd Most Inquisitive user here! (Or THE most, if Keithold is not with us!)
I only left Answerbag because I couldn’t manage to get along with, and get key answers from, a fellow user. (And some events surrounding that.) Looks like I left exactly two months early.
Thanks Pearls, Filmfan & Phillis , Glad to be here, it’s a little daunting being in a new site but at least this place feels much better than AB does now! still!! gotta find me way around! :-)
Y/W Scooby! I am THRILLED to see you here!
Thanks Phillis! ;-) you’re too kind!!
I just want the trill of knowinga future published writer who laments through an entire book about how he screwed up choosing a bad ex-wife. That’ll be original, huh? Hehehhe :)
@Scooby – Look at the editing help just below this text window. If you put two dashes in your text, it strikes out everything between the dashes like this so if you put two smileys in your text, it sees the two dashes and strikes out the text between them. Annoying the first time it happens, but then you realize that it’s a pretty nifty feature! You can also make something bold with two stars, or italics with two underscores, etc.
Removed by Answerbag moderators.
@HungryGuy LOL, I was shocked into almost saying “WTF???” But I realized I could do the same thing:
Removed by BlurtIt Moderators
Removed by no one at all. ~
I don’t understand. What does Blurtit have to do with fluther?
this is how they did it Phillis. removed by moley moderator
—Thanks, Moley. I thought I knew what this conversation was talking about, but I’m not drawing the correlation. I guess it’s how to type in italics. It’s something I live with, so don’t feel bad. You effort is not diminished by it.—
@phillis – To type in italics, just put an underscore _ before and after what you want in italics.
Removed by Scotland Yard.
@phillis – BTW, BlurtIt.com is another cool Q&A site. It’s not as active as Fluther, but a lot of ABers went there instead because it works almost identically to the way AB did before Demand Media took over. They’re also not as strict as Fluther about what questions you can ask.
I’ve been using both Fluther and BlurtIt. Fluther for serious questions, and BlurtIt for silly and friendly/chatty questions that Fluther sends back to me for “editing.”
Santa determined there were some inconsistencies in your ‘I’ve been a good boy’ annual report for 2009, HG. He asks that you correct the mistakes and resubmit it :)
@phillis – Oh, I’ve been a very bad boy :-p
I guess I’m not getting that new ball gag and those new leather shackles that I’ve been wanting :-(
Prolly not!! You’ll have to buy those yerself :)
Buy??? Nah, I make all my own gear! :-)
What do you want to know – specifically? :-)
Nothing, my friend! I trust you’ve gotten quite good at it. I admire your ability to make things. I have to struggle to make a decent 90 degree angle on crown molding with a freaking miter box. Some of us got it, some of us ain’t :)
I took a serious look at Blurt it and many of the questions are very juvenille. I’m wondering just how ‘young’ the majority of the Blurt It members are. I hopped back to AB and I don’t see any changes that would ‘win’ me back…I’d like to see a ‘date’ on these postings so we can know how old they are.
I’ve noticed that, too, Sherry. Folks behind the scenes know, because there is at least one “reward” for answering questions older than 3 months.
Also, Blurtit is filled to the brim with ABers right now who are simply having fun. The juvenile factor would decrease of course, but won’t diappear completely. Why not ask thought-provoking questions and titillate them?
<——-(Got here a little late) but yes, Freedom Issues from AB is here! Hi everyone!
YAY!!! I’ve been doing the unpardonable sin! I’ve been pointing you just because I could :)
To see the age of answers here, move your mouse just to the right of the “Great Answer/Flag as” line. You’ll see a paragraph mark (which you can right click to grab the link for that answer). Hover your mouse over the paragraph mark, and it will tell you how long ago an answer was posted.
The age of a question is right at the top of the question, in the same line as the “user name/Great Question/Flag as”.
Hope that helps you all!
That was an incredible tip. I had no idea. Any other tidbits that you can think of?
Not off the top of my head, but if anyone needs help with text formatting, let me know. :D
Yep!!! And I AB NoMore ;-D
@SherriS – BlurTit looks and works a lot like the old AB, and a lot of ex-ABusers went there. But as you observed, the site is overrun with pre-adolescent teenage girls, and all the questions about Justin Whatsisname will drive you nuts! It’s one of the few sites that allows children under 13 to participate.
@SherriS If they’re pre-adolescent, they’re not teenage. If they’re teenage, they’re not preadolescent.
I understood what HG said, perfectly.
TILA – Welcome, dear!
Removed by Justin Whatsisname.
ha i’m the last to answer
’;) ... Couldnt’ resist messing with both of your “I’m the last to answer”—Ha!!
@Dog ... thanks Dog! :D ( ... ’:) ... )
Don’t make me have to archive this thread, children. ;)
@augustlan “archive this thread”—- I’m guessing that means take it out of circulation. Yes?
(I’m still slightly new at the terminology here.)
Yup…... It will be visible to read but no more posting.
:::sigh- party over~:::: :)
Don’t worry. You can always PM me or @Augustlan if you are curious about anything. :)
I’m only threatening. Dog’s bite is worse than my bite. :p
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
I wonder why I never answered this and then I stop wondering and answer…never too late.
Answer this question