Social Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

Why hasn't anyone been able to find the treasure of the Oak Island Money Pit?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) December 14th, 2009

We can smash atoms and stuff, so why can’t we just find this treasure? I know that the tide comes in and everything, but I would think that our technology now is good enough to find it.

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5 Answers

Dog's avatar

Some feel that it is a legend and that the treasure either never existed or perhaps was removed years ago.

Excellent question regarding the technology! I will be watching this question to see if any of our experts is science or mathmatics can chime in.

anoop66's avatar

WOW didn’t know about this treasure, fascinating! Waiting for the responses…

troubleinharlem's avatar

@anoop66 ; really? i thought that most people had. oh well. (: glad to share the news.

anoop66's avatar

@troubleinharlem Naa I didn’t. Informative!

Ghost_in_the_system's avatar

Non-existant or long gone, or no one has beat the riddle of keeping the water out of the hole long enough to get to proper depth. This is the main problem for the last several treasure hunters. Crazy smart pirates!

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