General Question

Mamradpivo's avatar

What should I buy my brother for Christmas?

Asked by Mamradpivo (9665points) December 12th, 2009

So, my little brother (he’s 22) is living with my parents right now while he’s a student teacher, but he’s hoping to move out this spring once he finishes his certification and can get paid. He has all of the apartment basics that one needs from college. But for Christmas he told me he wants things that will help make his first apartment on his own better.

Without wanting to buy him furnishings or appliances, any suggestions?

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19 Answers

HighShaman's avatar

How about a DVD or a CD that he may have mentioned wanting ?

Lots of guys don’t like buying their own clothes ; so maybe a shirt or some underwear would be welcomed ?

Maybe buy him matching towels and washcloths as well as kitchen towels / washclothloths.

Good Luck !

fireinthepriory's avatar

Really nice (or at least really big) art that will make his apartment look like a home.

randomness's avatar

You could buy him something he will use in the new apartment, like some crockery, or a crazy lamp. You could buy him some DVD’s to watch.

You could even throw him a housewarming party when he gets into his own apartment.

LeotCol's avatar

I think you should buy him a fish tank and maybe some cool types of fish to go in it, or maybe jellyfish!! That would be awesome. I know I want it.

augustlan's avatar

A gift card to Target, Ikea, Home Depot might be helpful. Also: Picture frames, art you create, or a great blanket.

stormy's avatar

You can’t ever go wrong with a bong!

Mamradpivo's avatar

@stormy I just about spewed beer on my keyboard just now. Thanks for that!

Carbonproduct's avatar

Something you like too so you can borrow it from him.

sndfreQ's avatar

One of my colleagues gave this book to me as a gift-it’s a wonderful guide for teachers/professors, on the inner journey and struggles of a professional teacher. I recommend this to anyone entering the profession.

The Courage To Teach by Parker J. Palmer

Slick's avatar

A gift card too his favorite store.

jrpowell's avatar

I’m a 32 year old man. Ever since I started buying my own stuff I ask for socks and boxers and white t-thirts for c-mas.

Buy me the basics and I will pick out the specialty things on my own.

gemiwing's avatar

Well, technically this is a fixture- but find him an amazing lamp. Something fun and funky that shows his spirit. Try to make sure it has a nice warm tone to the light. I remember my first apartment (many many moons ago) and two things I never had enough of were seating and light. I shudder when I think back at how the whole thing was lit from gasp overhead. It always felt so cold and now I know why.

Shatzee's avatar

how about some picture frames?

gailcalled's avatar

I second the suggestion for really good quality, large bath towels. Also a high-end down comforter (unless he is allergic to down) and duvet cover.

A good vacuum cleaner.
A small oriental throw rug.

woodcutter's avatar

anything from Duluth Trading.

HumourMe's avatar

They’ve already been mentioned but gift cards really are the fail-safe present. What’s better than receiving free money to buy whatever you want?

gailcalled's avatar

@HumourMe : Cash is nice but if she can find something her brother would love (and why not with an entire empty apt.?), it will be a reminder of their relationship.

I still have towels (now threadbare) from gifts for a trousseau in 1957. And I have some treasures that remind me of family and friendships.

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