How much is too much sex, in your opinion?
Asked by
Zen_Again (
December 14th, 2009
Some people can’t get enough – others would say that constitutes a sex-maniac – or sex-aholic.
Sex is vital, necessary and of course, fun. But how much is too much in your opinion?
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34 Answers
No such thing.
Please don’t scare people like that.
If it chafes- take a break. Seriously, if it’s interfering with other parts of one’s life then there is an issue.
When all your utilities have been turned off. That would be it….yep.
The only time I believe there is ‘too much sex’ is if you are a real sex addict. You think about sex all the time, you spend your entire day seeking it out, and you’ll do anything for it, even if it means harming yourself or others. You’ll manipulate. You’ll rape. You’ll abuse. You’ll slip drugs. Whatever it takes to get you that fix.
@stem you lost me at rape. No connection, imho.
Too much would be to the point where someone is in physical pain, or it starts to interfere with their daily lives.
Sex addiction is a very real thing.
@Zen_Again No connection between die hard sex addiction and rape?
Addiction makes people do horrible things.
When it starts to hurt… then it’s too much. Anything before that is legit.
When it falls off. Then maybe.
@stemnyjones If you look up the definition of rape, and the pathiologies behind said action, you’ll find that it doesn’t necessarily have to do with sex – and in most cases – nothing to do with sex. It is an act of violence, towards men or women.
I was talking about the wonders and lovely attributes of sex – and if soneone has an addiction – e.g. Clinton or JFK – to Tiger Woods, perhaps, that has nothing to do with the viokent act of rape. They are different. Completely different.
@Zen_Again Clinton, JFK, and Tiger Woods do not have sex addictions. In fact, one of the listed behaviors related to sexual addiction is molestation and rape.
Not to mention that I was raped by a sex addict.
Rapist aren’t always sex addicts, and no, rape doesn’t always have to do with sex, but sex addicts do often times rape to get what they want.
@stemnyjones Sorry about that – but isn’t rape always about violence first and foremost?
By the way, as sad as your predicament makes me, and it does, I can empathise even with a virtual person whom I’ve never spoken to outside this thread – it does nothing for the debate. Rape is violence and the rapist isn’t after sex.
Would say when you have to go for a ‘quicky’ every 15 minutes, when you activate your alarmclock during the night to wake you for another few rounds, when you have a quicky after the meal instead of a glass of milk, when your privateparts are realllyyyy sore and swolen cause of all these rounds!!!!! (”,)
@Zen_Again Did you read the link? WebMD, Medicinenet, and other medical websites list rape as a behavior associated with sexual addiction. It isn’t always about violence first and foremost.
Your description of Tiger Woods as a sex addict leads me to believe that you also think anyone who is scared of spiders has arachnophobia. There is a major difference. Just as everyone who does a little drugs is not a drug addict, everyone who likes to have sex is not a sex addict. Sex addiction is a serious behavioral illness, and people who are truly addicted to sex will do anything to get it, including molestation, rape, stalking, etc.
If you refuse to read the link or accept this fact, then I have nothing more to say.
@FishGutsDale I think I just died laughing.
Once you don’t have enough time to make post-sex waffles, that’s too much for me.
feeling that you like to rest ,enough for sex, if you don’t satisfy , you will be tired out,and lose energy.,weak for health
There’s such thing as too much sex?
You’re having too much sex when it interferes with your other daily duties. An example would be that if you miss work because of sex, you’re fucking too much. But if you’re constantly orgasming and holding up your duties as a member of society, you’re okay.
When your partner starts says they will like to close up shop for a while because they are either too tired or just to tired of doing it over and over again. Unless for your partner 3 times a week is too much, than they may have a low sex drive or simply don’t feel that close to you in the first place or your not pleasing them. It really depends on what you mean by too much sex.
Three times a day would be too much i wouldnt get anything else done.
I suppose if I never got any sleep and all we did was sex instead…hmm…well it’d take about 6 mo. but then it’d be too much.
When it takes away from other things you would like to do.
When you do not get enough sleep.
When the children forget what their parents look like.
When the house is not getting clean or the yard work is not getting done.
When more of your time and money goes into your dungeon instead of the rest of the house.
When you find yourself changing the sheets on a daily basis. (not a bad thing)
When all your hobbies and interests consist of sexual pleasure.
When none of the above really matters and you just love sex. ;-)
My opinion is irrelevant. The only opinion that seems to matter is that of my wife.
If you’re in physical pain (your bits and bobs are a hurtin’—bad ), I don’t see how sex could be all that comfortable/enjoyable. I mean a bit of bruising is fine, but, red/irritated/raw parts that are painful to the touch, I don’t want anyone going there..
Kiss other parts of my body, but, stay away from those until they’ve healed. Mmm, thank-ya.
It sounds nice and all to say that there is no such thing as too much sex but.. that’s just flippant… lol
When there is massive chaffing involved or you aren’t getting anything else done… yeah.. time to take a break… absence makes the heart grow fonder anyway.
@chelseababyy….hahahahahahahahahahaha glad you spoke up. Very good answer!!!
@Finny…. like chelsea said it’s just scare tactics. Not to worry!!!
After I have had the most and feel it is enough, which is, never. **winks**
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I think you should stop if one or the other of you develop blisters.
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