Social Question

UScitizen's avatar

Will you tell us about the time(s) you played strip poker?

Asked by UScitizen (4306points) December 14th, 2009

How far did it go? How many people? Who was naked first? Were there any strange twists to the game, such as, did the first one naked have to do somthing?

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16 Answers

NadaNormal's avatar

nope, all the people involved are still smiling – hope to play again soon

Darwin's avatar

It was at Girl Scout camp, and it didn’t get very far because the dinner bell rang.

janbb's avatar

Nope – that would be telling.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I would, but as a condition for playing strip poker, I was drunk and therefore don’t remember.

gradyjones's avatar

Yes, I quit as soon as I lost my shoes. :)

YCLYHO's avatar

a group of us had been out celebrating on christmas eve, after we all went back to one of the girls caravan and played strip poker – i made sure i didnt lose lols – and one of the girls lost her virginity that night awww!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I will as soon as I warm up.

AustinusMaximus's avatar

Sure. It went all the way, just 5 of us, Air Force girls don’t play well but they’re damned hot naked.

Allie's avatar

I’ve never played strip poker, but I have played strip beer pong.
It ended up with my teammate and I in our skivvies and the other team almost completely clothed. We made a huge comeback though. HUGE. Thank goodness we didn’t have to take off any more than we already had.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have never played strip poker, but an ex boyfriend and I used to play strip rummy. For every 40 points one person got the other had to take off an article of clothing.

Dr_C's avatar

The last time I played was my last year of med school… played with two female classmates.. we were very very drunk… got very very naked and ended up breaking a bed frame and a mirror… it was quite an experience. Haven’t played since.

RubyReds's avatar

Never-ever played it!! That’s on my ‘to-do-list’, definately!!

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Ame_Evil's avatar

Haven’t played strip poker but played strip kerplunk which is humerous

Rules: one item of clothing off per every ball that drops. Its epic funny when say 7 come down at once. GAME OVER.

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Rebecca_SJ's avatar

Suffice it to say that I almost always lose, even when I have good cards, and that doesn’t bother me one bit.

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