Social Question

chyna's avatar

Who wants to join in welcoming Simone De Beauvoir to the 10K club?

Asked by chyna (51712points) December 12th, 2009

Simone just hit 10K. Woo Hoo. Congratulations!

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87 Answers

Dog's avatar



Mimosas everyone!

I will get your suite ready!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Simone, you’ve always seemed wise beyond your years. Congrats to you!

jrpowell's avatar


sakura's avatar


J0E's avatar

Chalk another one up for the wis.dmers!

Way to go Simone!

Jude's avatar


stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations ma’am.

SuperMouse's avatar

Way to go Simone – Congratulations!

flameboi's avatar

oh me of course!!!!
Let’s throw a party in your honor, with dj’s booze and pole dancers!!!!! for the delight of some jellies I know

MacBean's avatar

That was a rather speedy 10K! Proof that you’re a strong contributor to the Fluther community. I always look forward to seeing your thoughts (not least of all because often it means I can just click “Great Answer” and be lazy and not type anything myself) and I hope you stick around for another 10K+. Congrats, Simone! :D <3

eeveegurl's avatar

Woo! Congrats!

now I know what these 10k/20k parties are :D

gradyjones's avatar

Congratulations to you Simone De Beauvoir! That is truly impressive!

dpworkin's avatar

Woo-Hoo! Mazel Tov! Come by later, I’ll show you the secret handshake!

kevbo's avatar

Is it me or is it hot in here?

Congrats, lovely!

chyna's avatar

@kevbo 10k parties are always hot!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I do! Congrats Simone! It’s great to know there are some awesome jellies around here!

juwhite1's avatar

Congratulations! I aspire to your heights!

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats Simone! :D

janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov again! (I don’t think @pdworkin has it trademarked yet.)

You are one of the most original thinkers on Fluther and I always find your posts stimulating (in many senses) and thought provoking. You have made me re-examine some of my long-held assumptions about sex, gender and relationships and I am very grateful to you for that.

SirGoofy's avatar

Don’t know her, but congrats!! Since this site uses alot of nautical terms in it’s lexicon, wouldn’t the word club be better substituted with the word leagues or fathoms? Just curious.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

I don’t suppose it would be appropriate for me to ‘welcome’ you to a club that I won’t be able to join for… well, a few days, anyway… but:

w00t Simone! Apparently this is one addiction you seem to have well in hand.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@SirGoofy Maybe 10,000 clams? That would make it seem lucrative, too.

rangerr's avatar

Fuckyeah! 10K CLUB!!!
Congrats, Simone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fireinthepriory's avatar

Woohoo!! Simone, you’re awesome. I always know I’ll have a partner in crime er, politely explaining when someone confuses sex and gender with you around. :)

Here’s to your next 10k!

Jude's avatar

I agree, you are wise beyond your years. I may not always agree with you, but, I have great respect for you.

forestGeek's avatar

Holy crap Simone, a big congrats to you your well deserved 10K!!!

MissAusten's avatar

Wow!! Congrats Simone!! I always learn something from your answers, and enjoy your questions as well. :)

Cupcake's avatar

Yay!! Congrats! I enjoy your well-considered, intelligent responses.

filmfann's avatar

Simone Rocks! Congratulations! You are one of my flavorite jellies!

ccrow's avatar

Congratulations @Simone!!

jamielynn2328's avatar

What an accomplishment! Congrats to you!!!!!!

seeing_red's avatar

These seriously happen all the time. When will we have real cake to celebrate?

Congrats to you, Simone!

Facade's avatar

We didn’t always get along, but I’m glad we do now =)

casheroo's avatar

congratulations to you!!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I do!

Fah who, for-aze!
Dah who, dor-aze!
Welcome, Simone!
Come this way!


PandoraBoxx's avatar

Congratulations to Simone! She Came To Stay and is a stalwart contributor to the fluther!

loser's avatar

Congrats! Much lurve to you and many, many more!!!

Cartman's avatar

I want to! Super-congratulations! Way to lift the Holiday spirit!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Congratulations Simone!

Jeruba's avatar

Simone! I was stalking you yesterday, and I was afraid this would happen while I dozed. If I could have pushed you over, I would, so I could be there at the top of the page to welcome you.

Anyway, WELCOME with open arms.

When you arrived here at fluther with the migration, I wasn’t sure from your initial attitude if you were going to relax a little and settle down, but you sure did. You have become a great jelly, a steady contributor, provocative, full of vitality on both up days and down days, warm, insightful, and intelligent. I appreciate your clarity as much as the firmness of your opinions. Congratulations on reaching this milestone.

gymnastchick729's avatar


Val123's avatar

Have a cookie! Congrats!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I really didn’t want to miss this moment but I just had to take the kids to the BCM – and as always it’s an all day thing and I came back home just now – thank you everyone, thank you for being my new home – I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t find interesting, intelligent people and I really truly did.

wundayatta's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir You add so much to fluther! It’s a wonderful thing for you to hit 10K! I really admire your openness about your personal relationship arrangements. I love your feisty-ness and your feminism. For me, the flavor of fluther would go flat if you weren’t around.

Happy 10K! Now go out and Par-tay!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@daloon wow, thanks…I will to go out and par-tay today…tango as usual

augustlan's avatar

Wonderful! I love having you here, Simone. Congratulations!

La_chica_gomela's avatar


Ansible1's avatar

Simone reached 10k?!? Niiice. Keep on truckin’ Simone!

Narl's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir You are one of my favorite jellys! Congratulations!

Likeradar's avatar

Congrats to one of my favorite Jellys! Thanks for your honesty, openness, and willingness to be yourself.

rooeytoo's avatar

I saw the notice in the side bar that you had made it to the big 10 but I had to go back 3 pages to find the celebration. Fluther is exploding!

Congratulations and good work. I admire and support your position on many points. You are a good jelly!

augustlan's avatar

@rooeytoo (and anyone else who has had this issue)

I always used to have problems finding the 10k threads in a timely manner. I just recently figured out how to find them easily! Just type Simone + 10k into the search box. (Or, you know, whoever has just joined the 10k club.) Don’t forget the plus sign!

SeventhSense's avatar

Well done to my favorite Existentialist Sartre Loving, Avatar Swapping Queer Mother.
actually the only one I know
Rock on.

Judi's avatar

Congrats to one of the great free spirits on fluther. Welcome to the 10K club!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

whatthefluther's avatar

Who is adventurous, exciting, progressive, sharp, opinionated, beautiful, caring, insightful, never bashful, stubborn at times, undoubtedly a wonderful mother with a heart of gold, a terrific jelly and a fine fluther friend? Congratulations Simone….we’ve shared many a laugh and a ton of tears, but now we get to raise some hell together. Welcome to the club… just got a whole lot more exciting up here.
See ya…..Gary/wtf

fireside's avatar


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@whatthefluther thank you! as always you’re my inspiration!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m late to this party (damn finals!), but I’m sure it’s not too late to give my congratulations too!

Clair's avatar

So sorry I’m late!
Congratulations Simone!

dalepetrie's avatar

Welcome to the clubhouse, we’ve been expecting you.

dalepetrie's avatar

Ah, so you’ve seen the videos? I promise to give you a few days before we pull out the bicycle chain.

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeesh, I turn my back for one little day and look what happens. With all the new activity I had to go back several pages to find this, but it’s great. The place is really hoppin’.

I always enjoy reading your original posts and questions. You truly are unique.

Congratulations ! ! !

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Buttonstc lol, yeah we have loads new questions now – I like the new energy brought on by new people…and thank you

rooeytoo's avatar

It has turned into a full time job keeping up with my “Activity for you!” But I agree, it is great to have new ideas and energy.

ubersiren's avatar

Hot dog! Happy 10k!

tinyfaery's avatar

What the hell?!!? All the hullabaloo around here lately made me miss this question.

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I had my eye on you since the moment I saw your user name. You are one of my favorite jellies. You have such a unique perspective and I appreciate all the thought you put into your posts, especially on certain topics.


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@tinyfaery truly flattered. your opinion matters to me.

cookieman's avatar

Great honkin’ twinkies!! How the hell did I miss this?!?!

Congratulation @Simone. I love that you’re frank in your opinion and brook no bullshit. Much respect, my dear.

Zen_Again's avatar

To a fellow wis.dmer who has managed to adapt to the collective – I know it hasn’t always been smooth sailing – but it was worth it, eh? Happy 10k!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Zen_Again it’s never been smooth sailing anywhere – wouldn’t want to be anyway
thank you

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Sorry for showing up late to the party, but I wasn’t a regular Fluther user back when this happened. CONGRATULATIONS on hitting 10k 15k 20k 23,455 spoonfuls of lurve.

Is there any cake left? I assume the ice cream has melted.

chyna's avatar

@rpmpseudonym There is always cake at the 10K mansion. Along with beer, bourbon, whiskey, wine….

Fred931's avatar

@chyna And chocolate milk for me.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

@chyna Sounds heavenly. :) Can’t wait to be welcomed in. I checked under the ‘Welcome’ mat for a key. All I found was, this

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@rpmpseudonym What a nice surprise! Of course there’s cake left.

chyna's avatar

@rpmpseudonym I’ll sneak you in the back door. There are so many people here now, no one will notice that you haven’t hit 10K yet.

filmfann's avatar

@rpmpseudonym Don’t be alarmed by the color of the icing. It’s mint.

Eggie's avatar


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