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1908ffh's avatar

A friend dating another friends brother?

Asked by 1908ffh (1points) December 14th, 2009

My best friend is talking to my other friends brother after a really bad relationship. I think she is just using him to make her boyfriend jealous. Its very awkward for my friend because its her brother. Why do I care so much about my friend, and what she keeps doing with her relationship? What should she do?

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3 Answers

Starson's avatar

I think I’ve got my head around it – one of your friends is dating another friend’s brother? It’s not very nice if she is just using his to make her boyfriend (I assume ex-) jealous, but it’s not really something you should be interfering with. It’s nice that you are concerned and you can offer advice, but further than that it’s up to her.

kevbo's avatar

If the sister is interested in maintaining a healthy relationship with her brother, she will mind her own f-king business (as should you). This is speaking from very direct and very relevant experience.

He can take care of himself, surely.

monocle's avatar

Is the sister also a friend of your best friend? All I can tell you is that If I knew for sure one of my friends was using my brother, I would find it incredibly disrespectful. I would at least give my brother a heads up, but let him make his own decision in the matter. Maybe that’s what she should do.

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