Did you know that one of our own is going in for brain surgery?
Asked by
augustlan (
December 13th, 2009
Let’s all give MacBean, who will be undergoing brain surgery on December 18th, our support! The surgeons will be making a second attempt at removing a tumor in the area of the pituitary gland, and possibly removing the gland itself. MacBean really doesn’t want that last bit to happen and would love to be back home by Christmas Eve, so if you could focus your positive thoughts, prayers, candle lightings, and what-have-yous in those directions it would be greatly appreciated!
You can follow MacBean’s progress and personal updates here.
We really value your brain, Bean. Those docs better take damn good care of it!
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110 Answers
Had no idea, but thanks for the tip! Good luck, MacBean!
I don’t really know MacBean, but I will certainly keep them in my thoughts.
I can’t imagine how difficult that must be, @MacBean, but I wish you the best. I’ll be lighting a candle for you. Good luck!
Good luck MacBean; make sure you take out the Sharpie and mark the correct side of your scalp to cut in to (“THIS SIDE” like people do with limbs)!! j/k
I’ll be sending good thoughts your way! Best wishes!
I’ll be thinking good thoughts!
Good luck @MacBean! You (and your powerful brain) will do great.
Is it OK if I pray for you @MacBean?
@MacBean….You are in our thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery, a speedy recovery and a very Merry Christmas. Sending you lots of lurve….Gary & Sherry
@MacBean sending positive jelly energy your way! I hope the surgery is uneventful, & recovery is speedy. (((hugs)))
All the best Macbean, you are truly precious and I second what Augustlan said about Doctors taking care of you… lots of love and hugs…and warm wishes xxx
We will keep you in our thoughts. All the best to you and your family.
All good thoughts and prayers will be with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
A prayer for you, MacBean.
My thoughts are with you for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery, McBean. May it go easily.
Good luck Mac.
I know someone personally who had a tennis-ball sized tumor removed and he is fine and dandy!
Everything’s gonna be alright – come fluther about when you feel up to it.
Gack, Mac! You’re one of my favorite folks here! You’ll be in my thoughts for sure.
Good Luck MacBean!!! I’m sending best wishes towards you and your surgeons!
Home by Christmas Eve… Home by Christmas Eve… Home by Christmas Eve
Mac, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers this holiday, because who else will drool over Robert Downey Jr. with me? Here’s to a speedy recovery!
I am wishing you the successful operation you want, MacBean. When you go in, just imagine all of us and all your family and friends holding your hands and sending you in with a wave of love and care.
I do not know MacBean but I certainly will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
I believe this surgery is performed by access through the nasal cavity. If so, this is far less traumatic then through the skull and blood brain barrier.
Thank you for sharing the link on MacBean’s progress and asking the question for support.
Yes. And I’ll be(im)patiently waiting for Mac’s father to remember to update us online after the procedure.
Lots of thoughts for you, Mac (((hugs)))
Sending positive thoughts your way MacBean!
Finish this business speedily and get back here MacBean.
I need somebody around to tell me I’m full of shit from time to time.
You will be in my prayers MacBean.
Lots of love and best wishes to you MacBean, as well as your family and the entire medical team involved in your care.
<3 ((((((hugs))))))
Thanks so much, guys. Thoughts, prayers, lit candles, rain dances, pretty much whatever you think might work are all more than welcome. It could help and it certainly won’t hurt. Just steer clear of live sacrifice and we’re cool, yeah? :D
Also, the CaringBridge link above does use my stupid still-legal girl name. Ew. So now all of you know it. Please don’t stalk me!
I didn’t know and I am sorry for that – I hope truly that it all goes well – you’ll be in my thoughts
Good luck, @MacBean! My lil sister used CaringBridge when she had surgery this summer. It was so nice to have one place to post updates instead of trying to call everyone we knew (and angering Grandma when we forgot her… uh, not that I did that, of course!). We’ll ignore your stupid still-legal girl name (to be honest when I saw it I though the link was wrong!), and will try not to stalk you. ;)
@MacBean good luck and you’re in my thoughts! Come back soon! You’ll be missed.
Ah, I believe MB’s just going in because she really loves hospital food and she knows she’s going to get some lurve out of it. Seriously, good luck and don’t stay away for long. Fluther just won’t be the same without that dandy looking avatar.
@MacBean – I just know it’ll all be fine! I look forward to seeing you back here pronto, minus a pesky tumour.
@MacBean – I had no idea. :( You’re one of my favorite jellies, hands-down, and I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I will definitely send postive, healing vibes and prayers your way. If nothing else, I really hope you get to go home by Christmas! Please take care and know we’re thinking of you. <3
What a…um…special…way to spend the holidays :/
I just know that when they go in there they’ll find that your noggin’s full of win in never-before-seen quantities. Heck you’ll probably end up in some journal: “Neurologists reevaluate theoretical limits on win capacity in the human brain—a case study”
All the best, and please give us a holler when you’re able. <4
This must be an incredibly stressful time for you. Best wishes, and I look forward to your insightful and witty posts when you return!
@MacBean, the run-up to serious surgery is such a tense time. I can feel that one right in my cells. I will be thinking of you and sending you healthy-brain vibes as fiercely as I can.
@Macbean, my prayers are with you. I hope you get well pretty fast after the surgery.
hugs and a lot of kisses and lurve!
Best Wishes and ositive thoughts
Just as an added boost, I had a friend who had a tumor removed alst year and was out of the hospital in two days. Best wishes again for an easy time!
Kittens and candy, @MacBean. Is there anything better?
Edit: “last”. Stupid fingers.
postive thoughts sent your way fingers crossed and candles lit xx
@MacBean – positive thoughts coming your way!
Sending positive energy and all of the strength that I can muster your way, McBean. I get to chat with you on Twitter, and despite what you’re going through, your humor and the way that you’re dealing with all of this amazes me. =) xo
Oh…wow. Thoughts are with you, MacBean….
”What a…um…special…way to spend the holidays :/”
This is the second time I’ve had to do this. The first time (in 2002) I was actually in the hospital for Thanksgiving. I WAS NOT VERY THANKFUL. (Even though the food wasn’t bad, @AstroChuck)! But like @janbb said of her friend, it’s actually a pretty short hospital stay. If the surgery goes as well as it did last time, I should be back home on the 22nd or so. I’ll be happy enough if I get to sleep in my own bed on Christmas Eve.
Anyway, thanks some more, to everyone who’s responded since the last time I said thanks. :D I’ve been a lot more nervous this time, but having so many people praying and sending good vibes and crossing their fingers and stuff is making me feel better.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, MacBean!
We’ll be waiting for your return.
My husband’s life-saving surgery occurred the day before Thanksgiving a few years ago, and we WERE very thankful. We celebrate Thanksgivings ever since with an extra measure of gratitude for his successful treatment. A holiday in the hospital seemed like no sacrifice at all, comparatively speaking.
But even better is to be out in time for the holiday. If you don’t make it for Christmas, @MacBean, we’ll count on you for New Year’s.
@MacBean Also, my friend was flying pretty high and writing some incredible stuff from the pain meds after she got home – so maybe you’ll do some great Fluthering. :-)
Here’s a hug. (( ))
@MacBean : So much lurve to you! I wish you well and will be thinking of you these next few weeks. I send you all my positive vibes.
Prayers, love, support and lots of healing vibes are coming your way MacBean!
As the 18th quickly approaches, I’m sending waves of positive thoughts your way, MacB. <3
Here’s a friend to hug if you’re scared!
Best wishes for a quick recovery, MacBean!
—-That’s tomorrow guys…wow…
Best wishes to you. You will be in my thoughts.
Thanks again, everyone. <3 I’ve got about twelve hours left now before I leave for the hospital, which means that at this time tomorrow the surgery should be behind me, no matter the outcome. Can’t wait to be past that stress. It’s just the first step, but it’s the only step that’s making doctors warn me about blindness and sudden death and crazy crap like that, so it’s the part I’m most anxious to be done with. Heh.
I promise my CaringBridge site will be updated ASAP. I’ve been stressing it to Dad that he shouldn’t dawdle with that, and if he can’t figure it out, he has instructions on how to get in touch with someone who’s a little more internet savvy than he is.
Can’t wait to be back and giving my own updates!
Oh I can’t wait either I hope you will have a speedy recovery!!!
We’ll be thinking of you and with all our positive energy coming your way, you got it made!!!
Still thinking of you. Did you have to teach your father how to text? I imagine that was fun. lol
Sending lots of positive energy your way. Come back to us soon!
I had no idea until right now. I’m so fucking ignorant.
MacBean! WE’LL SEE YOU ON THE FLIPSIDE. We’re rootin’ for you!
According to Dad, she had a pretty good outcome as far as how much was removed (they saved some of the pituitary, I think), and was going to spend the night in the recovery room, since there were no rooms available for her.
Sounds promising, @MacBean. Here’s hoping it stays that way, and you recover quickly.
@MacBean: Thinking of you this morning… I hope they find you a room of your own, and that your recovery will go smoothly. (((((((hugs)))))))
Go MacBean Go! Show those guys what healing is all about!
Yay, she’s resting comfortably! I will dedicate my karate class session to her today, for the energy.
@daloon Thanks for the update. I had been thinking of her this morning.
Yay MacBean! Glad you’re on the other side of the surgery. Rest easy!
lots of positive thoughts and best wishes are wiht you xx
Here’s the latest update…
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2009 10:04 PM, CST:
MacBean spent most of her day in the recovery room, waiting for her other room to get empty and ready for her. At dinner time they came in and said her room was ready. After she ate they took her up to her room. That was about 6:30PM.
Her room is in the neurological care unit. It is a big room with 8 beds in it. She is being monitored and checked regularly. She did have a fever some of the day but she feels pretty good.
@MacBean: I’m glad to hear that you’re in the specialized unit and that you’ve been eating. Thanks to your ddd for the updates, and continued hugs and best wishes!
More positive thoughts going her way.
Sounds like progress to me!! @MacBean, you’re getting lots of positive energy from all of us, so I’m pretty sure you can’t not recover incredibly quickly. :)
Also, just a note – MacBean is male. He was born a girl, but he’s male now. Just to prevent any further confusion. :)
Oh how did I ever miss this question! Bean we miss you and are praying and sending positive thoughts for a complete and speedy recovery!
@fireinthepriory: I copied and pasted what MacBean’s Dad wrote in the journal.
I have a close friend who is transitioning from male to female and the pronoun issue has been a big deal for her, so I understand your point, though.
@hearkat I know you did, it wasn’t your mistake. I’ve been trying to decide whether to mention it for a few days; hard because it’s not really mine to share. I finally decided that I really don’t want him to come back to 1000 comments calling him a her, it might be pretty depressing. :)
@fireinthepriory technically Macbean is not a he or she. I asked, and Mac prefers zie/hir, gender fluid pronouns. I also don’t think Mac gets hung up on that sort of thing.
@casheroo Thanks for the clarification! I never asked him, but saw him refer to himself as transgendered. My few trans friends are really sensitive about it so I’m programmed to be kind of on edge about that kind of thing. Guess I put my foot in my mouth a little, then, but maybe the good intentions make up for it a little?? Sorry, @MacBean!!
@casheroo: I had never heard of zie/hir before… it’s an interesting concept. Wikipedia article on gender-neutral pronouns. I have to say that it is difficult to change such things, though. Even the idea of “Ms.” to remove the married/unmarried specification for females hasn’t fully caught on, and that was introduced decades ago.
More love, lurve and positive energy coming your way, Bean!
lots of love and hugs Macbean xx
Yay! MacBean posted this on the Caring Bridge journal:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:54 PM, EST
I have two bedsores on my back, I have so many new prescriptions that I need a pill organizer with AM and PM sections for each day, and I’m now aware of the fact that my house is at a higher altitude than Albany Med (oww, sinuses…!). But my IV is out, I am in my own clothes, and I have internet access. I’m pretty pleased, but terribly tired. I’ll give a more detailed update later, but I wanted to let everyone know that I’m home and doing okay!
lololololol, “pretty pleased” and “terribly tired.” I hate alliteration but you’d never be able to tell.
Hi, guys! Still catching up on sleep (the hospital had me stashed away in some pretty high-traffic rooms until my last night there) but I just wanted to say again, thank you so much for all the prayers and good thoughts and stuff. Even though I stayed in the hospital a day longer this time, I still started to feel better much faster than last time.
Hey MacBean you are bionic! That is a great recovery time. I was wondering how you were going. Pleased to hear you are home again. Corny but true, there is NO place like home.
@MacBean: Healing is always better at home. I’m glad you were able to be released in time to spend the holidays surrounded by love. <3
YAY for MacBean! Home and on the mend. Woot! Woot!
Woot ineed! I’m so glad you’re on the mend.
Great to hear from @MacBean prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery are coming your way!
Rest up MacBean and come back better than ever.
YAAAAAAAAYYYYY! I’m so glad you’re speedily on the mend, MacBean!
keep up with the rest and relaxation xx ((hugs))
Lots of love Macbean….have a restful time xx
@MacBean….It’s wonderful seeing that you are back and doing well. Merry Christmas to you. See ya…..Gary/wtf
@MacBean – So glad to hear things went well and that you’re home!! :)
I am glad that the operation went well and you are home again.
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