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Jude's avatar

Why is it after an orgasm, you feel as though you have to pee?

Asked by Jude (32207points) December 12th, 2009

And, do pee, if you’re able to.

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20 Answers

deni's avatar

i’ve heard its unhealthy to not pee after “something has been inside you”. thats what an ex boyfriend of mine told me. i dont know if he was joking or serious or what, i couldn’t tell but it worried me so i ran to pee LOL

stemnyjones's avatar

I usually don’t… but I just googled it to find out, and I just realized why I don’t. Because I don’t have sex. I get oral. I’m a lesbian. :D

It’s because of the pressure against your g-spot. It makes your body think you need to pee. And yes, it’s best to go pee after you have sex or you may get a UTI.

deni's avatar

@stemnyjones so he wasn’t kidding! who woulda thought. cool. lol

Jude's avatar

@stemnyjones I’m a lesbian, as well. I figured that it had to do with the g-spot. Really, it’s that I was building for a g-spot orgasm, but, didn’t quite get there. Then, right afterward, I have to pee.

sndfreQ's avatar

I don’t have a G-spot (although my avatar might convince you otherwise at the moment)...I think for men it’s a physiological reflex that follows the big release; I believe that for men, the urethra is actually cleansed as urine is eliminated.

I jokingly call it the “victory piss”

faye's avatar

I don’t, I like to cuddle after.

AstroChuck's avatar

Because pancakes make you thirsty so you drink water and water makes you pee.

deni's avatar

@faye you run and pee and then you dive back into bed (preferrably with a sandwich or something) and then cuddle UNDER a cozy blanket for a while.

sigh :(

SeventhSense's avatar

Well I don’t know every time I orgasm she just swallows. Maybe we’re doing it wrong….

augustlan's avatar

I get this feeling even building up to the big O. Sometimes it’s all I can do to hold it in til we’re done!

holden's avatar

lol! I’ve never had that problem but that’s the first thing my fiance does after sex.

Zen_Again's avatar

It’s a great natural way for a woman to protect herself from venereal diseases, btw.

delirium's avatar

I’ve noticed that’s the first thing that guys seem to do right after, almost always. The older they are, the more likely it seems.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

you said ‘venereal diseases’, heehee

sndfreQ's avatar

@Zen I wouldn’t take that theory to the bank my friend, unless you can piss chlorine!

La_chica_gomela's avatar

@sndfreQ: I was thinking that too! I think he must have been thinking of UTIs.

Violet's avatar

It is because of the convulsion of the kegel muscles, and you push/use those muscles when you orgasm.. Those are the same muscles that you use to hold in pee, or push it out.

Haleth's avatar

The g-spot is right next to the urethral sponge, the area that surrounds the urethra. The urethral sponge contains erectile tissue, so it expands when you’re aroused to prevent you from peeing during sex. You probably just feel like peeing because this area and the g-spot have been stimulated during sex.

As for guys? I have no idea. Maybe something like this is going on.

delirium's avatar

I definitely don’t have to pee after orgasms but I have found that if I need to pee slightly it intensifies the orgasms extremely.


During sex, a muscular sphincter closes off the bladder so that urine cannot contaminate precious sexual fluids like semen. Urine that collects in the bladder cannot be felt during sex because of this constriction, so after orgasm, the sphincter muscle that closed off the bladder finally relaxes, and our sensation to urinate returns, and often with a filled bladder. That’s why we usually feel an urge to pee after sex.

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