How do you feel about the Republicans putting all the blame on the economy on President Obama?
Asked by
Cotton101 (
December 14th, 2009
Wall Street and President Bush’s spending created a lot of this mess, not all of it. But, Republicans put the blame on President Obama before took his oath. And, after President Obama bailout the banks, he became a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, etc. But, everything was “peaches and cream” when President Bush and Mr. Paulson bailed out the bank. Hard for most Americans to understand this double standard.
And, the Republicans call President Obama names that no American should ever say about our President. Ok, they are returning the name calling because of how the left treated President Bush, but they have gone way passed what was called President Bush. Besides, President Bush and his administration brought a lot of that on themselves. Sure, some on the left went over the line, but nothing like we have seen the last 11 months. Never seen anything to match the “name calling” of the last year in my lifetime.
In order for us to get out of this mess, at some point, there has to be some unity of the two parties or some kind of compromise, and not, what we have seen the last year.
In closing, yesterday’s vote will comeback to hurt the Republican Party in upcoming elections. Most Americans are disgusted with Wall Street and what they stand for today. Yesterday’s vote by the Republican Party just proves what many Americans have been seeing, that Republicans have earned the reputation of being the party of “no!” Yesterday, Republicans showed they put their party above helping the American people and correcting what contributed to this recession!
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37 Answers
It’s childish and surely not in the best interest of our nation.
I think it is nothing more than retribution for things that were said about Bush during and after his eight-year sleigh ride to hell. The only difference that I can see is that Bush was deserving of criticisms leveled at him and criticisms of Obama are based on outright lies, half-truths and personal bigotries.
Well said Rufus…have a great day my friend!
Thank you Just Me and you would be correct! Have a good one!
Obama may have inherited a mess, but he’s grown it to near disaster.
It’s abundantly clear to me that the president is nothing more than a mouthpiece. Obama has been groomed for this position for the past 30 years. The only ones surprised by his winnning the election are the American people and the ones running against him. Certain people already knew. Obama is to placate the nation and get us into Afghanistan. Who has the most to gain by this move? Hmmmm….....
He’s done a pretty good job at plunging the country in to TWO wars. He hasn’t been lynched yet. His December 1st speech at West Point was (I’m guessing) a little to academic of an approach, considering he was talking about war. Maybe that’s just me. Or maybe it’s because he never had ANY military experience, yet he is indeed our CIC. Is this not striking anyone as odd? There are a LOT of inconsistencies in that presidency. Eventually, you start wondering why.
No one in that room was overly filled with American spirit and pride, from the cadets all the way up to thier decorated bosses. Every damn one of them knows this war is NOT about protecting American freedoms. It is NOT a matter of national security. The US pays about as much attention to the UN as we do to a dollar bill before spending it. So you have to ask yourself, why is our response to this Afghanistan deal SO much different than, say…..the Gulf War? Or how about Iraq? Make no mistake…..this really IS deja vu. Remeber Vietnam?
Thank you Thriftymaid! Time will tell! Have seen economic down turns before, Carter and Reagan admin, and things turned around.
Very good points P! Afghanistan is where we should have stayed in the first place. They had Bin Laden surrounded, according to recent information, and Rummy would not give them the troops to capture him. Afghanistan was justified after 9–11, but we should never gone to Iraq the second time. The first time was different under George Herman Bush. Supported him on protecting Kuwait. Only mistake, they should have finished the job and went into Iraq and captured Saddam.
Have a great day and thanks for the very good answer!
The real power in this Country does not lie with the Congress nor the President. That’s why they never seem to accomplish anything. They’re allowed to fiddle with the radio, but never the steeringwheel or the brake.
Exactly Captain…Congress has been a failure for so long…under the Repubicans and Democrats. Both are at fault.
Thank you and have a good one!
We have the battle to end all battles on our hands, and it sure as hell isnt in some third world country half way across the globe. This is an American issue, plain and simple. You have to ask yourself, why would any American president in their right f*cking mind DARE to f*ck with the 2nd amendment? Okay, so…..let’s not f*ck with the second amendment. Not right now, because we have to dip into the citizen pool to come up with enough people to stop the absolute RIOTING in the streets when we take the guns out of your hands. We aren’t quite ready for that.
Instead, we’ll take the bullets off the shelves. People are so stupid that, as long as it’s only on paper, we can take their guns away and they won’t care! Yeah – that’s the ticket! It’s so much better than actually forcing them to turn over thier firearms. Much more PLACATING, to do it that way. Then we’ll get the Pats and the 700 Clubbers to inflict massive guilt, and tell then that this is what God wants, so don’t buck the system, or God will get you.
I mean, shit, you guys! Is there ANY right that hasn’t been compromised with the Patriot act, et. al. ?? Time to wake up, sleepy heads :)
The irresponsibility of the Bush spending policy created a mess that the current administration inherited. However, as I read the responses to this answer thus far, I see left leaning. To say the criticism of the current president is rooted in bigotry may be off base.
The Obama spending policy is outrageous, and the continual spiral downhill is going to be his own very soon. There is only so long one can hang the blame on the predecessor, especially when the same trends are in place. G.W. Obama has done little to change the previous administrations policy, and has piled more debt onto the problem.
There is evidently no party interested in fiscal responsibility. Conservatism 2009 is reserved exclusively for God-fearin’ness. It has nothing to do with spending policy.
@ Birdland… I hate to admit it, but I have to agree. Almost ALL of our elected officials have failed us miserably.
This is so much worse than you think! This reaches way beyond Dems and Reps and left and right. ALl of those grops ultimately have somebody to answer to, and it DAMN sure isn’t the will of the people on thier agenda. It’s time we started asking them AND ourselves, “just who is it that you REALLY answer to?”
Birdman, Phillis, Captain, you all make very good points. Wish i could discuss this with you guys, but got to run. Love to discuss politics with reasonable people. Being an Independent, see fault on both sides. One thing I’ve learned about politics, both sides do the same thing. Not about the people, but about their agenda! Take care and have a great day everyone!
The moment you ask “why do Republicans always do X?” or “why do Democrats always do X?”, you’re contributing to the divisiveness you’re complaining about… this is “defining the divide” by attributing vast general characteristics to an abstract segment of the population.
People are individuals—including Republicans and Democrats. While there are certainly common points of agreement in any group, there are also many individual variations. When you say “they all think like that”, you distort reality. They do not all think like that.
More to the point, this kind of talk is “group ad-hominem”: it’s logical fallacy addressed at a group instead of legitimate criticism addressed at an idea. All in all, this kind of talk makes divisions sharper and more hostile—to talk about unity on top of that kind of introduction is incoherent.
Cool Hantbeen! Very good answer! Did no mean for it to be devisive, just my point of view. Thank you your comments! Have a great day!
@Cotton101 – that’s a very gracious response! :)
To me, the way to steer clear of this kind of problem is to a) be specific about exactly who or what is being criticized and b) prefer criticism of the idea instead of the person.
So “Glenn Beck called Obama a racist. Is that justified?” is specific to a particular person, and while it names names, it focuses on the validity of the idea rather than being a character attack on Beck.
Caveat: None of this should be interpreted as a claim that I always adhere to my own standards :)
Thank you for the good advise! Will try that! My grandfather said many times, “you don’t win friends by bad mouthing others!” That was good advise. Thank you for reminding me!
You cannot blame just republicans, demarcates do it to. Can we rent a boat and send them to Cuba? You are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
oh, totally agreed Jen Jen!
HAHAHAHAHA!!! pssst – is anybody feeling Lonely?
Me Ms are you today?
Morning, Cotton! Doing wonderfully! Thanks for the belly laugh! I owe you one for that, and am happy to be indebted to you :)
You seem on the verge of losing your composure, Poopy. Why not lie down for a bit, if you’re that tired? We’ll take it from here.
Philis, Fluther would not allow me to post a question about answerbag yesterday as they said there had been enough questions on the subject. But, this morning they allow Scooby to post a question on AB. What are your thoughts?
Phillis, please leave me an answer in my comment section! later gator!
The real blame belongs to “We the People” for not putting our servants feet to the fire. The People/Citizen is soverign, we are not the servants/slaves/peons of the elected servants who fail to do as we direct. We have more power then they do. We need to enforce the common law of this Republic. We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic. When we throw off the crap that is used to strip us of our 9th amendemt rights, Do not believe the 10 th amendment takes away your rights. Do not allow your rights to be taken under color of law.
@birdland33 – No left leaning on my part, just the facts from a more central point of view. I suppose that it is possible that a few of the fanatics (such as the Tea-baggers, for instance) base their misinformed diatribe on the relatively few facts they’ve been able to mentally comprehend, but their chants and protest signs have consistently proven that they prefer innuendo and third-grade scare tactics over intellectual substance. To allow the lunatic fringe the fantasy that what they believe is truth is to play accomplice to perpetuating the myth. All politicians, Democrat and Republican alike are guilty of using the same bullshit rhetoric and in many cases are guilty of near criminal inaction, as well. You’re right about one thing, though. Neither side wishes to be the better, fiscally-responsible man. Now… where do we go from here?
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