What are your peeves about other's driving habits?
Asked by
Shemarq (
December 13th, 2009
For most of us, when driving we see other drivers doing things that make you want to say WTF. What are some of your biggest peeves?
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42 Answers
My dad tailgates all the time.. lol
Driving slow in the passing lane and cigarette butts being tossed out the window. ughhh!
Not using a turn signal, California Rolls, and being on a cell phone are my big three. Those people drive me insane.
Following too close. i have written many citations for this traffic offense. its the number cause of traffic accidents in the United States. if a driver hits his brakes three times, while following the vehicle in front of him, thats following too close. you probably have been in this situation, where an auto rides your back bumper. its very irritating and dangerous.
People not using there turn signals, drivers that tailgate.
It makes me crazy when people cut out in front of me when all they had to do was wait for a few more seconds and it would have been clear. People are just so impatient.
They are always beeping me!!!
Tailgating and failure to indicate.
Tailgating is dangerous and I am not a bloody mind reader so tell me which way you are going.
Texting and talking on cell phones.
Considering my normal feelings towards most people, breathing is fairly high on the list.
Not going with the flow of traffic, no turn signals, not paying attention to the fact that there are other vehicles on the road, yakking on the phone (I don’t mind Bluetooth/handsfree though; just the lack of free hands to actually operate the vehicle.) , tailgating, poor lane discipline, being cut off, not being let into a lane even if you’ve been signalling for >½ a mile, driving a stick-shift with no clue how to use a clutch….
It’s easier to just shorten the list to “Breathing”
People who say they are great drivers, then I get in the car with them and they proceed to drive like a teenager on crack.
People who do 24 in a 45 chap my ass. Those who fail to signal.
@gradyjones it’s when people roll on though a stop sign (usually at a low speed) without making a complete stop. It’s quite common here in California where I live, so it is called the California Roll after the sushi roll of the same name.
Thank you all for answering! I have an hour to hour and half commute each way to work and I see alot of the stuff that you have all brought up. It is amazing that there aren’t more accidents!
@ShiningToast Thanks, I’ve never heard of that. I would hate that too.
@gradyjones – It’s less common in places where people run red lights. ;)
People who come to complete stops (for a long time) in the merging lane! It drives me crazy.
Tailgating and road rage…unless it’s my own ;)
- When people are too nice.. like when they clearly arrived at the four way stop earlier than you but insist you go first.
- People who drive 20–30 miles below the speed limit
- People who drive 20–30 miles above the speed limit
- People who drive racing motorcycles.. what? who are you racing? aren’t you just going to work? (not really a peeve.. i just like to mock them even though I’d probly enjoy such a bike myself)
All of the above in addition to:
People who drive unreasonably slow on long stretch highways (single lane) and then speed up just as you get to a passing lane or an area where there is an additional lane. Sometimes they speed up just enough to prohibit you from overtaking… then slow right down again when the opportunity has passed.
And that’s what really grinds my gears.
the lack of use of the turn singals.
and for those who use their cell phones while driving I turn up my car radio and roll down the windows right next to the person who is talking thier cell phones, boy if I had a penny for all the looks and the all the fingers that i get I be millionare,,
This just happened to me yesterday. Now I am not one to lay on the horn for any reason, but this made me so mad I did more than beep, I blared! Some guy cut me off, turned out right in front of me, I had to slam on my breaks. There was no one behind me either. He then proceeds to put his left blinker on and I have to sit behind him waiting till he has the opportunity to turn. I snuck around him on the shoulder and blared my horn.
At the same time I was pressing on my horn and shooting nasty looks his way, I noticed his handicap tag hanging from the mirror, but no matter, I stand by my decision to blare!
People who get into a big line on two-lane highways, with no intention of passing, and don’t leave enough space between them and the car in front of them so other people CAN pass if they want.
Not using turn signals. The application of makeup scares the hell out of me.
People who change lanes without signaling.
When someone cuts me off and drives under the speed limit. Ugh!
People who drive at half the speed limit…. They are dangerous, they hold everyone up, and they make everyone on the road angry.
@randomness In Eastern MA they deal with it a little differently. Normally when the car behind you is attempting to pass, they change lanes first. Not always true in the Boston area ;)
people who need to brake to merge
people who need to stop to turn
people looking for parking
people who don’t use turn signals
people with obnoxiously loud music
people who put on makeup while driving
people who are driving
Drivers, when you are a passenger in the car, who carry on conversations with you and other passengers, and said conversations are punctuated with long, meaningful looks at whomever they’re conversing with and….HOLY CRAP!!! IT’S A BUFFALO ON THE ROA….... Too late. Everbody’s daid.
The maniacs who drive faster than me and the idiots who drive slower than me. ~
Left hand turns from the right hand lane. Yikes, How are you lady Shemarq?
Better now that I know that you are still alive lol!! Great to see your face again. and by face I mean avatar:) I do hope you have a great weekend, and hope to bump into you again soon. I just gave you the crappiest answer ever tehehe:)
@Sir_Mikey Crappy answers or not, you’re still my bud! LOL!! How are you doing by the way?
freaking great!! What has two thumbs and a 3 day weekend? This guy, lol!! ((hugs)) Shemarq!! Take care of yourself !! Later:)
Get off your f—kin cell phone and pay attention to the road!ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoa, I have never seen text go out of the box before. Am I the only one seeing this?
@Rachienz I see it too. That is weird looking!
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