Would you give up all of your lurve?
It took me awhile to really get what Fluther was all about, but when I did the whole 10k thing was kind of anti-climatic. I would zero myself out right now to help others understand that this site is about sooo much more than a silly number.
Would you? Why or why not?
This is not an empty gesture. If it is possible to zero out my lurve and keep the rest of my profile intact please PM me and we’ll do this thing.
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28 Answers
I’m nowhere near the 10K mark but sure i’d give it up. Especially if it were worth money to go to a charity!
I’m new here…What is a lurve? Great Question!
I would. When you said this earlier in another thread, I was hoping you wouldn’t take it the wrong way. The only reason I like lurve is the partays! I love congratulating people and telling them why they’re special to me. It’s not the lurve that matters. The lurve leads to ‘achievements’ which leads to ‘parties’ and they’re kind of like a birthday party to me. The lurve is nothing.
I would partly to prove that my earlier question wasn’t intended to give the impression that all I’m worried about is lurve.. it was just something I noticed.. because I’m in love with this community and how helpful everyone is that I only pay attention to lurve when the community feed tells me something or I happen to glance at my “questions for you” section. It gets silly at times, but I’ve been able to get so many things off my chest here, that the scores don’t matter to me. You guys are fucking awesome and I’m pretty focused on that right now.
Edit: I’m on strong pain meds currently.. so if that makes no sense.. sorry.
In a heartbeat for a worthy cause!
Yep. Lurve is nice, but I’m here for much more than that.
I really don’t pay attention to my lurve.
of course… but it helps me remember that people do like the things that I say…and that helps me immensely in my fragile state…still…I’d go back to zero..but couldn’t do without it altogether
Only for a good cause like world peace, the cure for cancer…
Sure, why not. Lurve smurve. I’ll still be the same person, studying for the same final exams.
@Clair & @rangerr . . . you guys are cool. you just got me to thinking about it and that is what fluther is all about. thanks!
I’d give up my lurve. I never quite understood why we have a “score” next to our usernames. it is nice to know that people like what I have to say though
I’d give up lurve. Good idea about transferring it (in the form of money) to a charity… How would it really work?
@lynneblundell . . . I totally agree. I don’t want to do away with lurve. I want to show that lurve is not about how much you get. It’s about how much you give.
I would do anything for lurve
But I won’t do that.
be careful, I was just on a site Answerbag you have probably heard of it by now, they have mucked around with the scoring system and hundreds of users have left, I dont think its one hundred percent about the score but when you work hard to think of interesting questions and thoughtful answers its nice to be rewarded and its not nice when they take that away. Yeah its not all about the “lurve” but its very nice too.
I would not mind there not being lurve. I have been on several sites when there was a type of scoring system, and there always comes a time when you just stop caring. “The points don’t matter,” so many people proudly proclaim. I don’t know how many of them really felt that way.
Well, they don’t matter. Would I want to have all of my accumulated points so far be taken away? No, because they don’t matter.
I don’t really care about how much “lurve” I get. Sure it’s an indication that I’m helping people, but I could do away with it…I don’t need any recognition to feel good about what I’m doing here. :)
This site is not for self gratification or for competition, but it is nice to get some lurve. Let’s see…what would I do to cure cancer? To cure my Dad’s cancer, I would swim across the atlantic, I would cut off my left hand, I would live without electricity, so I guess I would surely sacrifice my lurve for a great cause.
I wonder if I would get lurve for giving it all away…??
Sure, I would give it up. It’s not happiness or love or money.
You mean like giving up what we have now and starting over from scratch? Sure! I had a lot of fun earning the lurve I have now, and I plan on sticking around for another 10K+, so… no big loss!
Sure if it got me schwagg like at Chucky Cheese.
Im still snooping around, trying to find out what exactly is lurve!! (”,)
@RubyReds you get lurve (points) when someone gives you great answers (5) or great questions (3)...or when someone adds you to their Fluther (2)...or when you visit….(1) x
@lynneblundell Tnx! Seeing that I dont have that much lurve just now I dont think I want to give it up just yet! (”,)
Never! Lurve cannot be given up. It simply doesn’t work that way.
However, I wouldn’t mind if that (8711) next to my name were removed or reset or shrunk or incinerated. The number doesn’t mean a damn thing, as long as I keep seeing the +5s or just something telling me that someone thought my answer was great. That I was given lurve is meaningful to me—the accumulation of numbers is not.
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