Social Question

azlotto's avatar

Do you think humans here on Earth is/are an experiment done by superior beings?

Asked by azlotto (2456points) December 13th, 2009

Just asking.

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12 Answers

colliedog's avatar

Yes, I think we’re an invention of the Japanese. Otherwise, maybe Charles Darwin was right and we have evolved from the swamp through a complex but understandable series of accidents.

nikipedia's avatar

Seems pretty unlikely to me.

anon's avatar

Like growing mould in a cup? Sounds quite fitting to me.

NadaNormal's avatar

If so then the experiment is a failure, no intelligent life on this planet

Pretty_Lilly's avatar

Anything’s possible ! but it would be a total shock to the system to the human race as most people believe humans are the only beings in the entire universe and top of the food chain.

NadaNormal's avatar

@Pretty_Lilly If we were really on top of the food chain then we would not be crunchy & taste good with catchup!!!!

pjanaway's avatar

Reckon ants wonder the same thing?

stemnyjones's avatar

No. I think we evolved to be the way we are, just like all the other animals have evolved and still are evolving to adapt to their enviroment.

Fernspider's avatar

I have been waiting for the giant magnifying glass in the sky or fountains of yellow rain… alas, I continue to wait…

YoKoolAid's avatar

@azlotto there are ancient texts and ruins that suggest this may be so. However nothing can be proven, so until a supreme being shows up (2012?) and says “Well, let’s see how they turned out…” we will never know.

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