Social Question

TheJoker's avatar

Given the state of the economy, what do you think about the fact that we're going to set another record for Christmas spending?

Asked by TheJoker (2800points) December 14th, 2009

Is this recklessness or the British people doing what they can to support the economy in these troubled times?

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17 Answers

Cotton101's avatar

Hey, that is great news Joker! Hopefully, this means we are coming out of this recession for good!

curlysue's avatar

Good, i hear the economy is perking up.

TheJoker's avatar

@Cotton101, fingers…... or rather, paws crossed :)

HasntBeen's avatar

Interesting. I was going to argue “I don’t think that’s true” until I read the link. Perhaps the corner has turned?

TheJoker's avatar

@HasntBeen, I suspect it’s got more to do with people trying to cheer themselves up rather than a genuine economic revival….. but here’s hoping :)

Cruiser's avatar

I’m trying to figure out the relevance of comparing 2009 spending to 2001?? Either way 2009 was a tenuous year for many people who I suspect like me held on to their cash all year which was pretty evident by the drop in consumer goods sales. So maybe people (like me) just want to inject a little extra Xmas Cheer into their lives by treating themselves and say good riddance to such a financially awful year!

phillis's avatar

Hi, Joker! I am THRILLED to see you! When it comes to living with a bad economy, I think that Britain and the US are about the same. But see, it depends on whose behind that article. Figures can be fudged any old way they want, and a significant portion of the population will buy it as fact. Politicians count on that. NOBODY is going to be able to honestly say that the almost-a-depression recession has come to a halt until everybody who wants to work is gainfully employed. Forget the rhetoric. That is the REAL barometer.

TheJoker's avatar

@phillis, & I’m thrilled to be seen :) Hehe, ya cant keep a good clown down! Lovely to see you too, & love the AB comments on your new profile, I think thats what we all wanted to say.
I agree statistics can be used to say anything…. almost 87% of people know that, hehe :)

phillis's avatar

Oh, yer a funny one :/
Do you really think the % is that high? We didn’t coin the phrase “sheeple” for nothing :)

TheJoker's avatar

@phillis, Hmmmm I’ve just checked my figures and only 47% of people think that 87% of people know that…. I guess it’s a numbers game :) Hehehe, sheeple!

seeing_red's avatar

I won’t be a part of it. My parents are in London, I am in the US; I won’t be seeing them. They’ve sent money as my present and I have already donated it to a few charities, along with some of my own money. I plan to spend the day alone.

phillis's avatar

I can’t give to any charity, being as how I AM a charity case. We have $2.16 in our bank account, with zero money to buy our 2 little girls their Christmas, and no prospects of having any real money in the 9 days remaining before Christmas Eve. Good for you, that you have enough money to be able to give to a charity. Mussbe nice!

Stagood's avatar

phillis, I am in the same boat as you except i have no one i HAVE to buy for. In a way that’s sad, but it’s better that way. I hope someone helps you with the children. Someone obviously has money out there, hard for me to believe but it could be a good sign (I hope)

HasntBeen's avatar

Sheeple: (n) collective pejorative term applied to any groups that don’t agree with me :)

phillis's avatar

@stagood: Hiya, honey!! It’s good to see you! Another jellie told me in private about a website called Wish Upon A Hero, so I signed up immediately! Even if nothing happens, it was so thoughtful of the person to take the time to mention it. I can’t believe how nice he was (I think it’s a “he”).
@HasntBeen: HAHAHAHA!! I wouldn’t dare disagree with you, Sir! You’re always right, Sir! Thank you, Sir, may I have another, Sir! HAHAHAHAH!!! God, I love yer sense of humor :)

JLeslie's avatar

Well, from years of retail I have always noticed that when Chanukah is early compared to last year there is at least a small shift in early spending for the Christmas season, and no one seems to acknowledge that. Now, your article said 8% increase I think, which certainly is not solely explained by Chanukah shopping which in the US would only account for maybe a 1 or 2% increase, less in England, but in some local markets the shift is much higher. Also, you have to watch out for how the fiscal weeks line up, meaning did Thanksgiving occur the same fiscal week last year as this year? If not you cannot compare week to week.

I think it is great that people seem to be more confident about spending. I think it is awful if people don’t have the money to spend and are just putting things on credit that they cannot afford.

NUNYA's avatar

@Stagood @phillis You are both wonderful and fun people!!!!! And @HasntBeen you do have a good sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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