General Question

Bri_L's avatar

cost estimation

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) February 23rd, 2008

Freelance cost estimation? Any good resources on the web? Any good personal advice? Contract advice? Hourly rate?

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7 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

What exactly do you need to have done?

Adding a room to your house and having someone make you a webpage are going to give you two very different answers.

eriktheplaid's avatar

John is right, of course, but assuming you’re trying to estimate how much to charge for your own work:

How to Price Freelance Work

Learn the Basics of Good Estimating

Actually, typing “freelance” into the LifeHacker search box is probably not a bad idea, either. (For other general ideas)

Bri_L's avatar

@ johnpowell good point. sometimes you get so used to using a word within the bounds of your world you can forget it may mean other things else where. I appreciate your request for clarification.

We are talking for my own work in animation, illustration, design and such.

@ eriktheplaid (great name) thanks for the links!!

glial's avatar

I went with the most my market was willing to bear while keeping me as busy as I want to be.

segdeha's avatar

@glial, Of course! But, how did you come to that number? Was it a long process?

glial's avatar

It took a little time to find out what the local market would take.

I did learn that I have much “better” clients at my present rate, $75 per hour, than I did at $35 two years ago.

At this point, I am so overloaded with work that I am thinking of going up again,slightly, to $85 or $95 per hour.

I found that I really didn’t/don’t like working for bargain shoppers and my skills had improved to the point that I could get a better price.

At my present rate, I haven’t heard anyone “gasp” in a long time. Whereas, at $35 per hour, I was constantly told I was too high, or “we can’t afford you”. Go figure.

I am sure a lot of it has with the perception of value.

At this point, I am getting work in 3 cities all roughly 70 miles from each other. All word of mouth advertising and referrals.

My advice is to look around, find out what others are charging to do similar work, assess their work, and if you are better, charge more.

There are those that are better than I am, and they charge more than I do.

“Low ball” prices will get you “low ball” clients. That, I can promise.

No offense to anyone, but call a local plumber and ask their hourly rate. In my area, it is around $90 per hour. Then ask yourself what you are worth.

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