General Question

UScitizen's avatar

What ice melt will be effective on my driveway at very low temperatures, while doing very little damge to my lawn.

Asked by UScitizen (4306points) December 12th, 2009

I don’t want to kill my lawn with salt.

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9 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Kitty litter works but it is expensive.

jaytkay's avatar

When I had a driveway to worry about, I simply shoveled it. Or we paid a plow service. But I liked the exercise.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Try Greenscapes from Scotwood. I think Lowe’s has it.

LeotCol's avatar

I hear salt works

gailcalled's avatar

I don’t want to kill my lawn with salt.

PrairieWind's avatar

Our friend Icy is good at melting the Ice

master_mind413's avatar

I saw a chemical free organic one the other day at petco while shopping should not harm lawn

check the website you never know

jerv's avatar

There really isn’t much in the way of icemelt that won’t harm your lawn, especially once you get much below about 25F.

There is a reason that we used so much sand back East. I mean, you don’t have to melt the ice if you can still drive over it safely without skidding, right? And sand may make a mess, but it works in all temperatures and is non-toxic. Best of all, it’s pretty damn cheap.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

It isn’t an “ice melt” but I have always liked radiant driveway heaters. They even sell snow-sensors to automatically turn them on and off.

Some photos:

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