What is a cool, unusual name that you've heard of?
Like one of my friends that I met this fall is named Tyler. And she’s a girl. What’s a cool name you’ve heard of?
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138 Answers
Cranberry? Seriously?
There’s a girl in one of my classes named Candice, which isn’t that unusual but I think it’s pretty cool. I also knew a girl once whose name was Rajah, although I’m not sure that’s how it was spelled.
Abcde, pronounced “absidee”.
I know a girl named Daiquiri.
aop (pronounced Spongebob)
And whoever named their daughter Tyler should be locked up.
MIlo for both my cat and my older grand-nephew. Cat was there first, but it get confusing sometimes.
My father’s four brothers were Lyman, Arthur, Milton and Elmer. Their pet parrot was called Adolph.
In High School we had a class mate name Mona Little. We’d ask her what her name was, she’d tell us, and we’d go: “Mmm”
I know a girl called Upneet and a friend of mine has just called her baby girl Anwen.
Long after the infamous Dr. Death made headlines, I saw some poor kid on the front page of our local newspaper, named Kevorkian!
@ pretty much everyone
How are these names????? Are parents just not trying anymore or what???? What is the thought process (if any) that goes into this??? Do they spill Alpha-Bits cereal onto the floor and however it lands is what they name them???? I mean some of them are unusual like Xavier and Talula and Mona Little but I swear to God if one more celebrity names their child Apple I will name my first child Ketchup Table Pancake Airplane Dirt. And that will just be the first name.
We collected odd names when I worked for the Photolab at Columbus AFB, and one foreign student pilot set to graduate had the last name Dikshit, and it was pronounced just as you’d fear.
You should have seen the brass on the stage party try to squelch laughter as they announced that kid to come walking across the stage to get his wings!
And we had a guy come through whose last name was Pontius, and now he’s a pilot!
@erichw1504 I think you’re just making things up now… Seriously, who would name their kid Pokemon? Talk about torture!
My mother sat next to a young woman in her freshman English class. She introduced herself as Pish. The professor asked her to repeat and then spell it.
It turns out her mother was a serious reader and liked the look of Psyche. She never heard anyone in Kansas pronounce it.
@Sweetie26 are you serious? i hope not. thats among worlds worst names. right next to mercedes, bentley, and tiffany.
im really sorry if any of those are anyones names
Nevaeh. Its Heaven backwards. Pronounced Nuh-veh-ya.
@ItalianPrincess1217 I can think of at least three people I went to high school with who have children named that. Why don’t they just name it “Heaven”??? That would be more original in this day and age.
I know a little boy named Cage Atom.
@King Of Sexytown I don’t particularly like the name. But it’s the most unusual that I’ve heard in awhile.
Dracula Skullcrusher was suggested for our new baby’s name. It’s #3 in the running. Our first son’s name is Lincoln and there’s a very cool jelly whose son has the very cool name Cash.
Speaking of sirens, if the baby is a girl, how about Circe?
I jokingly wonder: What if I had twins and named them Dorian and Lydian?
@ubersiren lurve! lol Seriously, with such a cool name like Lincoln, I can’t wait to find out what you’re second is named. I was reading my baby name book last night, and one section talked about how your first borns name sets the tone for all the names…and how they have to “flow” ahhh, we can’t think of anything to go with Cash. :(
@casheroo Well that’s what you get for naming him Cash. Don’t be pissed at me cos everyone wants to name their kids after nouns. Nouns aren’t names and what you just said about flow is the reason why. You name your kid apple and what is next?? Banana??? Think before you name your children people!!!!!!
@King_of_Sexytown i’d be happier to see a kid named Banana than Apple. at least its funny
Izzy Skenazy. Little boy who made headlines when he got permission to ride the subway alone and did just that. Was on the Penn and Teller Bullshit episode about Stranger Danger.
@King_of_Sexytown Are you freaking kidding me? Cash is actually a surname, and is used interchangable as a first name…just as names like Tyler, Parker, and others (I’m blanking on more examples) I did not name my child after money, and there are plenty of noun first names.
Oh and just because you name your child something doesn’t mean you should expect it to be made fun of. Why would I assume a mature adult would poke fun at anyone for something like another persons name? You just sound like a bully.
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How about Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Emuukha Rodan and Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen? The Zappa kids. Yes, those are their names.
And, ahem, my vote goes for Rufus.
Personally, I like traditional, classic, old-fashioned names the most.
haha, I was wondering who the mod was..just figured it out ;)
@casheroo You could have asked me. I would have told you I did it.
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Okay, so do people really like the name Nevaeh?
@deni: What’s wrong with Bentley? That’s one of my favorite names. :( (Right up there with Lincoln and Cash!)
I know a girl who named her daughter Aurora Gwenevere. That’s the sort of thing I’d name a character but not a real person. It sounds like a special needs Disney Princess to me. And I hate that spelling of the middle name. Poor kid. She’ll be in fourth grade before she can say her own name. Hell, I’m in my mid-20s and I have trouble saying it…
I think the most “unusual” names of people I know personally are ones that are usually used for the opposite gender. I know girls named Sean and Mike, and boys named Ashley and Shannon.
@Casheroo, Well, shit. I read the “unusual” name part of the question and missed the “cool” part. Honestly, I don’t care for it.
If I had to pick, I’d say Ryan for a girl. I’ve always liked it.
Galaxie- her dad was a car dealer.
@casheroo : Thank you! I know what you mean- I think we used our one good name on our first boy, now we’re out of ideas.
I think I’m the only person on Earth who thinks Apple was a cute name. Nobody flips their shit when babies are named Rose, Candy, Jasmine, Cadence, Raven, etc. But Apple! Holy balls, where’s the Pope!? What an absurd name gasp! Names are names, and I happen to think that unique ones are charming, even “nouns” as long as the noun itself is a pleasing object and sounds nice. I wouldn’t name my kid Noxema or anything.
I like Danger. No really, I do. The skinny boxer wannabe kid in Million Dollar Baby was named Danger and I’ve thought it was cool ever since.
@ubersiren: I think “Apple” is really cute, too. And I would absolutely give “Danger” as a middle name. I’m a geekster like that, though.
I like “Apple”, too. And “Danger” as a middle name would totally rock.
@augustlan I keep thinking the little sprig of holly on your picture is a speck of dirt on my screen.
@ubersiren lol, so do I. I had to go to her profile because it was playing tricks on me!
@casheroo When did I say anything about adults?? If it is a normal name and even rhymes with something dirty like poop or fart or something kids will make fun of it. The last thing a child needs is the parent to make it worse by giving it a name like pilot inspektor. In fact someone name his daughter “Chrystal“after Chrystal Meth. People don’t seem to put a whole shitload of thought into names anymore. And who cares anyway??? After all they’re only permanent.
I am currently in Greece, where names are real words (not just words that came from words that came from other words).
Some fairly common names:
Θεόδωρος/Θεοδώρα=God’s present
oh and I almost forgot my best friend, Σμαράγδα=Emerald!
slightly less common
Ζαχαρίας/Ζαχαρένια=Made of Sugar
Μελίτα=Made of Honey
Νεκτάριος/Νεκταρία=Made of Nektar
Χριστόφορος=Bringer of Christ
Θεόφιλος=God’s Friend
Surnames can also be funny, I know a guy called Farmer Dragon, and a girl called Mary Condom.
@King_of_Sexytown How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?
Have a little respect.
There’s this guy who lives in my neighborhood – first name Weiner, last name Cadet….Weiner Cadet! How cruel were those parents!
@Ansible1 That is the point I have been trying to make this whole time!!! It’s one thing to name some kid and then have nothing that matches it. But when you have people like Rob Morrow who named his daughter “Tu” just for the sole sake of having a daughter named Tu Morrow that’s just mean and messed up. That name will follow her for life now. That’s like giving your kid a middle finger before they even start life.
@jmah It’s in my profile. It’s actually not bad reading material. I mean, for like if you’re in the bathroom or something. Otherwise it’s just… eh.
@MacBean It will still be on your birth certificate.
@jmah Yep. And I’m changing my name to Betty. You can even check it again in a minute. I’m gonna.
@MacBean yeck, i just dont like it. it isn’t as bad as mercedes, but it’s still bad. then again i’ve known people named both and they are both prissy, spoiled, catered to little rich girls so i suppose i assume all people with those names are like that. which obviously isn’t true, but if you name your kid mercedes…well. its just a bad start.
@King_of_Sexytown Celebrities ≠ people. Celebrities do not represent people. The handful of people you’re referring to ≠ people.
@ubersiren They kinda do. I know all kinds of people that name their children all sorts of screwed up things. I only used celebrities cos you don’t know the people I know in real life so the celebrity references would be more relatable. Someone from my high school has a daughter who is named after a tree that I have no clue how to spell. Based on the fact she dropped out of high school I am sure she prolly doesn’t either. So not only is it messed up but likely misspelled too.
Wow I never expected to get this many responses!! Wow!
@King_of_Sexytown Are you trying to say I named my son has a “messed up name”?
It’s actually pretty common:
Popularity of the male name Cash
Year of birth Rank
2008 253
2007 329
2006 381
2005 680
2004 797
2003 968
@ubersiren @casheroo Maybe I should have gone for a Santa hat this year. So many people have told me they thought it was a bug!
@King_of_Sexytown: My name’s a tree. Not a difficult one to spell, though. (Rowan.) Is the tree name you’re thinking of Acacia, maybe?
@MacBean Nope. Starts with an “s”. I can say it. Maybe I should try to google how to spell it.
@casheroo Make as big a deal of it as you want. That’s sorta how this got started anyway. You made a huge deal out of my name suggestion when I wasn’t even joking in the first place. J.C. Penney’s full name was James Cash Penney. Cash and Penney or Penny or whatever don’t sound that bad together. So I thought for a girl it might work. And as for how “messed up” it is I already mentioned your son in my response involving Rob Morrow. I still stand by what I said about people naming children after random words though, celebrity or otherwise.
@King_of_Sexytown: I was about to say I couldn’t think of a single S tree that would make an even marginally acceptable name (I was coming up with things like sourgum and spruce and sumac) but then I thought of Sequoia. Is that it?
That looks like it might be right. ((checks google page)) Yeah that’s it. Twas the one they named the car after and that’s what I was using to look at. Yep… 4 vowels in a row. There is no way in hell she spelled it right. I am gonna see her on Christmas and I will check then. My bet is on the “u” or the “o” being missing.
@jfos @erichw1504 Yes I am serious , and yes it belonged to a guy I know . Actually it was a surname , which is worse . Imagine what his mom had to go through , being addressed as Mrs Novagina .
Growing up, I had a friend who’s father’s given name was Semen.
And there was Barbara Fatt, whose wedding announcement to Andrew Heine appeared in the NYT.
If I ever get married, it’ll be a Fatt-Heine wedding, no matter what our surnames are.
edit: whose (no one pounced on me for that? Shame.)
I’ve been awake for 26 hours. You probably could’ve spelled it “hooze” and I wouldn’t have noticed the difference at this point!
@gailcalled LAWL!!! I noticed. I just haven’t been here long enough to know fluther ettequitte on that so I just left it alone. In fact I guarantee I misspelled ettequitte back there so who cares??
My dad once told me this story about two students he had, brother and sister, last name Pigg. Their parents had named them Shisa and Heesa Pigg. I wonder what those people were on when they named their kids…
At work (I look at people’s cell phone accounts) I came across a woman named Nancy Dancy.
Nancy Dancy. I’d hate to have that name.
Yeah, and she was a bitch, so I was like “Yes, Nancy Dancy, I’ll get my manager for you…”
@Jack79 how do you pronounce the greek word for Emerald my name!
I know a girl named Mage =)
I think her parent’s must be the coolest people ever. I’d love to have that name. =P
Mage and Cash sound pretty good together. Just sayin’.
I always thought I’d name my daughter Sage… but the names you pick out as a teenager seem to change when you’re actually pregnant.
I always like River for a boy or Meadow for a girl. I have a friend who is due to give birth to a girl in 7 weeks and she is naming her baby Poppy.
I used to want to name my future daughter Saffron.
My roommate through most of college is named Colure. I really love it- it’s pretty, easy to say and pronounce (although people still mess it up), and doesn’t sound too out there.
@casheroo I think it’d be a cute boys or girls name.
a girl my brother went to school with was named destiny heaven,
and i went to school with a pontiac and a geronimo…..and my cousin dated a hiawatha…..justsaying
In the newspaper a few years back, twins were named “Fish and Chips”. I wish I was joking, I really do!
My niece, pre-birth, called her in-utero twins “rice” and “beans.” After they were born, they became Sarah and Joseph.
@gailcalled Haha, awesome! Glad that the twins got more typical names, for their own sakes, but “rice” and “beans” I’m sure would make great nicknames!
My sister just had a baby whose father is Bangladeshi, so they wanted to give her a name that was slightly exotic but not “too crazy.” They decided to name her Avia Mei, which I think is lovely :D
@ParaParaYukiko: That name (lovely, as you say) has an echo of the Ave Maria. Hail, Mary, in Latin.
@gailcalled You’re right! That’s so interesting; I’ve never noticed it. “Avia” comes from the Latin word “avis” meaning “bird” (aviation, aviary, etc) and Mei is a Japanese word for brightness and clarity (her father lived in Japan for most of his childhood).
I like that the name sounds like Ave Maria, although she won’t be raised religiously. Some of the most gorgeous choral pieces use the text of the Ave Maria prayer.
I once shared a class with an Alida and a Zurab.
Honestly? My own
Officially it is Thalahitiyagamaralalage
It is a generation name thing in Sri Lanka. (But I have a shorter name dont worry!)
My daughter has a friend who was born on Shrove Tuesday- her middle name is Pancake!!!!
Marie-Neige. It’s common in Québec to name girls Marie something or another; Marie-Blanche, Marie-Soleil, Marie-Noelle, but I personally had never heard Marie-Neige before. Neige means snow in French, so it might seem a little odd to English speakers but I think it’s pretty.
In Dragon Quest VIII you meet Cash and Carrie, NPCs, and adopted children of the owner of the Baccarat casino.
@Symbeline: There is a fictional character, wife of a detective inspector from Montreal, whose name is Marie-Reine. I can’t remember the author, but I love the name.
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