Famous Flutherites?
Asked by
phillis (
December 12th, 2009
Has Fluther ever had any celebrities become members? Answerbag has had a few!
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82 Answers
Who on AB was a celebrity?
Anyways I’m pretty sure Stephen King is on here somewhere.
One of our co-founders (yes, it’s andrew) was a recurring character on Veronica Mars and has appeared in commercials as well.
Do we need pompoms, Chelsea? I think you might be better at this enthusiasm thing than I am.
Yes! Andrew is an actor and @Jack79 is a musician. @MattBrowne is a well known author. I know there are more as well…
Gimme an L!
Wait… that… might not be right…
Sym, Tsamaya is a well-known actress. Didn’t you know? Also, whatzisname…..the one who wins all the bike races, and overcame cancer. Plus, Vanassa, too! We’re writing screenplays together. I thought she’d have told you!
HAHAH!! Funny, delirium!!
@delirium I think you may be delirious. Next one goes…
Gimme an N~
@phillis She did, but she’s not a celebrity-yet anyways. And no, didn’t know about the other too.
And then of course there’s me.
@chelseababyy I knew I got this name somehow!
Astro brings a whole new meaning to “going postal”.
Did you start hitting the bottle at a young age, AC?
@phillis Oh wow now I feel like an ass haha. I didn’t know she was an actress too. :O
I wouldn’t have known if she hadn’t told me! I was very itchy about co-writing with someone from the internet. She ain’t one to brag, which is precisely one reason why she’s one of my dearest friends.
@AstroChuck—now I remember! Your picture was displayed prominently in the post office. Ironic, no?
I think I recognize that sockpuppet too, ratboy! Come on….spill it! Yer a wanted man, ain’tcha :)
Holy shit! You’re from AB, too?
Very nice! Thank you, Faye :)
@phillis Welcome, and welcome here. I’m a newbie, too.
No kidding! Well, nice to meet you, Faye! Thanks for the warmth!
wow…I didn’t know Matt Browne was an author…I loved him before but of course…now I know why I love him sooo much!
If things go well with this band I maybe one to add to this list. Well, I’m hoping they do. Our first show is February.
I’m famous amongst those that know me.
@daloon is Richard Lewis.
sorry buddy. it’s time the world knew.
I’d wager there’s a few lurking about who wish to remain anonymous.
RichardHenry is the brain behind Cursebird and various other sites.
Don’t tell them! He’s our little secret!
Hey, let’s not turn Fluther into a stomping ground for those who wish to expose the private lives of celebrities. If you know a celebrity is on here, what would be the point in exposing that fact? Since this should be a forum for a free and non-intimidating exchange of ideas and opinions, I can’t imagine much positive coming out of this.
The only other possibility would be the desire to promote and advertise for free. And I don’t think this was the intent of Fluther’s creators.
Point taken. I understand it is a discussion. Revealing identities isn’t really a necessary part of a discussion.
@davidk That’s what this discussion is about, which makes it relevant.
Matt Browne was ‘outed’ in another thread and I doubt he’d mind if we all buy his book. Sci-fi, sounds good.
@blondesjon Oh man! Now you’ve done it! Now I have to learn all about him! Shit! Does that mean I have to move to LA, buy a TV, and hang out with Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld? [gag]
Interesting! Okay then, you jellies have a blast – or whatever it is jellies have when they’re having fun :)
I’ll be moving along now to warmer waters :)
Eponymoushipster. Ladies, just you wait.
Epony is my baby daddy.
turns on barry white
oh yeah, my babies….~
@jmah <wink>
@faye what’s the book? how did I miss all that?
Yeah…..no. You know, I did some thinking about this. I’m kinda slow, so it takes awhile for things to occur to me, but what I came to discover was that we haven’t exposed a damn soul. Unless Matt is a ghostwriter, he’s published, which puts him solidly under the umbrella of public domain. Same with the actors listed on IMDB. So if it isn’t too much of an inconvenience to anybody, I’m taking back control of my damn question. Thank you and have a great day! I’ll be thinking real hard about who else I can “expose” who is also in the public eye. Toodles :)
Oh, by the way, I did just now remember the bicyclist’s name. It’s Lance Armstrong.
Heh-heh…..cool. Memory is kind of an issue for me :)
Oh come on now Phil. Did you really think you could get away with that?
You’re too sweet, but not sneaky enough.
You guys aren’t gonna slash my throat or nothing now because I know too much?
Sym! <fumbles in drawer for X-Acto knife>
V! How ya feelin’, baby?
I’m starving. I should probably go make something, but eh fuck it lol. XD How doth this fyne night findeth thee I asketh?
Phillis, I just sent you an email.
Guys, these last five responses are things that would be more appropriate for chat or profile messages and not for inside a question.
Thanks for letting us know. We’re still trying to get the hang of it.
Which is why I am being understanding about it and why we’re being super lenient.
@Axemusica I knew it was being thought and had a feeling it needed to be said. :)
[mod says] Occasional off-topic remarks are allowed, but A) not too much, and B) it’s best if you whisper. To whisper, surround your text with two dashes on either side.
Boy, you guys sure don’t mind calling somebody out in public, do ya? This is the 5th time I’ve seen it. We’re used to handiling that kind of thing in private.
But NOW it makes sense, why everybody is whispering (kind of. Actually, it sounds like opposing messages, but I love you guys, so I’m staying).
@daloon they’re my groupies. that’s right, just by being my groupie. famous-by-proxy.~
@daloon You know damn well you have plenty of your own groupies.
@Allie We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about @asmonet and @chelseababyy and whether they have groupies or are groupies. Or maybe both. Can a groupie have a groupie?
@asmonet and I will take as many groupies as we can get. And I’m pretty positive we’re both groupies as well.
They’re not just for breakfast anymore.
@phillis How did I miss this Q. You and I both know that Mrs. June Cleaver is currently undercover on this very site! Not even Ward knows about it!!
@phillis Ok, I’ll buy that. So long as we’re only talking lunch. If you’re talking dinner, then I’ve got to stop you right there! There are some things up with which I will not put!
I’ll take the dinner portions. ~raises hand in the air~ :)
@JustPlainBarb – Shhhhh!!! Be careful. She has a deadly strand of pearls. Don’t piss of the warden, er…...Mrs. Cleaver.
@daloon – I’ll hand you groupies for breakfast, but we’re trolling for trolls for dinner. There’s enough to feed the masses. I’ll get ‘em from any country you want! Should I start with the left cheek, or the right? Hehehe :)
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