If a Christmas tree started screaming in pain as you started cutting it down would it bother you?
what would you do? would you stop cutting?, try to ignore it?, try to finish it quickly?, take more “meds”?
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21 Answers
No, I suppose if I were that high, not much of anything would bother me.
Plants do scream in pain according to researchers.
“TREAD softly in the garden and pluck that rose with care: flowers cry when cut, cucumbers squeal and even healthy fruit gurgles according to new acoustic research on the stressful life of plants.
The findings, released by the Institute for Applied Physics at the University of Bonn, could have important implications for farmers since, with the proper eavesdropping device, one can now distinguish between healthy and sick vegetables. Talking to plants, it seems, is not as rewarding as listening to them.
The Bonn scientists have developed laser-driven microphones that pick up sounds inaccessible to the human ear. When a leaf or a stem is sliced, the plant signals pain (or perhaps merely dismay) by releasing the gas ethylene over its entire surface. ”
The plant is immortal, it has leaves that fall off, and that’s all bad, but it is more and more lazy than a lazy louse. Mainly it has 70 plus chromosomes, it’s pretending for some retard insects of diety that laughs.
I would proceed to administer proper anesthesia.
well how would you feel if someone was cutting into your “trunk”?
I think I would stop, slide to the ground and curl into the fetal position if I heard a tree screaming. o_O
~ The mutant tree must be killed!
@Marina At the risk of being a noob offending a veteran fluther—and taking the damn risk, anyway—it is patent foolishness to antrhpomorphize a plant’s reaction by characterizing it as “screaming”. I don’t doubt that plants do have reactions to plucking, slicing, bulldozing, burning and all of the other things that can happen to them. But calling that “screaming” ... well, we may as well characterize our own gestation as “germination”.
I would scream with it lol
I would finish it off. I would do it quick and painless. I figure if I’ve already damaged the tree I might as well put it out of it’s misery then mount it in my house with all the pretty lights and decorations.
Makes you wonder about how many lambs bleat and scream in fear just before they are put to death at a meat packing facility. If cutting a Christmas tree produced the same terrible sounds made by lambs, then no one would ever have a Christmas tree. I know I wouldn’t. Yet, lambs, calves, bovines, chickens, and turkeys are slaughtered every single day. Just be glad that you don’t work on the kill floor of a meat packing plant. I did and would never do it again.
Yes; that happen to me once ; which is why I now use an artificial tree.
After the first time it happened, I would never use a real tree again. ...I probably wouldn’t even use a fake one..
Well, naturally, trees cannot scream. So, putting morality aside which may factor in many reasons as to why cutting down trees would bother people, you know, about chopping down trees and nature and stuff…if it started literally screaming in pain as I was hacking at it, I would be extremely bothered, because that would be just abnormal.
Screaming trees. Like mandrakes, it would probably make me go stark raving mad. I mean what kinda crazy magic tree’s this? Gulp. I’d leave it be and run off, hoping it doesn’t uproot itself and come shambling after me.
Yes, thats why I have artificial tree now, so i wont have to deal with that any more.lol
WOW! Yes, definitely. If the tree screamed, I would immediately change to an artificial tree and would never have a live one again.
I would finish it off but never use a real tree again. Not that I ever have a Christmas tree, real or fake, anyway but for the sake of the question.
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