General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Will digital cameras ever get good enough to photograph without a telescope?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 11th, 2009

I want to buy a really good digital camrea… I would like to haveone that has a lens as good as a telescope? whats the best on the market and how much better will they get i the next 10 years? Could someone photograph Pluto without a telescope?

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10 Answers

pouncey's avatar

Probably not for quite a while :3

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Pluto, no. That is NASA’s business.

grumpyfish's avatar

The problem is not the “quality of the camera”, it’s simple physics.

To photograph pluto, you need something that looks like this:

(note the chair, bottom right)

SirGoofy's avatar

If I wanted to ever photograph anything in our solar system, it would be really tight close-ups of the rings of Saturn. Pluto is okay I suppose, but probably pretty boring subject matter.

SeventhSense's avatar

Size matters.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@grumpyfish is right. Its not a matter of digital technology, it is a matter of diverging light beams coherently, and eliminating light from all other sources. For that, you need a particular distance through which the light must travel, particular strength lenses that are ground in an extremely accurate fashion etc.

Note that you can get a 10MP camera for $200, but a good quality 10MP camera can cost up to $5,000 because of the cost of the lenses and the manipulation of the data that is detected.

grumpyfish's avatar

@FireMadeFlesh Precisely! And you could strap that $5k 10MP camera to the CHFT pictured above and get some awesome photos of the universe.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

No, but a student from my high school (during his time there) once detected a planets with a low-level digital camera and some modified equipment (he still needed a tripod…)

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

@grumpyfish What wouldn’t I do for the keys to that thing….... I might never leave.

talljasperman's avatar

@all thank-you for answering

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