Have you been accused of something you didn't do?
It always stuns me when someone accuses me of something I didn’t do. I don’t understand where the accusation comes from. I feel like it is a sign of mistrust, or worse. It is particularly bad coming from someone I care very much about, especially if it happens more than once. Then I question how I can trust the person. If I can’t trust them, what’s the point of having a relationship with them?
So have you been accused of something you didn’t do? What were you accused of? What happened as a result? Did a person make the same accusations over and over? Was alcohol or drugs involved? How did you explain these accusations to yourself? Did you forgive them, or just move on?
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51 Answers
Well, back in my middle school days, I was sometimes accused of being a teacher’s pet which, in fact, was a blatant lie. I probably was a “teacher’s bane.” The result.. well, let’s just say that the accusor was not praised… and yeah, there was no alcohol or narcotics involved (heck, I’m only 16).. I forgived the guy who accused me.. I DO act nicely in front of my teachers cuz I hate getting into troubles…(I usually play naughty behind the back..hey! It’s secret!)
In primary school, I have been accused once of plundering the classes christmas calendar of its chocolate contents. I even had my backpack searched. I did not do it of course.
When I was a sophomore in high school, my American History teacher most vile educator alive accused me of plagiarism because I cited my sources at the end of the paper rather than at the end of each individual paragraph. His reasoning was that each paragraph should use one and only one source. He let me re-write the paper and nothing else happened to me because he couldn’t have taken this to the school. We both knew it wasn’t a case of actual plagiarism and he was just on a power trip.
I’ve been accused of things I’ve never done quite a number of times throughout my life, but I will only tell this tale, for now.
I was, about 8 or 9 and I was riding a full size BMX style bike while wearing my fathers aviator sun glasses that were obviously to big for me, but I thought they were cool, lol. While riding the bike, having a gay’ol time, I looked down and the glasses fell from my face and I ran them over with the bike. A complete accident, but worried I would be beat’n ,because that’s how things went, I hid them out of fear. They were found of course and I was beat’n and then repeatedly asked why for hours, because the truth wasn’t being taken as an option. I told my step mother the truth and her response was, “There’s no way that this could have happened by that happening. You stomped on them and ground them in the ground is what you did, didn’t you?” after a few more hours I was fed up and confessed to the false truth she wanted to hear, I was beat’n again and sent to bed without food.
Way back in middle school, my friends and I were pretending to smoke those cigarette-looking gum candies where the gum is coated in powder and wraped in paper. You can actually make the powder blow out of them. So, a bunch of kids told the teacher on us and when she came over we told her it was just gum, much to the kids’ embarrassment.
havent we all been there..!!
Nothing makes me angrier. It really is a trigger for me.
Just a few days ago, my aunt was browbeating me under the assumption that I was shirking on my jet ski obligation when, in fact, her friend is the one who has dropped the ball. I spent the rest of the day fuming.
I am certain that all of us have.
At the ripe old age off 47 I have been accused of more things that I have not done than I can remember. I get accused of stealing a bit more than others because I am Rromani Gypsy… usually at work. Most of my bosses know of this problem and deal with it.
How I feel about it? Well, everyone gets it and I am no different than anyone else. It used to bother me but now it is, well, part of normal life. Why fuss about it? Just go on. If it is a friend, realize that friends make mistakes. If it is not a friend, clear it up if possible and move on.
Why it happens is that humans are not infallible and some are just plain asses.
I think one of the things that really gets to me is the “you said so and so about me, so and so told me” that goes back and forth. Basically, gossip. Sometimes I do not find out until the shit hits the fan in various situations that people believe whatever about me. I just explain my point and duck out. I really do not have the patience anymore to deal with that lot.
I have been accused from childhood. Being an adult does not change; however, I am not willing to end a friendship over a mistake. I would have to know more before I could honestly state what I would do.
In college, I was accused of plagiarizing a paper. I had several meetings with my English teacher and school staff to prove I didn’t. It boiled down to my teacher saying, “I don’t have any evidence other than it was too good of a paper to be from a freshman.” So, in all, I was complimented.
@kevbo: How are things going that? I’m sorry your friend dropped the ball on everything. :(
I got someone else’s speeding ticket. Someone buzzed past me so fast on the freeway that I actually said out loud, “Where’s a cop when you need one?!”
A few minuets later I get pulled over. The cop said, “You were driving at a very high rate of speed!”
I said, “Didn’t you see that little white sportscar buzz past everyone at 120 mph?” Then I looked at my car and realized that I also drove a little white sports car.
I was speeding (maybe 5mph over) and he gave me a ticket for 10 mph over, so I just sucked it up, paid the ticket and went to traffic school online.
Yep, people do that sometime and they will not be my friend any way.
I was going to pay him half, and then he counteroffered with a couple of weeks worth of manual labor, which I accepted. Then he says he might be going out of the country for work (so don’t worry about it for now) and then I don’t hear anything and suddenly it’s “Ready to work on my deck?” It took a week (Thanksgiving week) to get back to him with my schedule because it kept changing, and he went and groused to my aunt and uncle about me not getting back to him. My aunt (who had been on vacation) called me with this shit, and it turns out she was basing her case on the message he left on their machine (which was after I had already emailed him with my sched) and continued with her finger wagging even after I said I had been in touch with him. Nevermind that it’s been two weeks and he hasn’t replied to my most recent e-mail and voicemail. I’m still fucking annoyed.
Sophomore year of high school my teacher accused me of plagiarism or receiving “help” from external sources with an essay I wrote. He wrote down various words I’d used in the essay and had me define them in class.
He turned out to be my favorite teacher ever.
Yes I have been accused over the past few weeks of a ‘nasty attitude’ by a person who actually is the one with the nasty attitude – I have cried to myself in anger, have had meetings with her to re-set our relationship (this is a random colleague, no one important) and have documented all with my supervisors – she is still being a mega-bitch to me and I suspect she is crazy and truly evil
@kevbo: Wow, that really sucks. I hope everything works out. Just say the word and he’ll have an entire online community banging down his door.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: Ah man, that is just terrible. I also hope everything works out with your situation as well. We’ll beat down her door too!
yes only the once at school, somebody set me up by stealing a piece of science work with my name at the top and jamming it in the card slot of the entry barrier to a hospital that kids took a short-cut to school through. i was caned !
@KatawaGrey It makes me hate going there on wednesdays and fridays – just hate it!
Most of us have. My specific recollection is of a sadist school teacher who was the self appointed judge, jury, and executioner, with no investigation whatsoever. He promptly physically assaulted me with a sawed baseball bat. I think you can see what I learned from this.
In college I was the kitchen manager of a pizza place. One of my duties was to close each night and prep the deposit for the next day. One day I came into work and about half way through my shift the head managers buddy came in (also an employee) who asked me to head into the back with him. There he let me know that the owner who lived in another state was firing me for stealing money.
Knowing I had never stolen a cent from that restaurant I asked what proof he had to which the reply was “the head manager said it had to be me and that was enough.” I was furious, but I was cleared of any suspicion about two months later when it was revealed that the head manager was a gambling addict and had been taking money from deposits at night.
I have a coworker that is very unorganized. She is notorious for accusing me and everyone else in the office of stealing her car keys, cell phone, files, stapler, coffee mug and anything else that isn’t nailed down in her office. Of course these items are always found later, usually on her own desk, under a cluttered pile of paperwork. She never apologizes to anyone for accusing them.
—Now people hide her stuff on purpose just to screw with her—
i did it all (:
Aha! Now I know who to blame! Can you give me back the Tintoretto please?
yup i have been, though usually people trust me enough to believe that it wasn’t me
OMFG!.... I haven’t got time right now,I’ve got to mop the floors…....
But I’ll be back!
I was recently arrested for d.u.i. because the cop suspected me of being under the influence of stimulants. I was sober. When I was booked into jail the officer found a very small piece of weed under the sole of my shoe. He charged me with felony introduction of a drug into a penal facility. I wasn’t trying to introduce drugs into the jail. I didn’t know I was going to jail that day. I spent a month in jail before I bonded out. Im guilty of simple possession of marijuana but not d.u.i. or introduction. I go to court tomorrow.
@buster That is insane! You could have picked that up walking in the door of the place!
My mother was pretty bad about accusing me of doing things that I hadn’t done, but as an adult, I can’t think of a times when I was accused of doing something that I haven’t done…..well, there is one thing, but it’s personal, and I believe the accuser knew they were just making crap up about the in order to justify their hateful behavior to me.
A lot, and it bugs me immensely. It is probably the most infuriating thing that someone could do to me, especially if I’m accused of the opposite of what I did. I remember once I was at this toy shop as a child, looking at some minatures of football players. They were a mess and I started tidying them all up, at the same time trying to decide which one to buy. When I was done I’d tidied up the whole aisle, except for just one box that wouldn’t fit, so I just left it on top of the shelf. At that moment the assistant came and started shouting at me, saying stuff like “all you kids mess up the boxes and don’t even buy anything”. It must have been the most infuriating experience of my childhood, I could have really killed her right there if I was older.
Yes, I have even been formally accused of a series of things, some of which are the exact opposite of what the truth is, others simply ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims. Unfortunately the truth doesn’t really matter, and court cases take forever to sort out.
-Yes I have been accused of things I didn’t do.
-A girl I go to school with accused me of stealing her boyfriend, he has been flirting with me and she broke up with him last year.
-She said loud enough for me to hear that she wants him back and wants me to get away. But I see the guy as just a friend, nothing more, but she insists that I’m stealing her boyfriend yet they broke up over 8 months ago.
—Drugs were not involved.
—I explained them to myself as her being jealous. No one really believes her and several have defended me.
—It’s still going on and honestly I don’t really care, no one believes her and her ex can’ t stand her and doesn’t want her back even if she wants him back.
I can’t remember being accused of anything huge that I haven’t done… but I’ve been kind of used as the family scapegoat for a number of mishaps around the house since I was a child. When the remote control was missing, it was because I took it, even though I barely ever watched TV. Even now when things happen a certain family member always decides it’s my fault. Just last spring I was on a family vacation when we got locked out of the rental car, and although I was sitting in the back seat, who do you think got blamed? I don’t know why they choose me… Maybe because I’m the youngest in my family, and thus I supposedly know the least? Who knows.
Anyway, it’s definitely affected the way I act now. I usually apologize for things that I know aren’t really my fault, just because I’m so used to it. It kind of bothers me when I get accused of things I didn’t do, but when it is a family matter, I just kind of block it out. Much easier that way. :)
Yeah, but nowhere near as much as I get accused of the things I do do.
of cheating on a test in 3rd grade, and drinking before coming into work.
Nope, probably because I maintain such a low profile, no one ever even notices me! It is both a curse and a blessing.
@rooeytoo: I was like that in high school. On the one hand, nobody picked on me. On the other hand, I heard all kinds of stuff I never wanted to know…
@KatawaGrey – It’s a funny place to be, but most of the time I like it.
The one time that atually mattered. I had the most beautiful girlfriend in high school. I’ll never forget her, her name was Dina. One of her friends, I guess randomly, told her I cheated on her at a party, I didn’t even party with her friends lol…..She listened to her and didn’t like me anymore :(
Not relating to much information, I was accused of a headious crime and was acquitted in court. Thank God I was faceing 50 years in prison
Of course…happens quite often. It comes with being married.
Online Journal Entry.
Ok, I am sure that I have been accused in the past, but I really can’t remember if I have been accused of anything serious, if I ever do anything wrong I end up telling someone about it eventually because I hate keeping things on my chest, So here’s where I begin to tell my story because it always feels good to vent. and I am just mad, and typing it out gets it off my chest. No one could realize how one event could really get to me as this one has. Ok so I met this extremely nice lady through my brother in law back I think in 2007 or 2008. She was incredible for me exactly what I need because of the hard time I was going thru, and all she took me in for a few weeks because I had some trouble getting along with the girl whom I lived with at the time. She would buy me coffee almost every mourning, cook for me during these few weeks. I really began to establish a closer friendship with her, and it was nice because usually I do not connect with many girls, and I keep my friends down to a few. So in those few weeks and months I not only began to establish a nice relationship with her, but also her family I became attached to them. I began to love and respect them with my whole heart. Them being as her husband, kids, Mom, sisters. They were just so welcoming. Then time came for me to leave to go back to my hometown, then a few weeks after I was at the beach with my friend and her family, me, and my son when I received a phone call never in a million years thought she was going to ask me what she did, had no idea what so ever. She said I am just asking you not accusing you did you see some gold which I had never seen nor had nothing to do with. I told her no and we got off the phone. Well it started eating at me because I thought to myself wow that hurts that she would even think about me taking something from her. I would never hurt her because I cherished our relationship. I am not perfect and I won’t say I have never done mistakes, but taking someone’s things especially something of sentimental value. I would never do that. Why?? Because one it is wrong, and two I would not want someone to ever take something that was special to me. So I tried to plead my case over the months, and it literally ate at me. Because for one I didn’t do it, and two I felt as if someone set me up like they knew I was staying with her, and that I would be the first to blame, but here’s the thing I told her that I would take a lie detector test to prove my innocence, which till today I still stand on my offer. That way she could be at ease, and know it was not me. It would save a great friendship with many people, and my reputation would not be ruined. Its just not fair. Then she asked me to pay for it. Which there’s no way in hell I am going to pay for something that I did not do, if I was really guilty I would never volunteer to take a test come on now, but why show her the truth by paying for something I already know. You know it erked me because I tried to figure out in my head who may have been the one to do that, and set me up like that, and the thing was if we ever went back to being friends. I am till this day will never go back to her house again unless she ever changes her mind and we do the test. Why? Because I thought to myself what if someone tried to set me up again, and it really bugs me because I don’t know who all looks down upon me for this. It would be different if I were perhaps guilty, but I am not. That’s the fucked up part about it. Another thing hurt me is that summer I baby sat my ass off every week .I then came back there paid for one month of rent 700 dollars and was so excited because I felt accomplished and I fixed up the place and invited her over thought we were working on mending the relationship and really thought she was considering paying for a lie detector test which never happen. Was so excited cause I thought she was happy for me and wanted to show her my place she came over just to scope out my things and went back to my brother-in-law who came to me and my husband and told us now she really thinks you did it because you have all these nice things. She did not know me too good because I have always had nice things but she never saw that because when I went up there the first time I only packed for a few days, I ended up staying 3 or 4 months. Like seriously again it cut me and another thing is that if I did do it why would I invite her over to show her my things. Another thing my mom brought up to me is that her gold or whatever may have cost a lot but whomever took it if they tried to get rid of it probably did not get much out of it. The messed up part is I thought to even set it up and pay but I asked my mother and she she advised me not to because that’s wrong to and to make her pay. I mean if she had got all the people who thought I committed the crime to pitch in and pay for it. I would have done taken it, but instead I am always going to be frowned upon by her and her family. So I have learned that I have to let it go as hard as it is. At least I know the truth, people closest to me know I would never and did not do such a thing, and god knows. One thing I wonder, is that if the person that did do it to her is one whom convinced her the most it was me, and probably talked her out of getting the lie detector test, and/or told her to make me pay for it. Because they know that I told her I would not. Or that logically whom would pay to prove something that they know they did not do. Maybe one day she will realize this and be willing to pay for that test to mend something that was broken. Who knows….
@ashmash1986 It hurts my brain to look at that massive block of text. Maybe break it up next time you write something that long so we can read it more easily.
I was once accused, tried in absentia, and found guilty of telling a customer that the president of my grocery store could, and I quote, “kiss my 4$$” in response to her comment about the rate at which I worked and what would my boss think?.
I protested, saying that it was preposterous (and it is, since I didn’t know the president’s name and I don’t even use that kind of language!), but they fired me anyway.
For a little while afterwards, I would imagine my accusers losing everything that they had, but that stopped when I got hired at a better store with nicer people.
Of course.
I actually was accused of playing my mom’s piano with a hammer.
I didn’t do it
my sister did
@nullo-A hammer.How did it work out for you?...and the piano??lol
@lucillelucillelucille Pretty well, all things considered. I got scolded (more for following up my improv piano solo with one for cat and sister), but mine was a toy mallet; I chipped the keys a bit (and gave the cat more reason to hate me, and got a beautiful wail from the sister…)
I think I was about four, which would make the sister about two.
I got accused of counterfeiting $10,000 when I actually found it. It took a high priced white collar lawyer to help me convince the feds I didn’t do it!!
@Cruiser; Did you try to spend it after you found it?
@Judi I did spend a couple hundred and that is what got me in hot water. At the time I did not know it was fake cash.
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