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Blackberry's avatar

50 Million Roman shades and roll up blinds recalled due to kids being strangled, what do you think?

Asked by Blackberry (34433points) December 15th, 2009

I think it’s cool someone is finally doing something, but how much do you think is the fault of the parents and how much is the fault of the blinds? I’m neutral on this subject, I know there are bad parents and bad products.

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36 Answers

CMaz's avatar

Sometimes, shit happens.

Not because of anyone’s negligence.

It is a good thing that a re-call has been done.

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

better than turning a “blind eye ”

HumourMe's avatar

50 million Roman shades and blinds being recalled. I think that’s a bit excessive, it’s not the products fault. The parents should be more responsible and either decide whether they should or shouldn’t buy them if they have children. But not everyone who buys them has children so why recall a product that is no problem to those without kids?

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

Natural selection if you ask me.
@The_Anonymous_Witch LAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CMaz's avatar

@The_Anonymous_Witch – You crazy witch! LOL

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

arnt they called “hanging” shades ?

coffeenut's avatar

big fan of natural selection
100% parents fault.
unless the blinds reached out and grabbed the kids as they walked by…

thriftymaid's avatar

It’s beyond me why, even kids, wrap cords around their necks. Do you think the parents help?

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@coffeenut Never know. They might.

jonsblond's avatar

14 years ago I left my 3 year old son alone in his room for just a minute, if that. You think they would be safe in their own room, right? No sharp objects, electrical outlets covered. I’m not a bad parent :(. I walked in to find him trying to pull himself away from the window, the cord from the blind was wrapped around his neck. I got to him just in time. This was when the cord was just one long loop, not how they are now with two long cords not connected.

I think the recall is a good thing.

HumourMe's avatar

@jonsblond I’m sorry for that incident you described but don’t you think it is the parents responsibility to not purchase the blinds knowing it’s risks and dangers? What about the people who don’t have children and just want to buy the blinds? Isn’t it unfair to recall 50 million blinds and deprive them of the opportunity to purchase them?

I mean almost every household item has an element of danger to it. Why not recall everything that is deemed unsafe? Why single out Roman shades and roll-up blinds? I can name dozens of other unsafe items in the household that cause way more injuries than blinds. Perhaps the parents taking more responsibility and not blaming the product would seem more logical.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I don’t have kids yet and I still cut all the cords to a shorter length when I put blinds up. Why don’t parents take the safety precautions necessary to prevent these things from happening to their kids?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Kids are curious, but not all things can be controlled. Your house should be safe.. but not a building with padded interior and decked out with every safety product known to man..

In everything.. moderation.

The company has no choice but to recall.. not that they care if they actually get them all back and prevent injury.. but to cover their ass and say “we told you so” .. should it happen again..

jonsblond's avatar

@HumourMe It’s not like the blinds will never be available to purchase again. When this happened to my son it was the early 90s, before the first recall that led to the replacement of the long loop cord. I made every effort to make sure my son’s room was safe. I didn’t even think about the blinds being an issue. A recall will bring awareness to the problem and give us a safer product. I’m not the type of person that is going to sue McDonald’s for spilled coffee on my lap, but if a product can be made safer for children I don’t see what the problem is with fixing it.

Naked_Homer's avatar

To suspect the kids tried to put the cord around their neck is a stretch. There is an infinite large number of things that can go wrong. All you can do is your best.

I would like to see the specifics of the recall. It could be that there was no clip or inclusion of a device that allowed for the parents to coil up the long cord so as to avoid a strangulation. Every blind on the market isn’t being recalled as far as I can tell. Perhaps this was just the companies choice for reasons only they know like the real reason is if you pull the cord the blinds fall (kidding).

Jewel's avatar

This is not a new issue. It has been known about and warned about since the first death. I don’t know how long ago that might have been, but venitian blinds have been around forever, and roman shades, longer than that. I feel that this is a case of clueless people looking for someone to blame and someone to keep them safe. They have no concept of self-responsibility, and now the makers of these shade, which have ample warnings on them when purchased, will have to be the scapegoat for people too dense to read the warnings stuck and clipped on every blind they sell. Sheesh.

King_of_Sexytown's avatar

@Jewel These are the same people who are the reason why I own a chainsaw with two warning labels…. “Not to be used for juggling” and “Not to be used on testicles”. Not even making that up.

Jewel's avatar

@King_of_Sexytown, I believe you. Litigation and a society that feels that it has the right to be coddled have made it all nuts. Everyone has to cover their asses to avoid being ruined by idiots that use a chainsaw on their testicles and then decide to sue because they can no longer reproduce. Personally, I think we should give the saw manufacturer an award and some kind of large monetary prize for improving the species.

nebule's avatar

I’ve read a few of the above posts and actually felt a little sick…. @The_Anonymous_Witch and @thriftymaid….parents simply can’t watch their children all the time… I’m sure any parent that has lost their child to a tragic thing such as this would feel a huge amount of unnecessary guilt.

jonsblond's avatar

@lynneblundell I agree with you. I’m ready to stop following. I was scared to death when I walked into the room and found my son choking. It is a moment I’ll never forget and it hurts to see people joking about “natural selection”. Oh well, it obviously wasn’t my son’s time to go. He’s high honors in high school and a great person all around. He’s here for a reason.

Naked_Homer's avatar

@jonsblond and @lynneblundell – don’t go. Some people are just wandering and looking to make some jokes. Ignore them.

coffeenut's avatar

I’m not joking, I’m 100% serious, natural selection is the only way humanity can survive
and yes some cases are just “shitty” luck…but 99% can be avoided.

Jewel's avatar

@jonsblond and @lynneblundell. I did not mean it as a joke. I also did not mean that it was wonderful that kids are in danger. I meant it as in, If you spill hot coffee in your lap it will burn you and you have no right to sue or put McDonalds out of business over it because common sense would tell you that hot coffee is hot.
Of course a parent can’t watch a child all the time. But a parent who is aware of a danger can correct a problem, and most will. The information about these blinds is there and has been for decades. It isn’t the fault of the manufacturers that the warnings don’t get read or followed. 25 years ago I read the warning and made the changes to make the blinds safe.
My heart breaks for any parent who loses a child. I missed that awful bullet once and I know how it felt. I am not condoning letting the children of uninformed parents die off for betterment of the species. I am saying that everyone has a responsibility for the safety of their children. If a child dies due to negligence, it isn’t the fault of the company who made the product and adequately posted safety warnings. It is the responsibilty of the parent to check the safety of products.

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

@jonsblond @lynneblundell if you read back at my comments my jokes were a play on words , i made no mention of natural selection ,kids ,,, or even parents .
maybe thats the problem…“overlooking the warnings on the box ” or misreading instructions .

jonsblond's avatar

@Jewel I completely agree with you about personal responsibility and your hot coffee example. When this happened to my son in the 90s there were no warnings then about the cord on the blinds. I did everything that I thought I should to make my son’s room safe. Or so I thought. It was not long after this incident that a recall was made. I remember this recall very well because of what just happened to my son. If I had known about the danger I would have cut the cord into two pieces. I would also have taken full responsibility if anything had happened to my son. I would not have sued the company.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m amazed at the number of folks on this thread more concerned about a faceless corporation being sued than they are about the safety of a child. Go figure.

@coffeenut . . . care to share with us how you manage to keep dodging the bullet?

bea2345's avatar

You do your best, but children do the damnedest things. A relative of mine, when a boy, was fond of chocolate. There was a chocolate flavoured laxative, Ex-Lax, that was much favoured when we were young, and his mother used to keep it on a high shelf. One day, she came home to find that the lad, then three years, had beat the underside of the shelf with a broom handle until the vibrations knocked down the Ex-Lax. Then he ate nearly all of it. It is not known, to this day, why it did not kill him.

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

@jonsblond i can understand how you feel , my “joke” was here before you posted and it got serious . i would not enter a “joke” at this point in the thread .. i meant no disrespect to you… were noy even here yet.

Naked_Homer's avatar

@The_Anonymous_Witch – so your “joke” only became unfortunate when someone actually came on the thread with an experience that would warrant such a recall? Since it was the second post up there, even though jokes are frowned upon for serious topics until the topic has been dealt a fair share of serious answers, it didn’t occur to you that someone might have had a bad experience especially given the tags?

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

@Naked_Homer my first comment was a play on words ,,, but even so , supporting the fact of not turning a blind eye . if anything diricted at the company ,,, not in any way at parents .
i was not attacking anyone on this page ... but i suggest you read my comments carefully ,,, and not mix them up with others .... because i am more than willing to start any time !

Naked_Homer's avatar

@The_Anonymous_WitchPublic apology time while I don’t care if you threaten me about starting any time I do care that I wronged you and that I was an a#(*(^&. I apologize without reservation.

I am indeed sorry and all, please note it.

jonsblond's avatar

I appreciate @The_Anonymous_Witch mentioning that (she?) didn’t mean any disrespect with her jokes in the beginning of this thread. It really wasn’t her comments that upset me. I agreed with @lynneblundell about some of the posts making me feel sick, but I wasn’t specific about which posts that upset me. I was upset about some of the others mentioning “natural selection” and “improving the species”.

@Naked_Homer You are a friend and noticed that this was a topic that is very personal to me. Thank you.

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

ok ... cool down time .. all is forgivin .. i am sorry if i offended anyone . that was not my intent .. i think some just mixed answers and got one idea .. and me saying “i understand ”” showed a weak spot to counter on . a common fatal error to mix understanding with weekness.

The_Anonymous_Witch's avatar

thank you @jonsblond and @Naked_Homer ;-)

have a great day

Naked_Homer's avatar

@The_Anonymous_Witch – Nope me jumping on your saying “i understand” just showed that much more of my asseshness. Take that word and use it to describe me. “Have you seen Naked_Homer’s asseshness?”

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