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ucme's avatar

Does Joe Biden make Dan Quayle look good?

Asked by ucme (50052points) December 14th, 2009

vice presidents not the sharpest tool in the box?

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15 Answers

chesspiece's avatar

At least Joe Biden seems like a good guy. I can’t think of anything positive to say about Quayle.

strange1's avatar

whos joe biden?

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MrItty's avatar

Why, has he misspelled something recently? Seriously, does anyone remember Dan Quale for anything other than that?

ragingloli's avatar

The only bad thing I can really say about him, from what I’ve heard, is that he has a loose mouth. But he certainly does not lack brains.

troubleinharlem's avatar

nah, quayle is better.
he didn’t do it on purpose.
but neither did biden…

GeneH's avatar

Nobody could make Dan Quayle look good. You know, I heard he moved to Ohioe.

UScitizen's avatar

No. They are both goofy.

filmfann's avatar

My favorite Quayleism was when he talked about Mars:

Mars is essentially in the same orbit… Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.

Makes my head want to explode!

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

Good, no. Smart maybe…but not good.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

He was picked to geographically balance the ticket and not outshine The Chosen One. He is fulfilling his role as ordered. His only real job is to stand by in case The Chosen One stops breathing.

talljasperman's avatar

at least joe is nice… lets ask him how to spell tomato(E)

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