General Question

crimson_photo's avatar

I am absolutely terrified about needles is there any way at all to get out of using the IV for wisdom tooth extraction?

Asked by crimson_photo (1points) December 11th, 2009

I’m having my wisdom teeth extracted on Monday and they said that there is going to be and IV involved, so I need to either have NO IV at all cause I can NOT take needles they have to hold me down for shots, and blood work is even worse. There has GOT to be another way to put me out other than IV. Any suggestions?

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11 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

Ask for gas instead. They gave me a choice.

trailsillustrated's avatar

depending on how impacted the teeth are, you don’t need an IV but you do have to have anaesthetic injections. They could give you one valium or ativan before the injections. and nitrous.

nope's avatar

I’ve had all my wisdom teeth removed, at 2 different times (once for the left, once for the right). The first time, there was some surgery involved (they were transplanting my wisdom tooth into another tooth socket). But, the second time, it was done with just anesthetic, no IV involved. So yes. Talk to your doctor, you should have a choice in the matter. In fact, the second time the IV wasn’t even given as an option, gas was. I even opted out of the gas, and everything went fine.

One other thought, if they’re concerned because it’s a lot of work to do if you’re not knocked out, you could have it done in two installments like I did… :)

casheroo's avatar

They can give you gas prior to the IV, since it is so short lived.

I began panicking before my extraction, they just held me down and I fell asleep instantly. I don’t recall any pain from the IV.
(I’m not afraid of IVs, I was scared of the procedure itself) That part is over extremely quickly, so I wouldn’t really worry about it.

SirGoofy's avatar

The anesthetic needles they use now for locals are so fine and tiny in diameter, that you can just barely feel them…but then, I have a very high pain threshold. Here’s the deal, go through with it and ask for the local. When it’s over….it’s over and life goes on.

nope's avatar

The valium suggestion by @trailsillustrated is a really good one…take the pill, and even if you only get the local anesthetic, you won’t really care, the stuff is amazing.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, ask if you can take some valium, or similar drug before the IV so you are not so panicked.

Can I ask why you are so afraid of needles? Do you think it is going to hurt? Did you have a really bad experience? Have you ever had an IV before. You might want to know that the IV is actually a flexible tube that is not painful once in, you will not have a needle in your arm for a long time. Also, if the idea of one in your inner elbow is particularly scary for you, the can do it on the top of your hand, or some place that you might feel you have more of a pain tolerance. Another thing is some people advise not to look, but I say look. The surprise of a needle stick is no fun. Make sure you tell them you want to know when they are going to to stick you so you can brace your self a little (most say, “you are going to feel a stick,” at the moment they do it), and then in one second it is over with. It is very little pain and it is over very quickly.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I have a hard time with IVs going into the bend of my elbow, and make them insert it in the back of my hand. It’s not anywhere as uncomfortable or restrictive. The needle in your arm makes me feel claustrophobic and fearful that I will somehow pull the needle out. The back of the hand feels more secure for some reason.

jca's avatar

i’m all for valium when you’re nervous in a rare situation like this. i had dental implants twice and on both occasions i took valium prior to the surgery. it was great. i am not a valium taker nor do i take any prescription meds, so the valium really made me get nice and i was so mellow with zero anxiety about the surgery. it was great. the dentist can prescribe you one pill unless you know somebody that takes it and can give you one. i took 10 mg.

nope's avatar

@jca Exactly! I don’t take drugs either, unless they’re prescribed, and that particular one is so effective. I’ll never forget, I was having some oral surgery to prep a back molar for a bridge, and they had to graft some gum tissue…ugly. I had the valium pill in the morning, my wife drove me to the doctor’s office, when I got there, I was insisting that she (my wife) go out and get my book from the car, because I was going to have to wait for like…3 minutes or something. The nurses were laughing at me, my wife was laughing…she went and got the book. I remember getting the book, but the next thing I remember is realizing the whole thing was done. I would totally recommend it to relieve the anxiety, from my personal experience.

sliceswiththings's avatar

As others have said, I had an IV and also general anesthesia for my wisdom teeth. They started the gas before the did the IV so I was out for it. Not a way to avoid it but a way to avoid being aware of it!

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