Do you currently live in the same neighborhood or general area where you grew up?
I think it would be great have a long history living in the same place for a long time and was wondering how many people had that experience
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49 Answers
I live pretty much in the same area.
No. I spent the beginning of my life in France, but my family moved to Canada, and where I believe I really grew up in was Winnipeg, Manitoba, in a neighborhood called Osborne Village.
It was an awesome place with every kind of person you can imagine; bums, rich businessmen, Goths, Punks, fundamental Christians, everything.
All sorts of people, all sorts of beliefs, all sorts of ethnics. Kind of like a minuscule New York.
But I don’t live there anymore either, not even in the same province anymore.
Yes, I’ve been in Red Deer since I was 7. I lived 90 miles north for 10 months and I’ve been on the East hill for ever. I really need to go south!
No. I was a military brat, then an Army officer. Lived all over the world, now settled peacefully in Maine.
I’ve always lived in England but I’ve moved from rural east to urban west. Not so far in miles (less than 100), but a world apart in every other way.
Well, from 1991–2002 I lived in Nevada, so I don’t live there anymore, but I do still technically live at my house in San Francisco that I lived in from 2002 to now. So, yes and no. :)
Nope, my dad was in the military so we moved around a lot when my brother and I were kids. I now live about 64 miles from where I was born and about 45 miles from where I spent the largest chunk of my childhood.
Yes =) I came full circle!
one city from where I was born, and one city from my home town : )
I live within 15 minutes from the house where I grew up.
Except for a short period when I lived 3,000 miles away, I’ve lived in the same house my whole life. It’s really not as pleasant as you might think.
I escaped for a few years to the sunny beaches of Florida, but now back to the winter wonderland that is New York.
Hi, Barb! I’ve lived all over metro Atlanta, Georgia, spent some time in Tennessee and Florida when I was a child, then came back to Georgia.
@pjanaway Where are you that you would be talking kilometers?!
Not even close. My Dad used to be a “flipper” before that word was ever coined. He would buy in the fall, upgrade the kitchen, add a bathroom, and sell in the spring. We spent every summer in a motel. I went to 5 different schools in my elementary years, and two different middle schools. We managed to stay in the same high school district. I was raised in Denver Colorado, and I moved to California at my earliest opportunity.
I was a little surprised when my youngest son asked me to please not sell our house, because all his memories are here. We moved in when he was 12, and all my grandsons grew up here (spring and summer breaks, and several christmas breaks over the years).
I thought it was thousands, Faye! I must be way off.
Yes but i hate it here lol.
@faye – 10k miles (16km) England – Australia.
I’m in Canada-we have klicks, too.
To my knowledge, only three countries aren’t on the metric system. No klicks here (US).
From England -> New Zealand -> several different parts of NZ -> Australia..
And I’m only 17, I see more travelling in the future
I’ve lived in several places, all eastern US. Now I’m in a different state but only 35 miles from where I grew up.
Like @AstroChuck, I live within fifteen minutes of the house I grew up in.
I always liked the idea of having a home base and traveling as much as possible. I don’t think I’d enjoy moving from place to place.
Yeah. Same exact neighborhood, same exact house. I tried to move out once, but I ended up coming back.
No, I live half a country away.
I live on the same property I was born on, My father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather all were born on this property, It is neat. My father is still here. My grandfather passed away not too long ago. He died here as well as my grandfather. I tried to move away…LOL but ended up right back where I started. I plan to make sure it is passed on to my kids, I can only hope they stay here too. There is so much history here. The creek here is named after my great grandfather…and my grandfather and my father. All had the same name. I built my house so it is not the same house. But the house we were all born in still stands…barely. My father started to restore it last year.
It is amazing here, the memories that go back so far and the pictures. So much changed but stayed the same. I shot my deer this year with the same rifle my grandfather shot his deer with…it was rather neat. On the same property too. Sometimes it feels like they are all still here. Everyone knows my family in this small town. It has iit’s comforts…but it has it’s down falls too…we are always under a microscope…lol.
Fantastic answer, bk! The imagery is wonderful. I’ll bet they ARE still there with you! That’s a pretty thick bloodline on that property.
Thank you! I love it here…as you well know..LOL maybe some day you will see for yourself =) The B&B will be filled with all the history…the blood runs very thick..very thick indeed. I use to think I hated it here, young and dumb…but now I know it is who I am, and I never want to leave again. =)
Oh, YOU’RE the one who sent me those pics!! Sorry, my memory likes to skip, at times. I showed those pics to hubby. He was fascinated with the bear cub! I liked the kitchen the best. WOWZA, honey! It still bowls me over to think about it :)
LOL it is ok..I have the same problem at times…the meds I take do that to me…I’ll have to send you pics of yesterdays blizzard when I down load them…=)
That’s right!! You guys had massive snow! It made it on the news down here in Georgia, it was so bad.
No. I lived in 4 states by the age of 6, then spent most of my school years in Las Vegas until I moved to Illinois during my junior year of high school. I went to California for two years after I graduated but ended up back here in Illinois (a town of 3000 people) and have now been here for 18 years.
When I was in school I was always envious of those that had known each other since they were toddlers. Luckily my children are getting the experience of living in the same home and growing up with kids that they have known since kindergarten.
My parents are from the area and my grandmother lived in the house that she gave birth to my father in until she passed away at the age of 94. I enjoyed visiting her, knowing that she lived in the house that my father grew up in. My father cried when he had to sell the house after she died. It was very hard for him to let go.
No. I was born in Washington DC (we lived in MD at the time), at age 1.5 we moved to NY, then at age 9 back to MD. I went to college in Michigan, then moved to FL after graduation. After about 10 years of Living in Florida, I moved to Raleigh, NC for a couple of years then back to FL for a few years, and then finally where I am now outside of Memphis, TN.
I’m glad I have moved around. I now know that there are nice people everywhere, and that not all stereotypes about various locations are true. I think we are so lucky in the US to live in such a large country with many different people, and various types of climates and topography.
I can walk to the house I grew up in in about 5–10 minutes, it’s in the neighborhood across the street from the one I live in now.
I live in the next town over. I seem to stay within a half hour radius of my first childhood home (we moved when I was 9, across town) My husband and I have lived in two different apartments, and now a house. (the house my parents bought when I was 17)
I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to move away, but I’m extremely family oriented, and I don’t know if I could handle having no family support system.
I not only live in the same area, I live in the same HOUSE. My parents built it when I was 3, so I literally came home. I love it.
So nice to hear so many great stories… you just never know where your life will be taking you!!
I grew up right here where I am now. I moved away but came back home. Its a great place to raise kids. Its like HometownUSA. Except I hate the cold
Yup. I’ve live in three different cities in my life, but they’re all within 10–20 miles of another.
lived in TN area all my life.
I still live in the greater Los Angeles area. I lived in the Sacramento area for 2½ years and 8 month in Vancouver, but other than that I’ve always lived someplace in Los Angeles.
I’ve been away and back again. Now I am living about half an hour from the farm where I grew up and a mile from where I lived during high school.
Same suburb for 31 years !
I do. I moved from Ontario, all the way to San Diego. Now, I’m back home town. Not by choice, but, I’m cool with it.
@jmah Wait a minute, is that Ontario California, a mere 100 miles, but Ontario Canada would be 2,600 miles.
@YARNLADY Ontario, Canada. I went to school in San Diego for a year and came back home to Canada to finish my degree.
I have lived several places in the US, but now I am closer to home and family.
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