Meta Question

Strawberries's avatar

Don't you love Fluther!

Asked by Strawberries (111points) December 11th, 2009

I just migrated from Answerbag, and I love it here! Its nice to meet new people!

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62 Answers

pouncey's avatar

I actually do :3

The_Inquisitor's avatar

That’s great to hear! Yes, I do too! The atmosphere is like none other than I’ve ever been to before. Then again, I think I’ve only used fluther… haha. ;)

HighShaman's avatar

I certainly Do ! Sure wish I had discovered it a long time ago…

jonsblond's avatar

It was love at first sight exactly one year ago for me. :)

Zacky's avatar

I’ll love it later when I’ve known her for awhile.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Yeah. Sure. I do.

Or was this question directed at the answerbaggers…?

SirGoofy's avatar

Oh man oh man….YES!! I’m sooooooooo in love with Fluther and all the Flutherites!

Slick's avatar

So far, so good, yes.

tinyfaery's avatar

Love your username.

jrpowell's avatar

I have a innocent crush on Delirium, Allie, and Nikipedia.

Some funny shit here. I wrote a PHP script to randomly order them. I’m a nerd.

anon's avatar

Meh, it’s OK. I guess…

Nah, I’m kidding. I lurve the Fluther with all my heart pancakes!

JLeslie's avatar

Welcome. Yes, I love it.

chyna's avatar

You guys are fitting right in. If you don’t love Fluther now, you will within the week.

Shatzee's avatar

Its been great so far! The warm welcome we got from this site as we all looked for a “new home” from AB has been great. Thank you everyone on fluther for being so kind to us

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I lurve Fluther and the collective! Welcome new users, the AB migration is going quite well. I’ve never received so many Starfish awards in one day, Thanks!

Merriment's avatar

I’m feeling the lurve :)

jamcanfi74's avatar

I do actualy. It sure is better than yahoo answers.

J0E's avatar

I could take it or leave it, but never leave it.

SirGoofy's avatar

Just sitting here….still giddy and sooooooooooo in love!

NUNYA's avatar

I’m feeling the Lurve for sure!!! I lurve to share the lurve as well!! LURVE is a GOOD THING! Love that many of my AB friends are here with me!!! GO FLUTHER PARTY ON!

NUNYA's avatar

@SirGoofy giddy and in love! OMG! I can’t get into a relationship with you cause you have a woman! ROFL! Sorry just came out! (((HUG)))

Marguerite's avatar

I don’t know that much about it yet, but it looks great so far!

NUNYA's avatar

@Shatzee well said!
@chyna Thank you! And it is very nice of you all to take us in under your wings and help us through this! WE LOVE IT!!!!!!

AstroChuck's avatar

Eh, It’s okay if you like that kind of stuff, I guess. I’ll probably hang around for a little bit until something else comes along. I was thinking I might try my hand at this Answerbag I keep hearing about.

Darwin's avatar

Be very, very careful. Fluther is addictive.

It’s the lurve.

Jeruba's avatar

Happy flutherversary, @jonsblond! Here’s a balloon for you.

jonsblond's avatar

@Jeruba Thank you so much! I lurve it! :)

gymnastchick729's avatar

Luurrvvee party!!!!

….i mean, welcome to Fluther.

global_nomad's avatar

Yes, fluther is great. I love it. It’s quite addicting and everyone is nice.

delirium's avatar

I have an innocent crush on Johnpowell, Robmandu, Suzanne_Tremendous, and Nikipedia.

They’re addictive.

Darwin's avatar

@global_nomad – Well, they’re on their best behavior. Flutherites can get a bit testy, but then the mods magically appear and all is copacetic once more.

erichw1504's avatar


master_mind413's avatar

Im fond of it love is too strong of a word

jamielynn2328's avatar

Fluther IS the answer

delirium's avatar

That’s why we call it lurve, @master_mind413

Jeruba's avatar

@Darwin‘s right. We do need a bit of shepherding from time to time.

If you’re coming from a place that is lightly moderated or not at all (as some of our past waves of new arrivals did), you may find it hard at first to get used to intervention from the mods. But that is one of the strengths of this place. They work hard to make sure the atmosphere remains hospitable. I am thankful for them every single day and don’t mind a bit when they ask me to redo something.

master_mind413's avatar

I kind of agree with jeruba I came from yahoo answers I have liked this place a lot more the reason i left yahoo answers is because they have a computerized moderation system any one can report any one and the computer does not actually read them to sort out the childish reports from the serious one’s and i got sick of it and went searching and found this place, so far I have found it very hospitable and respectable the way they are handling things which is why i have stayed here

Dog's avatar

I just got back to my real computer (I have been on my iPhone as I traveled) and could not wait to actually log on to read some of the awesome new input from everyone!

Boy did we win when they “improved” Answerbag!

Confuscious's avatar

Fluther has such a warm, welcoming feel to it. It’s nice to be here. I’m feeling the lurve already :)
I’ve ‘migrated’ through many forums and Q&A sites. Fluther is unique. Where have you been hiding all this time?

anon's avatar

In the Frizzer, under the swimming pool. ;D

Confuscious's avatar

@anon Ah, thanks for letting me in on the secret.

TexasDude's avatar

Fluther filled the void in my heart that answerbag left when it died. I’m definitely in lurve, and I plan on consummating this relationship in the next couple of days.

Wait, did I say that?

AstroChuck's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard- Just be sure to wear protection.

TexasDude's avatar

will do, AstroChuck


TexasDude's avatar

@AstroChuck, I had figured that one out earlier, just didn’t think to pair it with whispering. This place is neat!

TexasDude's avatar

Why thank you @delirium!

AstroChuck's avatar

Yes, Fluther is pretty cool.

anon's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard You can keep that “fiddle” away from me you dirty Bastard! ;D

@AstroChuck How’d you do the monospaced font text?

AstroChuck's avatar

What do you mean?

TexasDude's avatar

Don’t worry, @anon, I keep my fiddle clean and well rosined.

monocle's avatar

Yes, I love it so far! :)

Jadey's avatar

I think I just might! I have only answered a few questions but I will be staying. On a side note, something that makes me think I will really love Fluther – the mods and members have been very welcoming. That speaks volumes.

thriftymaid's avatar

Still figuring it out, but it sure beats you-know-what.

alquest's avatar

I am new on this site but i am still looking around ,and i shall appreciate if someone would let me know where to find the categories on this site for questions.

chyna's avatar

@alquest There are no categories here. You should go to the top of the page and read the FAQ’s for new users. And welcome to Fluther.

Darwin's avatar

You can also go here to check out various topics, if you are interested in answering only questions within a limited area of interest.

JLeslie's avatar

@alquest You can go to the bottom right corner when you are on your home page and choose a category. Also, if you are searching a specific topic you can search on the top right of the page and it will give you google answers and then below related fluther questions asked previously.

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