General Question

jfos's avatar

Any advice on bar ettiquette? Any insightful anecdotes?

Asked by jfos (7392points) December 14th, 2009

I will be turning 21 this weekend, which will render me legal to obtain alcohol in America. Now, I’m not asking for tips on drinking, hangovers, etc. What I want to know: Is there any bar ettiquette you might offer me? Anything at all.

Also, can you offer any insightful anecdotes? Perhaps a memory you have or a story you’ve heard?

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15 Answers

anon's avatar

Never discuss religion or politics. ;)

I’d tell you a bar story but for some reason my memory fails me…

Edit: Happy birthday in advance BTW!

airowDee's avatar

always buy free alochol for chinese females..

MrItty's avatar

Bartenders and waitstaff are people too. Treat them as such.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Be friendly like you would in any other situation. It’s just like a house party, except you might not know everyone and you have to pay for most of the drinks.

gemiwing's avatar

Tip a dollar a drink- two for pitchers. Giving someone fifty cents in tip will get you a watery drink later. Behave yourself like you want to be welcomed back. Don’t be “That Guy”. If someone tries to start a fight with you- be the better guy and walk away. The bar staff will appreciate it and you might get a free drink out of the deal. Don’t expect to get served from anywhere at the bar- look for where you’re supposed to go.

Never snap your fingers, whistle or say ‘hey buddy’ to get the bartender’s attention.

Likeradar's avatar

If you’re getting a round for your group at a busy bar, know exactly what you’re ordering and have the money ready before you get the bartender’s attention.
The bartender and other patrons will hate you if after waiting for 15 minutes for service, you stand there going “2 Coors, and Joe! Joe! What did you want?! Hey, ask Beth what she wants… hey, everyone pass forward $5!” Don’t be that guy.

butterflykisses's avatar

Know when to say enough is enough. If you don’t please don’t argue with the bartender when they shut you off. Simply thank them for having you, tip and behave yourself. Bartenders will take are of their “better “customers and will always treat the happy customer and the respectful customer much better,often serving them first. They don’t want to spoil your fun when they shut you off. They are protecting you as well as themselves. Don’t be a VIP. very intoxicated person

Stay away from topics that are hot button for you. You are there to have fun. Keep your clothes on. you will be thankful you did in the morning Never leave your drink unattened. Bartenders are not babysitters. If a bartender gets your drink wrong don’t be an ass about it, they are usually busy and mistakes do happen. TIP TIP TIP!!

butterflykisses's avatar

Oh and a few more things..LOL You will have a chance to drink every drink there is…just don’t do it all in one night.You puke and a bartender will never forget Stick with one or two types and don’t have this complicated drink for a busy bartender. Know what is in your “purple monster from nantucket” in case the bartender you have doesn’t. The last thing a busy bartender wants to do is try to figure out your drink on a busy night. Drinks can be trends in local areas and not known every where you go.

Remember this phrase ” Liquor to beer never fear, Beer to liqour, ever sicker.” It has served me well..; )

jfos's avatar

@buttkisses I like to follow those rhymes with “Wine is always fine.”

jfos's avatar

This is definitely the kind of stuff I’m looking for. Keep ‘em coming.

nicobanks's avatar

Don’t keep the staff from their work. This happens a lot with bartenders. Bartenders are there to talk to a certain extent, but say you’re sitting at the bar waiting for your friends to show, learn to be comfortable sitting there by yourself enjoying your drink: don’t need to talk to someone and monopolize the bartender’s time.

Consider how much space you’re taking up. If you’re 2 people sitting at a table for 4 and it’s busy as hell, well, just avoid getting into that situation. Don’t pile your bags and jackets on chairs other parties could be using. Don’t pull a chair from one table to another without assessing the situation: for example would that extra chair get in the path of the staff or other people?

Know what you want before asking for the staff’s attention. Or, if you have some questions, have your potential orders in mind. Look around for a menu or a bar list before asking what’s available.

Tip well. Especially when you’re in a group and you’re splitting the bill, in fact in this case you should over tip because other people in the group will surely be under-tipping. If you don’t have the money to tip you don’t have the money to drink.

If you’re cut off, take it gracefully. So what if some bartender thinks you’re too drunk? Just leave and go to some other bar. I always think it’s ridiculous when someone throws a fit because they’re cut off: if the staff didn’t think you were too drunk before they sure as hell think so now!

faye's avatar

Don’t run a tab if you think you’ll have more than a few- awfully easy for unsrupulous barstaff to add a few extra beers on there and pocket the money.

Blondesjon's avatar

Drink what you can without being a douche.

Shemarq's avatar

Treat people with respect—don’t act like a sex craved lounge lizard!!! ;-) Make sure to tip the bartender or waitress each time—their tips are their big source of their income, plus you will get better service. Don’t overdo it when drinking. People say and do things they tend to regret . . . .believe me, I know . . . . I’ve jumped up and danced on a table or two (in my younger days), then proceeded to fall down! Now, I’ll usually ask for a glass of ice water with my drinks of choice to keep from getting too drunk.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Having a reputation as a big tipper (I usually tip abou 50%) will gain you an amazing amount of tolerance from the staff.

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