How important is eye contact to you ?
Does the lack of eye contact on the part of people make you uncomfortable ? Does it make you think less of someone if they can not look directly at you ?
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22 Answers
100% Important. The mirror of the soul.
Eye contact is very important to me. Some people aren’t worth looking into their eyes but when it comes to the love of my life or someone who intrigues me, eye contact is crack to me. It’s more of an obsession than a social thing.
Most people can’t keep contact with me though.
not as important as sexual contact but i do like them to at least look at me once,
If a person can’t look me in the eye when talking to me ; I don’t believe a word that they’ve said…. and wouodn’t TRUST them as far as I could throw them…
I actually have a hard time making eye contact, not sure why. Maybe it’s a confidence thing, but it’s interesting to see how everyone else feels about the subject.
Eye contact is extremely important to me.
The eye contact shows the respond to opposite person that the person is friendly and open minded.and it also shows the respect to the person.
Really important, idk, eye contact is key when you really care about someone.
I have never had a problem with eye contact; but people in the Autistic spectrum often have great difficulty looking at someones eyes.
It depends. Sometimes I like a person to use eye contact, but I always try to remember that not everyone likes it. In some cultures, eye contact is extremely rude. To some individuals who are particularly shy or introverted, eye contact is too out there and confrontational.
I don’t think less of someone for not using eye contact. They might be being shifty, but then again, they might just be uncomfortable with it, for whatever reason. Who am I to judge??
Yeah, it’s really important. Also, sometimes it really bothers me trying to talk to someone wearing sunglasses.
Sunglasses suck. I never wear them. I think it’s impersonal and like you’re trying to hide something. I hate not being able to see someones eyes.
Its very important to me, I would not take them seriously.
Well, eye contact is important, but I take a lot more into account. There are far too many false absolutes floating around, about what this or that means. People are all different… some are outgoing, some shy and reserved. You may get eye contact from a pathological liar, and truth from someone who looks everywhere else but in your eyes. I try to use all my senses and experiences when evaluating an individual.
I want eye contact with my honey while we are making love and any time we are talking. Its very important to me and her.
Hi Phil. Eye contact is important, but it is difficult for some people. Don’t write someone off because of it.
It is extraordinarily difficult for me to make and maintain eye contact. I have Asperger’s and this is one of our biggies. I learned early that eye contact was important to most people so I made myself learn how to do it. And I can maintain it as long as there is no emotional attachment to the person. Weird, I know. It has played heck with my relationships and while I was able to learn to make eye contact, I can only make myself go so far. I am about the most honest person I know, but a few folks have distrusted me immediately and I have been told it is because of this failing.
It is for me, I really get annoyed when people look at my mouth or some other part of my body the whole time we are talking to me. It’s okay if they are just nervous or shy, because it’s hard to make or maintain eye contact then. But in most situations eye contact is very important.
I am on the autistic spectrum so I don’t tend to judge others who can’t make eye-contact. It’s ok if you can, and it’s ok if you cannot. As long as we have some sort of connection and communication then I don’t mind.
Eye contact? I don’t know—I’ve never tried it.
I’m an Aspie, too. It is painfully difficult for me to make eye contact and I can derive no meaning from it in others, I learned a trick of simulating eye contact from a book, can’t remember the title right now. Look at a spot on the persons head slightly above the eyebrows. They can’t tell that you are not looking at their eyes unless you are extremely close. Since autistic people do not get physically close to others, this trick is supposed to work in the great majority of cases. I cannot understand what normal people can tell by looking at eyes though. The trick is used only to appear more normal. It is the same idea as when I made myself learn to shake hands and maintain what is supposed to be a neutral body posture.
Eye contact is not an absolute. Ditto everything @randomness wrote. So much hinges on personality and culture, so it would be shortsighted to rely on it too heavily.
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