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paulc's avatar

What are the best concerts you've ever been to?

Asked by paulc (2924points) February 26th, 2008

The obverse of a recent question. Concert as defined by any musical performance no matter the size. Mine would be a three way tie between:
1) Fishbone playing for 3.5 hours at a packed hall.
2) Parliament playing at a small country bar to an insane crowd.
3) NOMEANSNO playing at the same hall as in #1 for their WRONG tour.

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11 Answers

christybird's avatar

Neko Case at First Avenue in Minneapolis – she was so amazing live, I felt like her big voice filled me up and echoed around inside me. And she was so beautiful and funny!

ezraglenn's avatar

probably the white stripes and the shins at Keyspan park on coney island a few summers ago. I got there like five hours early and was right up front. It was awesome.

Randy's avatar

Im all about last years warped tour in Kansas city. I got to see a bunch of bands Id been wanting to see and it was an awesome atmosphere.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Rob Zombie in Scranton PA. Great venue pretty big yet still rather small so you felt very close to everything. And well Rob Zombie shows are amazing. There were giant screens set up showing all kinds of weird video clips from anime to operation videos to porn. Plus 2 dancers on stage one of which being Sherry Moon Zombie (god shes so hot). Also during “More Human Than Human” there was a giant robot/alien looking thing walking around stage. It all made for a very enjoyable show.

srmorgan's avatar

Bob Dylan and the Rolling Thunder Review – Madison Square Garden 1974 (when he sang “even the President of the United States must stand naked” the place went nuts.

Eric Clapton – 461 Ocean Boulevard Tour – Madison Square Garden 1974

The Doors, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and TINY TIM – Hunter College Manhattan -Thanksgiving Weekend 1967… Morrison was incredible, so was Robbie Krieger

The Dead at the Fillmore East (1969, 1970) – I am a little hazy about the exact date, The theater was pretty hazy too.

Crosby Stills and Nash – Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City New Jersey August 9, 1974, the night Nixon resigned. Steven Stills announced the resignation at 9:00 pm, then they played Ohio and the intensity of the emotion in that decrepit stadium was unbelievable.


row4food's avatar

muse at a small club in buffalo, ny. i stood about 10 feet from the stage. (2005)

barenaked ladies at the sold out ACC in toronto(their hometown)...floor seats row 16 (2007)

the decemberists, buffalo, ny (2007)

syz's avatar

Dave Matthews (without the band) and and an acoustic guitarist (I feel horrible, I’ve forgotten his name) at Duke University in a venue that seated just a few hundred people. It was a powerful, intimate evening full of great music, personal anecdotes, and stories of growing up in South Africa.

blippio's avatar

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion @ Lounge Axe, Chicago 1994? He’sa true showman!

Red House Painters in Brussels, 1993…Mark K, singer, was horribly sick but amazing

Fishbone @ The Riviera, Chicago 1994…Lead singer jumped from the balcony into the crowd (very high, ~20 feet!)

paulc's avatar

@blippio, Fishbone in ‘94 – that would have been sweet. Lucky :)

baseballnut's avatar

Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers on the sand at Rocky Point

captaindh00m's avatar

OK GO last spring in St. louis. damien held my hand, I was right by the stage, and all in all it was amazing.

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