General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Where can I get a list of sites like fluther?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) December 11th, 2009

I’m dissapointed with my old site…and I’m shopping around for a new one or another one.

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8 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Searching “question and answer site” on google will likely get you a list of several, but there really isn’t any other site quite like Fluther. ;-)

Welcome, by the way!

cassisaari's avatar

Let’s see:
yahoo answers
wikipedia’s reference desk

Lots more! Just joined Fluther a minute ago, but it looks like the best I’ve seen before.

global_nomad's avatar

Why would you want another site? Is there something wrong with fluther? Why do you have to be hating on fluther? ;)

jrpowell's avatar is by far the best if you need answers to really obscure questions. They do not tolerate discussions. Ask a question or answer it.

Mat74UK's avatar
You can stray slightly from the question there!

stemnyjones's avatar

There’s, of course, but that sites gone downhill…

J0E's avatar

Ask the magical being know as Google.

pouncey's avatar

Why? Your already using fluther anyway.

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