Social Question

samara's avatar

How late do you usually stay up to play on sites like this?

Asked by samara (206points) December 14th, 2009

I have noticed that some people seem to be online at many different times during the day.With all the different timezones I assume some of you are up super late!

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17 Answers

Midnighttoker's avatar

Most of the time it’s early morning for me,for an hour or so
Eastern time zone,U.S.
Then it’s off and on through out the day for a few minutes..

davids's avatar

6am-ish… but “to play on sites like this” I count as general computer activity.

pjanaway's avatar

Depends, my sleep cycle changes alot, I’m normally awake during the day for a week, then awake during the night for a week, then keep rotating like that. lol

FutureMemory's avatar

I stay up til 5–7am on a regular basis.

peedub's avatar

I stay up super late to study, but often procrastinate around these parts. It’s especially bad when I have finals, like tomorrow.

scotsbloke's avatar

no too late. I’m a good boy! (usually….......)

RubyReds's avatar

When at home there is just too much to do. Only at around 9 at nine I can go and see whats up and then I just do for like a hour or so. Husband still need some attention…................... and the kids too! (”,)

thriftymaid's avatar

I might appear at any time of the day or night.

Mat74UK's avatar

Sometimes too bloody late!

HumourMe's avatar

I’m on here at various times of the day and night. My sleeping pattern changes so often that I’ve just completely lost the whole concept of time.

thriftymaid's avatar

@HumourMe . You are the only other person I’ve heard say this. I sleep around six hours but it may be during the night or during the day.

SirGoofy's avatar

Enough to classify my time here as chronic sleep deprivation.

belakyre's avatar

Lady, its now near twelve near my place, you do not want to know the amount of time I spend on this website.

erichw1504's avatar

Stay up? I’m always up, sleeping is for losers.

frigate1985's avatar

I tried staying up till 4 am but then, I was nearly hallucinating from sleep deprivation…

StephK's avatar

I check fluther two or three times per day and usually spend 45 minutes to an hour each session. This, however, is going to need to be a lot longer if I want to continue perusing all the pages of questions… there’s been a huge increase these last couple days! not that I mind!

babyblue's avatar

I have been guilty of staying up until 2 in the morning, lol.

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